Bottom fish - their features and fishing on some of them

Perhaps anyone who understands ichthyology or is simply interested in it knows that bottom fish exist. However, not everyone can name typical representatives of this vast family, as well as tell about the features of fishing on them.

Features of these fish

As the name implies, bottom fish live either at the bottom or near it. Some are able to dive to a depth of 200 meters and even more without harming themselves! Over millions of years of evolution, their bodies have adapted to enormous loads, capable of destroying any other creature in a matter of seconds.

Hiding flounder

Usually they have especially dense muscles. On the one hand, this allows you to withstand significant loads. On the other hand, it provides low buoyancy, makes it possible to freeze at the bottom, without moving at all. For many, this is extremely dangerous - not possessing high speed, they prefer to attack prey from an ambush. And for this it is necessary that gullible fishes swim quite close. Some (for example, slopes) even know how to bury themselves in silt, leaving only their eyes on the surface, which allows them to effectively attack prey.

By the way, it is the slopes and flounder that are the most adapted representatives of bottom fish. Indeed, they are pressed to the bottom not by the stomach, as many think, but sideways. Their eyes are shifted to one side of the body, many organs as a result of evolution have also shifted. The dorsal and ventral fins underwent a strong change, becoming as convenient as possible for swimming along the bottom and camouflage.

Representatives of bottom fish

All representatives of this family are usually divided into five groups - depending on the shape of the body and fins.

Deep fish look creepy

A thickened head, an elongated body, a curved back and large, powerful pectoral fins. This includes chain and cat catfish, some sturgeon.

  1. Small fish with a flat head and deformed pectoral fins, allowing not only to be fixed at the bottom so that they are not drifted by the current, but also to crawl along the ground. This category includes goby, as well as sucker fish.
  2. Small fish with a small head and an elongated body. Most often they hide in cracks and under stones in backwaters or stagnant water. The most common representatives are pepper and dog-like fish.
  3. Flat fish with an asymmetric body. The swimming bladder is absent. The eyes are located on one side of the body, and the mouth is on the other. The pectoral and dorsal fins are deformed, elongated, occupying the entire abdomen or back. The caudal fin may be conventional or also modified. This includes flounder and stingrays.
  4. Fish with massive heads, jaws and small, often very stretched bodies. They live at the greatest depths, feed mainly on carrion. The tail is thin, other fins are poorly developed. These are chimeras, bitite and long-tailed.
Stingray in shallow water

As you can see, the bottom fish of the ocean are very diverse and do not look alike. Each of them adapts to life in difficult conditions in its own way.

Bottom fish in Russia

Of course, there are representatives of this family in Russia. First of all, these are different types of gobies - they almost never rise from the bottom, preferring to hide under the stones or between them. They move very little, swim out of shelters only for a short period of time.

Common gudgeon

Also here you can include bream, carp, catfish, gudgeon, crucian carp. If necessary, they rise to the surface, lead an active lifestyle, but spend most of the time near the bottom - someone at great depths, and someone at shallow rifts. All of them have deformed mouths, perfect for licking silt from stones, collecting small insects or plant food from the bottom.

Donkey fishing

Fishing with a bottom fishing rod is one of the most fascinating and at the same time productive varieties of amateur fishing. Of course, it will be such if there are well-trained gear.

Their device is as simple as possible - not even a fishing rod is required. All tackle consists of a reel (plastic, wooden, foam or any other), fishing line, massive cargo and several hooks.

The fishing line should be quite strong - from 0.4 and more. After all, throwing a heavy load falls on a long distance - a thin fishing line may not withstand the load. In addition, the donka is often left and left for another fishing place, so the fishing line must withstand the jerks of the fish for a long time. Yes, and fishing with this method is usually on large individuals, and not on roach or ruff. On leashes (their number can vary significantly), a thinner fishing line is usually used - if the tackle snags on a snag, it is better to sacrifice with one hook than the whole donka. The optimal leash length is 15-25 centimeters.

A load can have a weight of 30 to 100 grams. It depends on the intensity of the current in a given place, as well as the casting distance.

Hooks are selected based on the size of the fishing fish and the bait used.

An experienced fisherman, alerting 5-10 donoks, can occupy a shore up to 50 meters wide. Of course, the catch in this case is usually rich.


This concludes our article. From it you learned about the features of bottom fish living in the oceans. We have also listed some representatives that are also found in our country. And at the same time we read about bottom fishing - be sure to try it if you want to return home with a rich catch.

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