How to pass an analysis on Helicobacter pylori

Thanks to television commercials today, everyone knows that the cause of ulcers and gastritis is the spiral bacterium Helicobacter pylori. But the fact that its presence in the body can be detected by passing an appropriate analysis is a revelation for many. So, what is this bacterium, who needs to worry about timely diagnosis and how pass analysis on Helicobacter pylori?

How does infection occur and to whom is the Helicobacter pylori test indicated?

Helicobacter pylori "lives" in the lower part of the stomach, tolerates the effects of gastric juice, and is transmitted through ... saliva. Therefore, infection, as a rule, occurs with close communication or using the same dishes. According to statistics, more than 60% of people living on our planet are infected with Helicobacter, but not everyone has health problems. Why? It all depends on the state of the immune system and the presence of risk factors: stress, bad habits, violation of diet.

Urgent diagnosis is needed for those who have the following symptoms:

  • heaviness in the stomach and heartburn;
  • pain in the stomach (especially if they pass after eating);
  • physical rejection of meat food.

At risk are also close to those who have helicobacteriosis.

How are Helicobacter pylori tests done?

Today, several diagnostic methods are used:

  1. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, during which the presence and number of antibodies (immunoglobulins) to Helicobacter pylori is detected and counted.
  2. Breathing urease test.
  3. Detection of DNA fragments of Helicobacter pylori in feces by polymerase chain reaction (antigen analysis).
  4. Biopsy with cytology for fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

The most accurate of all studies is a biopsy, and the rest of the tests are usually prescribed in combination - this increases the chances of obtaining a reliable result.

A blood test for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori: how and when to take it?

Blood should be donated in the morning, on an empty stomach. Material for research is taken from a vein into a special test tube with a gel that accelerates the separation of plasma.

How is a Helicobacter pylori respiratory test taken?

The breathing test is carried out on an empty stomach and consists of taking samples of air exhaled by the patient to determine the proportion of carbon dioxide that is obtained by cleaving the urease (this is an enzyme produced by a bacterium). Before the procedure, it is not recommended to smoke and drink water , you can only brush your teeth, but you can not use a mouth rinse or breath freshener.

How is fecal analysis for Helicobacter pylori given up?

Feces are collected at home and delivered to the laboratory in a special container. The sample should be free of impurities (urine, bile, pus, blood, mucus, etc.).

How is a mucosal test taken for Helicobacter pylori in FGDS?

A biopsy with fibrogastroduodenoscopy is done in the morning in a hospital setting, on an empty stomach . During the procedure, with the help of special equipment, a visual examination of the stomach from the inside is performed, and then samples of the mucous membrane are taken.

Preparation for the analysis for Helicobacter pylori: features

Preparation for analysis depends on the diagnostic method.

  1. You do not need to specially prepare for a blood sampling. The main thing is not to eat fatty foods on the previous day, not to drink alcohol and arrive at the point of delivery of tests in time.
  2. Preparation for the urease test involves the rejection of any medications that reduce the secretion of gastric juice (you need to stop taking the drugs 2 weeks before the analysis!), Alcohol ( 3 days before the study ) and products that cause increased gas formation ( the day before the test ).
  3. Before the analysis of feces, it is necessary to exclude from the diet (3 days before the sampling) foods with a high content of dietary fiber, medicines that stimulate the intestines, as well as stop using medical candles and do not put enemas.
  4. FGDS is done on an empty stomach (smoking is also not allowed!). In this case, the time interval between the last meal and the procedure should be at least 12 hours .

Important! Antibiotics can distort the results of any tests, so you need to stop taking the drugs a week before the studies.

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