What is dysontogenesis?

Dysontogenesis is a condition in which deviations from normal personal development are observed at a certain period of life. It can occur at any age. There are several types of this condition: asynchrony, retardation, and regression. Let's consider them in more detail.


dysontogenesis is

Regression is the loss of some skills, roughly speaking, a return to the previous age level. It can be both temporary and permanent, in which damage to a particular function is observed. The first type, for example, is the loss of the ability to move independently and take care of yourself. These violations may be the result of a somatic disease suffered in early childhood.


Retardation is a delay or pause in mental development. It can be of two types: full (in other words, general) and partial (in other words, partial). In the second case, there is a delay or pause in the formation of individual personality functions. All types of dysontogenesis are dangerous, but many believe that this is the worst.


types of dysontogenesis

Asynchrony is a disturbed, "asymmetric", uneven mental development. In this case, there is a significant advance in the formation of certain personal qualities and a strong delay in the timing and maturation rate of other properties. As a result, this becomes the basis of an uneven personality structure, and indeed the psyche. It must be understood that this condition, both in a qualitative and in a quantitative sense, does not resemble physiological heterochrony, in other words, the formation of cerebral functions, as well as structures at different time periods.

Classification by V.V. Lebedinsky

The classification of dysontogenesis, which was created by V.V. Lebedinsky, distinguishes the following types: complete mental underdevelopment, as well as frozen, damaged, deficient, distorted and uneven development.

Complete mental underdevelopment

classification of dysontogenesis

What is the first? A complete pause in mental development, observed with lesions of gray matter in the early stages. It occurs quite often. Lesions are hereditary, patrimonial, intrauterine and received shortly after birth. Thus, underdevelopment is primary and comprehensive. Higher functions (especially speech and mind) are strongly distorted, and also oppressed, although to a lesser extent, elementary (the ability to remember, feelings, voluntary perception, motor skills). It should be noted that all types of dysontogenesis are definitely not good.

Frozen mental development

Frozen mental development is a decrease in the speed of formation of the spheres responsible for emotions and cognitive function. It is often found. A person seems to freeze at an early stage of development. This is a real tragedy for both him and his relatives. Often the development freezes due to hereditary reasons, as well as due to chronic ailments, poisoning, infections, damage to the gray matter. But that is not all. Sometimes psychogenic factors, for example, a difficult childhood, are to blame. If up to three years a child is brought up in poor conditions, this can have a negative impact on his future life. In particular, he may develop infantilism. Mental dysontogenesis is really terrible.

Damaged mental development

types of dysontogenesis

Damaged development is a consequence of infectious diseases, poisoning, injuries of the central nervous system, metabolic and degenerative hereditary ailments of the brain and is characterized by transient disorders. This condition should not be confused with oligophrenia. It differs from the latter in that the baby begins to develop on time and correctly, but then something happens to him, for example, he becomes infected, gets poisoned, suffers damage to the gray matter, and after that he experiences disturbances. Be sure to be traced the relationship between the shock and mental disturbance. Dysontogenesis is a real problem requiring timely action.

Deficit Mental Development

Deficit development is a consequence of the initial inferiority of some systems: musculoskeletal, vision, speech, hearing. The risk group also includes children with cerebral palsy and some somatic ailments that limit a person's capabilities (cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma, endocrine diseases, etc.). Dysontogenesis is a condition often found in babies with poor health.

Distorted mental development

mental dysontogenesis

The distorted type is an intricate set of general underdevelopment, the frozen, damaged, and accelerated development of some functions of the psyche, entailing a combination of peculiar pathological formations that are not characteristic of species included in the clinical picture. This is a fairly common violation.

Uneven mental development

Uneven mental development in many ways is similar to distorted. But the basis for its formation is not the current painful condition, which entails all kinds of violations of interfunctional connections at different time periods, but the disproportion of the psyche, mainly in the volitional and emotional planes. Such uneven development occurs in many children. It must be understood that dysontogenesis is a violation in which a person often becomes incapacitated, which means that he needs special support. Well, if relatives are able to assume such responsibility.

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