Today, urogenital chlamydia is one of the common STDs. However, these bacteria can affect not only the genitourinary system. Chlamydia can be causative agents of conjunctivitis, proctitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, arthrosis and many other diseases.
There are several types of these bacteria that can parasitize in the human body. For example, Chlamydia psittaci cause ornithosis, infection from animals and birds.
Chlamydia pneumoniae is the cause of pharyngitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis and other respiratory diseases. The most unpleasant species is Chlamydia trachomatis. There are 15 species. These bacteria can cause trachoma, venereal lyphogranulomatosis, urogenital chlamydia, affect the reproductive system of women and men, causing severe complications.
If the body has chlamydia, the symptoms depend on which organ they affected. Moreover, a feature of this disease is that it may not manifest itself for a long time. Also, the symptoms can be so slight that a person simply does not attach importance to them.
Chlamydia can affect various organs, but most of all they "love" the cylindrical epithelium of the genital tract. In this case, they cause urethritis, cervicitis, prostatitis, epididymitis, salpingitis and other diseases.
If the urogenital tract is affected by chlamydia, the symptoms may be as follows:
- discharge (mucopurulent);
- itching, burning in the genitourinary organs;
- pain during urination, it becomes frequent;
- pain in the perineum and scrotum;
- obstruction of the fallopian tubes and possible infertility;
- abdominal pain, worse before menstruation.
If these phenomena are present, then it is necessary to go to the doctor urgently. However, given the prevalence of this disease and its propensity for a latent course, regular examination should be performed, including for other STDs. This is especially true for young people who often change partners.
Mostly chlamydia enter the human body through sexual contact. Moreover, this occurs with oral and anal contact. But there is also a household way. In addition, a sick woman during childbirth can infect a baby. Usually, vision and respiratory organs are affected .
Chlamydia in children, symptoms:
- purulent discharge from the eyes, the cornea is not damaged (chlamydia of the eyes);
- pneumonia of newborns (shortness of breath, cyanosis, seizures, lack of fever, chronic course).
In adults, ophtolmochlamidiosis manifests itself in the form of exacerbations several times a year, which pass on their own. If the respiratory system is affected, frequent colds with prolonged coughing and complications occur. The disease has a chronic relapsing course.
Girls can develop vulvovestibulovaginitis when infected with chlamydia. It is accompanied by secretions, itching in the genital tract, frequent urination.
As a result of unprotected anal sex in the rectum, chlamydia can begin to parasitize, the signs of this are as follows:
Diagnosis of these bacteria in the human body is carried out using PCR, culture, PIF, RNIF, ELISA, microscopy. It is necessary to treat chlamydia, the symptoms of which may be absent, in a complex.
In addition to antibiotics, vitamins and restorative drugs are prescribed. During treatment, you can not have sex and drink alcohol. The effectiveness of therapy is necessarily monitored by analysis. Sowing, PCR and IgA should be negative, and the IgG titer should decrease by several times.
Thus, chlamydia, the symptoms of which may be absent, must be treated. Without the necessary therapy, they can cause infertility and other diseases. Treatment should be comprehensive, with monitoring.