Neurologist, Penza: patient reviews, list of specialists, qualifications

Looking for a good neurologist in Penza according to patient reviews is the right decision. Of course, in such a responsible profession, the experience of a doctor, the level of qualification, and the availability of a degree are important. However, you can be a professor, but at the same time an unpleasant person, and in fact in the neurological diseases the right approach also plays a very important role. You can read the list of the best Penza neurologists, reviews about them, as well as professional data later in this article.

Chizh D.I.

Daria Chizh

The best pediatric and adult neurologist in Penza, according to reviews, can be considered a young specialist Daria Ivanovna Chizh. She has been in the profession for only five years, but has already developed a large base of regular customers and a lot of positive comments on the Internet. They write that Daria Ivanovna works very competently, modernly and honestly. She is ready to explain in detail and clearly each appointment, she never abuses strong drugs. She communicates tactfully and correctly with adults, affectionately with children, in their language, leaving the most favorable impression after admission.

The neurologist Chizh works in two branches of the clinic "Clinic" - on the street Antonova, 47, and on the street Suvorov, 122a.

Zharkov I.G.

Igor Zharkov

A neurologist of the highest category, as well as a reflexologist and manual - all this is Igor Gennadievich Zharkov, who has been successfully working by profession for more than 30 years and is the head of the neurological department in the city clinic. In their reviews, patients write the following: broken, unhappy, exhausted by many months or even many years of pain, they felt better after the initial consultation with Igor Gennadievich. With his kindness, sincerity and interest, he inspires people with hope for a speedy recovery and always lives up to their expectations thanks to rich experience and professionalism.

In addition to the already mentioned city polyclinic on Pionerskaya street, 2, an appointment with a neurologist Zharkov can be made in the hospital number 2 on Parkova street 3.

Knyazkina Yu.A.

Julia Knyazkina

Julia Alexandrovna Knyazkina is a neurologist of the first qualification category and has been successfully conducting her practice for 13 years. Among the pluses of Yulia Alexandrovna, in their comments, patients most often refer to the breadth of profile. Thanks to an in-depth study of Parkinson's disease, migraines, dementia and other neurological problems, Julia Alexandrovna quickly and accurately sets the correct diagnosis and immediately begins to heal, not missing time in the process of incorrect or ineffective therapy.

Where can I contact the neurologist Knyazkina for help?

  • Clinic "Clinic" on the street Stasov, 7-b.
  • Medical center "Private practitioner" on the street of Glory, 7.
  • Hospital number 2 on the street Parkova, 3.
  • Hospital number 3 on the street Volodarsky, 36.

Papkina E.F.

Elena Fedorovna Papkina, according to reviews, a Penza neurologist with a very good reputation. She has the highest qualification category of a doctor and 28 years of experience. Despite the fact that Elena Fedorovna works with patients of all ages, the reviews mostly write about her work with children. They note the ability to find an approach to even the most difficult and moody children, and with neurological problems they are almost all of them. Parents write that the kids themselves are drawn to Elena Fedorovna, and she quickly and efficiently examines them, subsequently effectively eliminating all ailments.

Elena Fedorovna Papkina conducts her practice as an adult and pediatric neurologist in the Inmed clinics on 3k Rachmaninova Street, and the Talisman on 45 Pushkin Street.

Filina E.V.

Elena Filina

Another very good adult and pediatric neurologist in Penza, according to reviews, Elena Viktorovna Filina is a specialist of the highest category with 20 years of experience. Judging by the reviews, patients really like the slow pace of Elena Viktorovna in determining the diagnosis. She never hurries, thoroughly conducts an examination, carefully re-reads the medical history, awaits analysis, and all this, without expressing a single assumption. Why thicken paints? Not wanting to scare the patients ahead of time or, conversely, to reassure patients, she makes an accurate and unmistakable diagnosis only after a complete medical history has been collected.

Where does the neurologist Filin take?

  • Clinic "Talisman" on the street Pushkin, 45.
  • Clinic "Medmix" on the street Antonova, 18.
  • Children's hospital named after Filatov on Bekeshskaya street, 43.

Chursina G.A.

Galina Chursina

Judging by the numerous positive reviews, in Penza, an adult neurologist and a neurosurgeon of the highest category, Galina Alekseevna Chursina, also cannot be ignored. The specialist has been working by profession for 26 years. She is equally praised in reviews as a therapist and as a talented surgeon with golden hands, not only the amount of knowledge in her and general medical field, but also wonderful human qualities.

You can make an appointment with a neurologist Chursina in the clinic "Medical Clinic" on Stasova street, 7-b.

Adaeva O.S.

Olga Sergeevna Adaeva is a neurologist of the highest category with 15 years of experience. Patients write that Olga Sergeyevna is not just a doctor, but a doctor with a capital letter and that getting to her appointment is a great success. This is true, because, judging by the reviews, you need to sign up with this specialist in a month, or even two. But if time suffers, the expectation is always justified, because it works very competently, professionally and accurately.

Neurologist Adaeva is always ready to receive her patients at the Regional Children's Hospital named after Burdenko on 28 Lermontov Street.

Semechkin V.B.

According to reviews, the neurologist of Penza Semechkin Vladimir Borisovich is a very good and professional doctor. This is not surprising, given that he has the highest category and a significant 35-year work experience. Among the reviews there are words that Vladimir Borisovich became the second father, this is written by patients to whom the neurologist literally saved his life. Most often, his faith is noted even in the most difficult patients, he fights for their health with amazing dedication and always succeeds, even if previous specialists have long given up.

An appointment with an adult and pediatric neurologist Semechkin can be made in one of the branches of the clinic "Clinic" - on the street Antonova, 47, and on the street Stasova, 7-b.

Evstifeev V.I.

Valery Evstifeev

A huge, 44-year work experience, the highest qualification category and numerous grateful reviews from the neurologist Penza Valery Ivanovich Evstifeev. He practices as a neurosurgeon. Valery Ivanovich is one of those whom patients boldly and sincerely call a doctor from God. He perfectly treats therapeutically, skillfully and accurately operates and morally supports throughout the treatment very skillfully and from a pure heart.

You can make an appointment with a neurologist Evstifeev in the following institutions:

  • Clinic "Clinic" on the street Stasov, 7-b.
  • Medical center "World of Health" on Proletarsky Prospekt, 3.
  • Burdenko Regional Hospital on Lermontov Street, 28.

Pavlova O.I.

Olga Pavlova

Judging by the reviews, the neurologist of Penza Pavlova Olga Igorevna should contact, even if all the previous doctors - no matter how many there were - shrugged their hands and called the case hopeless. This specialist has the highest category and 34 years of experience, during which she solved more than one such "insoluble" problem. Many comments have been written about this on the Web, people sincerely thank Olga Igorevna for not leaving them in trouble, selflessly striving for the result, being in touch at any time of the day or night, behaving kindly and with dignity.

Adult and pediatric neurologist Olga Igorevna Pavlova works in the Medmiks clinic on 162 Ladozhskaya street, and in the Rastu Zdorovoy medical center on 15 Pushkina street.

Strogonova O.A.

In the reviews of the neurologist Penza Stroganova Olga Alekseevna - only good and kind words. This is a doctor of the highest category with 23 years of experience and one of the most frequently mentioned names on the forums of mothers, where she is advised as one of the best children's specialists. The same thing is written about working with adults and young patients: if you strictly follow absolutely all the recommendations of Olga Alekseevna, no matter how strange and unusual they may seem, recovery will not be long in coming. She does not explain each appointment, but those who have already obtained the desired result under her guidance subsequently implicitly trust her.

You can turn to a neurologist Strogonova for advice at the medical centers Eskulap on 21 Moskovskaya Street, and Ecology and Health on Slavy Street 10.

Gundarina O.V.

A lot of good reviews about the neurologist Penza Gundarina Olga Vladimirovna, a specialist of the highest category, who, in addition to neurology, also practices vertebrology. What exactly do patients write about Olga Vladimirovna’s work? Most often, her apparent indifference is noted - literally from the doorway, she plunges headlong into the client’s problem, asks a lot of questions, remembers everything verbatim, delves into the history of diseases. Of course, such meticulousness in the good sense of the word always bears fruit; Olga Vladimirovna unmistakably determines what causes anxiety and prescribes a comprehensive, but strictly individual treatment.

Gundarin's neurologist conducts his practice in the Medmiks clinic on 162 Ladozhskaya Street.

Salnikova D.A.

Diana Salnikova

You can not ignore the adult and pediatric neurologist Penza, according to reviews, one of the best - Diana Alexandrovna Salnikova. A specialist of the highest category with 24 years of experience from the first words disposes patients to himself, which they eagerly talk about in their comments. As is often the case with doctors of all-age practice, most write about work with children. In this case, they note the ability to mentally treat small patients and bring them into balance by their own kind, interested attitude.

The neurologist Salnikova works in the Health Center on 1/1 Novo-Ternovskaya Street, and in the Children's Clinic No. 7 on Pushanina Street, 20a.

Perezhogina E.O.

The shortest experience - only three years, already has a very worthy, according to reviews, neurologist Penza Perezhogina Ekaterina Olegovna, leading adult and children's practice. The youth of the specialist, as they write in the comments, first confuses everyone who turns to Ekaterina Olegovna. But during the course of the reception, and even more so during the treatment process, patients manage to make sure that age and length of service do not prevent her from being an excellent professional, and the freshness of her views and familiarity with modern treatment methods even help to provide effective help in a short time.

You can make an appointment with a neurologist Perezhogina in the city children's clinic on Mira Street 70, - the name should not confuse patients, despite the children's profile of the clinic itself, here Ekaterina Olegovna also accepts adults, which can be found in the registry.

Antropov A.Yu.

Andrey Antropov

The doctor of the highest category Andrei Yurievich Antropov, a professor of medicine, a neurologist, a psychiatrist and an epileptologist with a serious 36-year experience, has brilliant qualifications. In the reviews they write that the professionalism, experience and the old school of Andrey Yuryevich are felt in everything - intelligent behavior, an immense baggage of knowledge, a constant willingness to listen and help characterize this specialist perfectly.

The neurologist Antropov provides his consultation at the Clinic City diagnostic center on 30 Tambovskaya Street, as well as at the Evgrafov Psychiatric Hospital on 28 Lermontov Street.

Polikarpochkina N.V.

Nadezhda Polikarpochkina

The list of the best, according to reviews, Penza neurologists is a specialist of the highest category with 35 years of experience Nadezhda Polikarpochkina. First of all, I would like to note that the reviews about the work of Nadezhda Vasilyevna were written not only by the residents of Penza, but also by Moscow, St. Petersburg, and many other cities. This is due to the fact that Nadezhda Vasilyevna professionally works with a pressure chamber, and there are very few such specialists (like the pressure chambers themselves) in Russia. Already this "advancement" in their professional sphere alone makes us turn to Nadezhda Vasilievna again and again a large number of people.

Adult and pediatric neurologist Polikarpochkina works in the following places:

  • Clinic "MedMix Plus" on Ternovsky street, 214.
  • A branch of the above clinic on 8 Novy Kavkaz Street.
  • Medical Center "Healthy Children" on Karpinsky Street, 48.
  • Medical center "Barokom" on Victory Avenue, 69a.

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