St. John's wort is known for its outstanding properties. Very often people use it to treat a variety of diseases. Various tinctures, decoctions, and oil are prepared from this medicinal plant.
Hypericum perforatum belongs to the herbaceous perennial plants of the family Hypericum. It is found in Russia, Ukraine, European countries. The medicinal properties of St. John's wort were seen in ancient times. They were used in Russia and in medieval Europe. In European countries, St. John's wort was called the grass of John the Baptist.
How to make hypericum oil? This will be discussed in the article. For the preparation of medicines, the upper parts of the plant are used during the flowering period. They are collected, dried, and then put into boxes or linen bags. So store all winter. To quality dry St. John's wort, you need to put it in a dry and ventilated place, for example, in the attic.
The composition of the plant includes such substances as saponin, carotene, ascorbic acid, various essential oils.
St. John's wort oil: application
This oil has a number of beneficial properties. The scope of its application is huge. It will help a person with a burn and a wound that does not heal for a long time. If St. John's wort oil is added to the bath, then this will help to improve the overall tone and health. You can get rid of insomnia and depression, recharge with optimism.
Stretched muscles are cured with linen towels soaked in St. John's wort oil. Nephrolithiasis is cured by taking two tablespoons of hypericum oil per day. Gastritis with high acidity is perfectly treated by taking two teaspoons of the drug per day. The entire course of treatment fits in about a month.
For human skin, St. John's wort oil is of particular importance. It can help very much for those with oily or combination skin by cleansing the sebaceous glands. Acne on the face will disappear after regular use of this oil. The main advantages of the remedy are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial properties. Dry skin with the help of this oil no longer loses moisture, and oily skin will not secrete fat in such an amount. The tool is an antioxidant, and it is able to slow down skin aging.
Hypericum oil, added to the evening bath, provides a healthy and sound sleep, and also relieves stress. If there are catarrh infections, then you can also use this tool. In the form of heat it is instilled into the nostrils.
Hypericum oil helps treat ulcers. Dry St. John's wort is mixed with oil, and a teaspoon of this drug is added to tea.
How to cook hypericum oil
How to make healing oil at home ? You need to take half a liter of refined, sea buckthorn or corn oil and heat it in a water bath. Before that, collect St. John's wort flowers or plant tops, chop. Then they need to be added to the oil and boiled for 30 minutes. After your product is ready, you need to remove it from the fire and put in a dark place. After three days, the oil can be used.
St. John's wort oil at home can be prepared according to the second recipe. Here you will need only 25 grams of flowers and plant tops. All this should be fresh, just collected. Crush the raw material in a mortar, then add it to the bottle with olive oil. The volume of the bottle is about half a liter. Then leave it in a warm place, and wait for the fermentation process to take place. Oil and water should separate. Then pour the mixture into bottles.
Other recipes for the preparation of hypericum
As mentioned above, in addition to oil from this plant, you can prepare other medicines. For example, alcohol tincture from St. John's wort is one of the popular folk remedies. It is prepared according to this principle: it is necessary to mix half a liter of vodka with dry St. John's wort grass. All this must be placed in a glass bottle and closed. The container is placed for 7 days in a cold place, then the resulting infusion is used for oral administration before and after a meal.
How to treat diseases of hypericum oil
How to cook St. John's wort oil at home, we already know. Now let's talk about the treatment with this tool. Although St. John's wort oil is a universal way of treating many diseases, it must be remembered that self-medication can be harmful to health. Before use, consult a specialist.
So, with the flu, you need to use one spoonful of St. John's wort oil per day. A sick sore throat should suck it.
The burn is also treated with St. John's wort oil. But before that, the wound must be treated with the help of infusion of vodka with celandine.
St. John's wort oil has imanin in its composition, which plays the role of an antiseptic, so processing with it can completely eliminate allergies.
Oil perfectly treats such ailments as stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease. To do this, hold a little funds in the mouth, then spit out and rinse the cavity with warm water. While brushing your teeth, you need to dip your toothbrush into a glass of hypericum oil. It will help to effectively clean the oral cavity and get rid of plaque.
Oil as a cosmetic
St. John's wort oil, the preparation of which does not take you much effort, can be an excellent tool in your cosmetic bag. It is known that natural medicines work well on human skin. Sometimes they bring more benefits than professional facial cosmetics. St. John's wort oil is often used in cosmetology, it has many useful properties.
This is a great tool for people with problem skin. St. John's wort oil helps cleanse the face of blackheads, dries out excessively greasy pores. It also has an excellent effect on abrasions, burns and cuts, contributing to their healing.
St. John's wort is often added to sunscreens and sunscreens. In this case, you need to calculate the proportions of adding the product well, because if you exaggerate the right amount, you can get burns.
Herpes simplex oil treatment
Many have encountered a phenomenon such as herpes. This disease in the form of small vesicles appears on the lips, has a viral nature. Herpes may not appear for a long time, but when the body weakens, it makes itself felt. The reason for its detection may be stress, malnutrition, infectious diseases. Also, the likelihood of its exacerbation is high during pregnancy.
The best option in this case is treatment with folk remedies. They are the most sparing. Many use hypericum oil. A tablespoon of St. John's wort herb is poured with sunflower oil. It is necessary to let it stand for a day, then strain and lubricate the affected areas.
Hypericum oil for hair
St. John's wort perfectly helps all types of hair. Many people use it to cure dandruff. To do this, prepare the following composition: two hundred grams of St. John's wort flowers are poured with a glass of vodka. The resulting product should be infused in a dark place for about 10 days. It is used to rub into the roots of the hair after washing the head.
Massage with St. John's wort oil will also bring a healing effect. It is rubbed into the roots of the hair, the head is wrapped in a terry towel and stays for two hours. Then the oil needs to be washed off.
Hypericum ointment
Hypericum oil is used to treat many diseases. Often with him prepare the so-called Christmas ointment. It is created on the basis of St. John's wort oil, willow and poplar buds, marigold flowers. The entire collection is placed in a glass half-liter jar, filled with refined sunflower oil.
Such a Christmas ointment is used to treat seborrhea on the head, as well as eczema. It does not take much time to prepare, usually two to three days. Therefore, this ointment is prepared if the patient needs help quickly.
Despite the fact that St. John's wort oil has many useful properties, there are certain contraindications. You can not get carried away by excessive use of the extract from this plant. The fact is that it contains poison, which in large quantities harms people. Therefore, before using St. John's wort and its oil, consult a doctor and take only the doses recommended by him. If you use too much, then you may experience an increase in blood pressure and narrow vessels. Also, with the treatment of St. John's wort, the body's sensitivity to light can significantly increase. Therefore, while undergoing treatment, avoid direct sunlight.
There are other contraindications. Treatment with hypericum oil cannot be carried out at the same time with tumor therapy. If you want to take St. John's wort oil, and at the same time take other medications, then you need a doctor's consultation. The fact is that the effect of St. John's wort can weaken the effect of other drugs.
Be healthy!