An infectious disease doctor is a very necessary profession. The fact is that he was one of the first to face the most dangerous diseases. It is this doctor who is able to stop the spread of infection, as well as conduct rational prevention of the development of such ailments in people of different ages.
What is the work of an infectious disease doctor?
This profession is quite complicated. The fact is that there are a huge number of infectious diseases that can lead to all kinds of complications, sometimes very, very serious.
It is this specialist who must have sufficient knowledge to be able to establish the fact of the presence of a disease, determine which microorganism caused the development of the disease, and also prescribe an individual course of treatment for each of the patients.
In addition to all this, the infectious disease doctor carries out activities that contribute to reducing the infection rate of the population. For this, universal vaccination is carried out. An infectious disease doctor is developing her schedules, as well as taking into account people who have already done the necessary vaccinations. In addition, he must convince patients of the usefulness and necessity of such preventive measures.
Reception of an infectious disease doctor in a clinic
To date, doctors in this specialty are consulted in almost every medical institution. As a result, the population has the opportunity to check for the presence of certain diseases. In addition, the infectious disease doctor is involved in preventive examinations. This procedure is of great importance, because it is aimed at preventing the transmission of infection from one person to another. Such a physical examination is mandatory for representatives of those professions that communicate daily with a large number of people. It is especially important to undergo such examinations for people working in the food industry and in medicine.
An infectious disease doctor is also developing measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of sexually transmitted infections. Most acute in this regard is the issue of HIV infection. This disease is one of the most complex social problems of our time. At the same time, the infectious disease doctor should not only talk about modern measures for the prevention and treatment of this disease, but also debunk the myths that exist about this disease today.
What is the complexity of the profession?The fact is that today there is a huge number of different pathogenic microorganisms that can cause the development of certain diseases. Moreover, the clinical manifestations of many of them are quite similar. An infectious disease doctor must "keep in mind" a huge amount of information. At the same time, almost every month, scientists discover new strains and varieties of microorganisms. So the infectious disease doctor must replenish his knowledge base almost constantly. At the same time, the resistance of many microorganisms to the main antibacterial drugs increases every year. So the representatives of this profession have to constantly find new combinations to overcome the infection.