Dicotyledonous weeds: varieties and features

Dicotyledonous weed - the scourge of field growers, gardeners and gardeners. He is not being planted, but he is growing. He is fought with all available means, and he survives. I wish cultural plants have such a will to live!

If you ask scientists, then dicotyledonous weeds are wild plants that live on agricultural land. If you ask summer residents and gardeners, then ... Probably, it is better not to repeat what they say.

Why are these weeds called dicotyledons? The name speaks for itself - their embryo has not one, but two cotyledons.

Like other plants, weeds are annual and perennial.

Representatives of annual dicotyledonous weeds

The most vivid and malicious representatives of their group:

  • Woodlouse, also known as asterisk. The growing season is short, not more than 2 months. It is capable of producing 2-3 generations per season. The stalk is creeping, branched. One plant produces about 15,000 seeds. Seeds live in the soil for 5–7 years. It can be rooted in the stem.
  • The radish is wild. Early spring weed. One of the first to appear on personal plots in the spring. It blooms from May to September. Seed germination in the soil is up to 15 years.
  • Cornflower blue. Beautiful dicotyledonous weed. Flowers of all shades of blue and purple. Likes cereal crops. One cornflower flower can produce 1,500 seeds. Germination in the soil - up to 10 years.
Blue cornflower
  • Highlander bird. In the middle lane it grows everywhere. It is steady against trampling and grows quickly. It has a long (60–70 cm) branched stem and a thick root.
  • Quinoa. Indicator of soil fertility. On poor soils does not grow. The most common species in Russia is spreading quinoa.
  • Field mustard. Annual dicotyledonous weed with yellow flowers up to 1 meter high. The plant is very prolific. It can produce 20,000 seeds, germination - up to 10 years.
  • Garden sow thistle. Plant with pale yellow flowers. It blooms from July to September. Height - up to 1 meter. Good honey plant.
Garden sow thistle
  • Shepherd's bag. Low, nondescript, but very productive weed. One plant produces from 50 to 70 thousand seeds that germinate at different times.

Annual weeds, of course, cause great harm and inconvenience. But the representatives of another group are much worse.

Dicotyledonous weeds

They take nutrients from cultivated plants and obscure them. Vegetables still do not have time to rise, and they already stick out above the surface of the soil. Meet - perennial dicotyledonous weeds.

  • Dandelion. Bright yellow handsome. It grows among cereals and garden crops. The root is long, pivotal. It blooms in May and June. Seeds are carried by the wind.
Few dandelions
  • Field bindweed (birch). Root weed. It blooms from June to mid-September. A plant can produce up to 10,000 seeds. Propagated by seeds and rhizomes.
  • Wormwood. The most bitter plant in Russia. It grows along roads, in vegetable gardens and forest edges. Height - from 50 cm to 2 m. Propagated by seeds.
  • Hogweed of Sosnowski. The most harmful dicotyledonous weed. Very large: from 1 to 5 meters. Seeds remain viable for 2-3 years. The roots can be at a depth of 2 meters.
Hogweed of Sosnowski
  • Common somnolence. Up to 1 meter high. The plant grows very much. It grows only in rich soils. Distributed throughout the middle lane.
  • Mayweed. It can be either annual or biennial. The flowers are white with a yellow center. It does not have a characteristic odor for daisies.

Scramble - Man Against Weeds

In the fight against annual dicotyledonous weeds, efficiency is important. If you do not let them conceive, you can completely rid your site of uninvited guests in 2-3 years.

With long-term representatives of its class, this method will not work.

Techniques and methods of struggle

Let's list the ways to deal with dicotyledonous weeds:

  • Mechanical. Depending on the size of the plot, a hoe, plane cutter, cultivator, walk-behind tractor are used.
  • Chemical. Systemic and contact herbicides.
  • Biological. The use of biogenic preparations, phytopathogenic microorganisms and viruses. Use of birds.

You can use these methods of struggle individually or apply them alternately.

In small areas, mulching the soil with a dense, opaque material is good. In 1-2 years, you can get rid of almost all types of weed vegetation, although some weeds need more time.

A dicotyledonous weed is not only an unsolicited parasite. Among them are many medicinal plants. Many weeds like to eat pets.

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