How many calories are burned when swimming in the pool? Calorie Calculator

Swimming is perhaps the only sport that suits every person. Healthy, sick, adults, children, overweight, thin - anyone can engage in swimming. If you really want to lose weight, protecting yourself from possible injuries, you better sign up for a pool with a professional instructor who will help you in setting up the technique of performing movements and proper breathing for the first time.

Swimming time in the pool

Benefits of Pool Visits

Swimming will not only perfectly correct the figure, but also give the muscles a tone. In addition, this sport strengthens the heart, lungs, improves posture. Swimming trains all muscle groups at once, something that can never be achieved by doing another sport.

Take care of your health if you are in the pool for the first time, consult with an instructor, let him help you put in the equipment, advise on what deficiencies you need to work on and how many times a week to work out.

Another advantage of this sport is accessibility for busy people. You can choose your own swimming time in the pool. Early in the morning, the water will help to recharge your batteries for the whole day, and in the evening you will effectively tune into sleep.

Calorie expenditure

In addition, if you have a busy schedule, take a swim for half an hour and continue to do your own thing. Even a minimal amount of time will benefit both your figure and your health.

How many calories are burned when swimming?

The question that worries many people, mostly women, is about weight loss by swimming. We hasten to please you, because swimming takes a lot of energy. So, the cost of calories when swimming in the pool significantly exceeds the energy expenditure during classes in many other sports.

Calorie Calculator

How many calories are burned while swimming depends on the style you choose. You can combine several styles in one visit to the pool, if you are an amateur and do not prepare for professional competitions. So, for women, the average calorie expenditure calculator while swimming in the pool is this:

  • On the back - 290 kcal.
  • Krol - 260 kcal.
  • Breaststroke - 270 kcal.
  • Butterfly - 290 kcal.

For an average man, a calorie calculator looks different:

  • On the back - 400 kcal.
  • Crawl - 375 kcal.
  • Breaststroke - 390 kcal.
  • Butterfly - 375 kcal.

This list is designed for a session time of 30 minutes. If you swim an hour, then double each figure, if more, proportionally calculate the energy consumption. Calorie consumption will increase if you have a lot of excess weight, that is, if you weigh more than 70 kg (for women) and more than 120 kg (for men).

Is it possible to lose weight by swimming?

When we found out how many calories are burned during swimming, we can safely say that to lose weight doing this sport is quite possible. But do not rush to rejoice, because there are several factors that oppose the process of losing weight.

Firstly, after a swimming session, a person feels severe hunger, so lost calories can return in double size.

The second argument is a very strong load on the muscles. Swimming in a calorie pool burns, but a person is so tired that in everyday life he avoids motor activity. Thus, calories are spent exclusively during swimming, which is not enough for weight loss.

Most sports involve energy consumption not only directly during classes, but also immediately after it. This is due to a sharp increase in body temperature. The body spends extra energy to fight the cold. Swimming, on the other hand, does not contribute to raising the temperature; therefore, when the water leaves the water, the waste of energy decreases sharply.

How many calories are burned when swimming

If you decide to lose weight with swimming

If you liked this sport and you don’t want to engage in others, you should know that it’s quite possible to lose weight by swimming if you follow certain recommendations.

Experts advise swimming in cool water, but not in cold. You should feel comfortable during the session.

It has already been noted that swimming helps strengthen the heart and lungs, which is why this sport is an ideal preparation for more serious and heavy loads. You can also combine swimming, for example with fitness. Then it will give the desired result.

Plan your diet, do not let the hunger that overtakes you after the session, destroy your dreams of a perfect figure. Immediately prepare yourself a low-calorie snack.

No one is safe from hypothermia. Be mindful of your body. If you feel a slight discomfort, interrupt the session to avoid colds or inflammation of some organs.

Swimming at sea

Swimming in the sea compared to a session in the pool has advantages. Being in the open sea, you will lose more calories only due to the fact that you have no support. You will direct all efforts to stay afloat when the pool or buoys are always at hand in the pool.

While swimming in the open sea, you will burn at least 400 kcal per hour, and your skin will absorb the beneficial trace elements found in salt water. This procedure can replace a massage in professional beauty salons.

Swimming at sea

The rules of healthy weight loss

Having found out how many calories are burned during swimming, many people rush to enroll in the pool, not having studied the basic rules, without which the body will not only lose weight, but also gain health problems.

Firstly, swimming, oddly enough, leads to dehydration. Before and after training, drink the maximum amount of clean water to avoid feeling unwell.

Secondly, do not overdo it before the session. Yes, swimming causes severe hunger, but before training, it is forbidden to at least 2 hours. Neglecting this rule can lead to poor health during the session and to inefficient digestion of food.

However, about an hour before training, doctors recommend eating a small amount of carbohydrate-rich foods. It can be a banana or a small piece of chocolate. Carbohydrates provide the energy needed for an effective workout.

Calorie Swimming

Swimming as a remedy for stress

Everyone knows that stresses and nervousness in everyday life often lead to overeating, and this, in turn, threatens obesity. Swimming not only improves physical fitness, but also actively relieves stress accumulated during the day. If you look at the problem of losing weight from this perspective, then the emergence of a feeling of hunger after training does not seem to be an obstacle to acquiring the cherished form.

Engaged in this sport regularly, you will become not only fit, but also cheerful, which is no less important for a beautiful appearance and a happy life in harmony with yourself and other people.

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