The classical definition of a “democratic state” is understood to mean a form of government, the structure of which and activity correspond to the will of the people. With this type of government, the universally recognized rights and freedoms of both the citizen in particular and the individual as a whole are satisfied. Despite the “stamping” of this concept, it conceals a deep meaning, which sometimes diverges from the real situation in one or another country.
Often, the proclaimed democratic state is not always able, due to certain circumstances, to fully comply with its principles, and sometimes they are deliberately and purposefully trampled upon. Even the highly developed modern powers, which assume (often unilaterally) the responsibility to maintain democracy in the world, do not always strictly follow the principles that they are defending in their domestic and foreign activities.
If you try to compile a rating of countries in which the signs of a democratic state are realized more fully and harmoniously, then the active global “bearers of democracy” occupy far from first places in it. It is hoped that the power based on the sovereignty of the people will turn out to be more progressive and viable. The fact that a democratic state acts as a standard for a form of government in modern society is optimistic and inspires hope in a brighter future for “public administration”. Communities of civilized powers are being created whose purpose is to collectively maintain democratic principles at the interstate level.
If we carefully examine the concepts most often encountered as synonyms, we can see that a legal, constitutional, and democratic state is far from the same thing. For all the semantic proximity of these terms, each reflects its own side of the development of progressive management in the country.
In order for a democratic state not to be an empty phrase, it is necessary that a full-fledged civil society is formed in the country . The desire of the authorities for statism is minimized, and the limits of its intervention in the spiritual and economic life must be strictly observed, ensuring freedom of culture and entrepreneurship. The main function of a state adhering to democratic norms is to ensure public interests, the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms should be unconditional. A totalitarian state is the exact opposite of a democratic state ; these are two mutually exclusive concepts.
In the abundance of signs of a democratic state, the most important should be considered real representative democracy and the maximum level of ensuring the rights and freedoms of both a citizen and a person. Representative democracy is understood as the implementation of the principle of democracy through institutions of an elective nature. Their task is to represent citizens, they are vested with exclusive legislative law. Representative bodies (they are elected local government bodies, parliaments) have the right to resolve the most vital issues of the people, from adopting a budget and resolving territorial disputes to declaring war and imposing a state of emergency and martial law.
Constitutions of various countries have granted various powers to representative bodies. Among them, the legislature and the adoption of the budget are the most important and mandatory. Representative bodies do not always directly control the executive branch, a similar state of affairs is observed only with the parliamentary form of government, but any system gives them special constitutional powers in this area. The highest efficiency of the functioning of representative bodies is achieved in the course of cooperation with bodies vested with executive power. In this case, the requirement of non-interference of the executive branch in the activity of the representative institution and the absence of a competing legislative branch must be strictly observed.
Ensuring civil and universal human rights and freedoms is an integral sign of a democratic state. Often, non-compliance with this particular principle casts doubt on the democracy of a single state. The implementation in practice of the full legal minimum declared by the basic law of the state is the main task of all branches of government.