Reasons why iron in the blood is elevated

Macro- and microelements are necessary for the human body, they participate in all processes of his life. Today we’ll talk about iron. Without this element participating in the processes of hematopoiesis, the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells, it will be impossible to supply tissues and organs with oxygen. Iron deficiency contributes to the development of very serious diseases. But today I want to consider the other side of this issue: what will happen if there is an excess of iron? Let's find out what this can lead to and what are the causes of high levels of iron in the blood.

The content and the role of iron in human blood

increased iron in the blood

Our body does not produce iron, it comes with food. The absorption process occurs in the liver, and then from there the element enters the bloodstream using the transferrin protein. Iron is the most important component in the synthesis of hemoglobin - the protein that red blood cells consist of. And, as everyone knows, it is the red blood cells that supply all organs with oxygen. Without oxygen, cells die quickly.

Another important function of iron is its participation in the synthesis of myoglobin protein. This protein is contained in muscle tissue, helping it contract, and also, together with other elements, participates in metabolic processes. Iron is also necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Without iron, the process of cholesterol metabolism is impossible. Another important function of this element is to strengthen the body's immune defenses.

Iron content in men and women

To provide them with an organism, a person should consume 25 mg of iron daily with food. The iron content in men and women in the blood is not the same, this is due to genetic characteristics. The norms of iron in the blood are as follows:

  • For men - 40-150 mcg / dl.
  • For women - 50-160 mcg / dl.
    iron in the blood is elevated what does it mean

Iron in the blood is elevated - what does it mean?

The maximum indicator of this mineral in the blood of a healthy person is 5 g. A significant excess of this norm can lead to unpleasant and sometimes fatal consequences for the body.

It should be noted that iron is the strongest oxidant. It enters into compounds with free radicals. And this leads to the rapid aging of the whole organism and its cells. The process of oxidation of iron with oxygen leads to the formation of free radicals, which contribute to the oncological diseases. What are the reasons for increasing blood iron in women? For example, according to statistics, in women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, the level of iron is much higher than normal.

In the body of men, iron accumulates much faster, provoking the development of various heart diseases in them, several times increasing the risk of heart attack at a young age. After the onset of menopause, when women stop monthly loss of blood, they also increase the process of accumulation of iron, which means that the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases.

Removal of iron from the body

elevated iron levels in the blood

It should be noted that iron, unlike most other macrocells, is not naturally excreted from the body. Thus, all the iron that was not used by the body in the process of life and not removed from it (i.e., not more than 1 mg per day), begins to accumulate in it. A decrease in its amount can occur during any blood loss or during starvation, when due to the lack of external supply of necessary substances the body has to use its own reserves for its functioning.

Causes and significance of elevated iron levels

As you already understood, elevated levels of iron in the blood can lead to unpleasant consequences. If nevertheless your tests showed similar results, you should identify the reason for the increase and try to lower the level. Let's try to figure out the reasons that can lead to an increase in the blood content of this element. As practice has shown, uncontrolled intake of multivitamins and preparations containing iron leads to similar results. But there are also diseases that can also lead to similar results.

Diseases that Excess Iron

Such diseases include:

  • Primary hemachromatosis is a hereditary disease, accompanied by a violation of the metabolic processes of the body with the participation of iron. Iron is actively absorbed in the intestine, its huge reserves are created, while its elimination in a natural way completely stops. Hemachromatosis is a serious disease accompanied by severe forms of heart failure, diabetes mellitus, swelling and joint diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.

    high blood iron

  • Hemolytic anemia. With this disease, red blood cells in the blood are quickly destroyed, the hemoglobin contained in them gets into the blood plasma. In the enhanced mode, the bone marrow and spleen produce new batches of red blood cells, which are also destroyed, which can ultimately deplete the body’s reserve forces and lead to its death.
  • Hepatitis (acute or chronic), with these diseases in the blood contains bilirubin in large quantities.
  • Thalassemia is a severe genetic disease characterized by the synthesis of tetrameric hemoglobin instead of dimeric.
  • Jade is a pathology of the kidneys, in which the conclusion from the body of the products of its vital activity, including iron, is disturbed.
  • Poisoning with lead compounds, accompanied by active destruction of red blood cells.
  • Aplastic anemia.
  • Hypoanemia.
  • Hyperchromic anemia. Its causes are insufficient intake of folic acid and B vitamins. Without their intake, the process of hemoglobin synthesis is impossible, this leads to the fact that an excess of unbound iron is formed in the body.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that an increase in iron in the blood can be a symptom of a rather severe pathology.

Symptoms of increasing the level of iron in the human body

increased iron in the blood causes

In addition to the general symptoms of malaise, diseases accompanied by an increase in iron in the blood are characterized by specific symptoms:

  • Slowing puberty in adolescents.
  • Fatigue, weakness, drowsiness.
  • Bradycardia (in an adult it is 60-70 beats per minute).
  • Liver, enlarged and painful on palpation.
  • Pigmentation on the skin.
  • Joint pain.
  • Active weight loss without increasing physical activity and diets.
  • Weakening and hair loss.
  • Increased blood sugar.

If you find such symptoms in yourself, you should immediately consult a specialist and take a blood test for elevated iron. The day before the test, alcohol, fried and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. Do not use drugs. If preparations containing iron were taken , the analysis should be carried out no earlier than one and a half weeks after the end of treatment.

What to do with an increase in iron levels?

increased iron in the blood causes in women

While you wait for the results of the analysis, review your diet, restrict foods containing iron. Consult with other specialists to rule out liver and heart disease. You should check the hormonal background, as some hormones can also lead to an increase in iron in the blood. It is necessary to abandon alcohol, especially if a history of cirrhosis of the liver.

Interaction with toxic substances should be discontinued even when they are in the field of professional activity.

For cooking, do not use iron utensils. It is necessary to test the water from the local water supply for iron content and, with its increased content, limit the use of this water. If iron levels continue to rise, it may be due to pulmonary infections, lupus. Control tests are taken at least once a month. Following these steps will help you maintain your health. The main reasons for the increase in iron in the blood we examined.


Bringing normal levels of iron in the blood should begin with your diet. You need to know that calcium contributes to poor absorption of iron. Products containing iron should be excluded from the diet, as well as B vitamins and vitamin C.

In case of iron intoxication due to the intake of iron-containing preparations of more than 30 mg / kg, the stomach and intestines are washed. Healing bloodletting is also prescribed, when once a month the patient is released half a liter of blood.

elevated iron blood count

A repeat of the course of treatment follows after four months.

In order to avoid the development of anemia, the patient is prescribed “Deferoxamine” for prophylactic purposes - 20-30 mg / kg per day. A synthetic hormone was also synthesized that does not have hormonal activity, but contributes to the rapid excretion of iron from the body. If the disease is accompanied by a type of anemia, a separate treatment with pyridoxine in combination with ascorbic acid is prescribed.

Thus, from this article we learned what the increase in iron in the blood can lead to.

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