Actress Tatyana Pankova: filmography and interesting facts from life

On December 27, 1916, a daughter was born to a process engineer Peter Ilyich Pankov and a mathematics teacher Zinaida Andreyevna Chizhova. Parents called her Tatyana.

Parents of the actress

The appearance of the child occurred in St. Petersburg. In addition to Tatyana, Zinaida Andreevna and Pyotr Ilyich had another daughter and two sons.

The Pankov family, despite the parents ’professions far from being creative, was a big fan of stage art; one could even say that the spirit of the theater lived in their apartment. Pyotr Ilyich was very fond of poetry, had great artistry and often read various verses to children, even in his own way remade folk tales. At the same time, neither the father nor the mother of Tatyana Petrovna wanted a future related to art for her daughter. They preferred that she and the rest of the children master a profession that others would take more seriously.

Tatyana Pankova

As a result, their wishes did not come true, but connected their fate with the theater not only Tatyana Pankova, whose years of life passed on stage and to the cinema, but also all the other children of Zinaida Andreevna and Peter Ilyich.

Brothers and sister

In many ways, Tatyana's elder brother, Vasily, who was so in love with theatrical art, that he transmitted this passion to the rest of the children. Vasily was the first to enter the stage; he was lucky to play in the Bolshoi Drama Theater. The family provided tremendous support in this, being a regular spectator not only at the premieres, but even at all of Vasily's dress rehearsals. Later, he became an artist of the theater of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, but at the end of the summer of 1941, almost at the very beginning of World War II, he was killed.

The younger sister of Tatyana Petrovna Nina also quite successfully played on the stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater, at the same time she was engaged in teaching activities at GITIS.

Tatyana Pankova actress

The younger brother Paul, like Nina and Vasily, also became an actor. Like them, he played in the Bolshoi Drama Theater, became a well-known actor, playing a successful role in the play "Petty Bourgeois" (Teterev), which was staged by G. Tovstonogov. In addition, Pavel acted in films a lot. He died in 1978.


During her life, Tatyana Pankova was married three times. Her personal life was rich and interesting. The first marriage was with the actor of the Bolshoi Drama Theater Boris Shlyapnikov, who served with her older brother Vasily. Together with him, he died during the war.

Later, Pankova Tatyana Petrovna, an actress who had already become famous, connected her life by marriage with another artist, Nazarov Konstantin. They met at the Maly Theater, where he began to play. Then Nazarov moved to the Theater of the Young Spectator, tried his hand at movies. The actors divorced because of Nazarov's addiction to alcohol.

The third husband of Tatyana Petrovna was a scientist, candidate of art sciences, Agarkov Oleg Mikhailovich, who worked as a conductor and head of the Opera Studio of the Gnesins Institute. Oleg Mikhailovich's favorite composers were Beethoven, Prokofiev, Mozart, whom he constantly listened to at home, instilling a love for great musicians and his wife. O.M. Agarkov died in 1987.


Surprisingly, in addition to the fact that Tatyana Pankova, at school, began to engage in her future profession, that is, to participate in school plays and other similar events, she also had a good understanding of the mathematical sciences. So, she even won first place in the Soviet Union in the Olympics among girls! Probably, the profession of the mother still affected the girl.

Nevertheless, Tatyana Petrovna stopped something, slowed down on the way to the stage. It was her appearance. Indeed, the actress was not beautiful.

Pankova Tatyana personal life

Higher education institutions

After graduating from high school, Tatyana Petrovna enters Leningrad University. However, after some time she realizes that scientific work is not the meaning of her life, therefore she leaves the Department of Physics and Mathematics and is transferred to the Polytechnic Institute, where she continues to study at the metallurgy department. Nevertheless, having graduated from this educational institution in 1939 and having received the corresponding diploma, Tatyana Petrovna goes to Moscow. Her goal is to enter the Shchepkinsky school, created at the Maly Theater.

The reason for this choice of school was that before that, even in Leningrad, Tatyana got to the performance of the troupe from the Maly Theater. The play of his actors, in particular N. Rybnikov, was so struck by the actress that she did not want to hear about any other educational institutions.

Admission to college

Paying tribute to her pride, Tatyana Petrovna, upon arriving in the capital, decided to pass the exams not only to the school she chose initially. She tried her hand at exams at the Shchukin school, and in the studio at the Realistic and Chamber theaters. And it should be noted that in all these institutions, the actress was adopted. Despite this, Tatyana is still going to study at Schepkinskoye.

Pankova Tatyana photo

Teachers of the future actress are two wonderful people - Georgian A.P. and Zubov K.A.

Front Weekdays

It so happened that the time of study at the Shchepkinsky school fell on the period of the war, therefore both the educational institution and the Maly Theater were temporarily moved to Chelyabinsk. There, the initial role took place, which was performed by Tatyana Pankova. The actress played Baba Vasilisa in a performance based on the novel by L. Tolstoy "Patriotic War of 1812."

Later, the administration of the Maly Theater created the so-called front-line branch, into which Pankova immediately signed up. Together with the troupe she traveled the entire front, had to stage performances in front of the soldiers and play for 7-8 hours, and not on any stages or stage, but directly on the trucks carrying the actors. Sometimes it even happened that the performance with the participation of the actress was carried out literally half a kilometer from the location of enemy forces.

Thus, Tatyana Pankova spent 2 long years at the front, helping the soldiers feel they needed the country, letting them remember peacetime, about their loved ones, about their native places. These were difficult years, but Tatyana was never discouraged, and in moments of weakness she thought about what gives people a little rest and the opportunity to escape from harsh reality. During this time, she played in such wonderful comedic productions as "The Anniversary" by Chekhov, "The Marriage of Balzaminov", "Do not Sit in Your Sled" on Ostrovsky. For the image of Arina Fedotovna in the last performance, Pankova was awarded a prize at the Moscow viewing of front-line theaters. In addition, years of activity at the front brought Tatyana Petrovna and the military award “For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic”.

Tatyana Pankova movies

Return from the front

The year 1943 became for the actress determining her entire future existence - she was accepted into the Maly Theater. Until the end of her life, she worked here. She worked for 68 years at the Maly Theater.

In those harsh military days, Pankova was recalled from the front-line theater, she returned to the capital. The return of the actress was overshadowed by the death of her father and mother in besieged Leningrad. Mother and father could not see their beloved daughter in the theater arena. Despite such grief, Tatyana Petrovna continued to work, which, perhaps, helped to cope with the overwhelming grief. The new production of Pogodin Nikolai “Creation of the World” contributed to this. Having plunged headlong into art, Tatyana seemed to have gained new strength. In the play, Pankova played the old woman Semenovna, because she did not like to play young heroines. Even the very first images Tatyana Petrovna received age. To play such scenic images, you had to have the professionalism and special gift that the actress had.

Age roles of the actress

It should be noted that, as usual, “famous old women” were put on such roles, of which there were enough in the Maly Theater. In this system of actor selection, Tatyana Pankova needed not only to be patient, but also to be prepared for self-sacrifice. At any moment, the actress should have been ready to get a random role.

One of her teachers, K. A. Zubov, said that if she studied according to his methodology, then she would go through school and be able to get any role in the initial composition. But if she wants to go to university, then she needs to "follow the old women."

Pankova Tatyana Petrovna actress

Tatyana Petrovna, obeying the instructions of an experienced teacher, did so. From Pashennaya V. N. she got the following characters: Kukushkina from the play "Profitable Place", Staritskaya from "Ivan the Terrible", Kabanikh from "The Storm". From the famous actress Shatrova, E. M. Pankova received the roles of Volokhova from the production of “Tsar Fedor Ioannovich” and Matryona from “The Power of Darkness”. It is noteworthy that, playing the characters received from other actors, Tatyana Petrovna Pankova did not depict them at all as the previous actresses, but, on the contrary, introduced some of her individual characteristics into each hero. At the same time, she tried to ensure that her characters were in harmony with what was happening on the stage. Tatyana Petrovna was constantly interested in such roles, filled with everyday nuances, a variety of emotions.

The character of the heroes Pankova

In her favorite theater, she took part in more than one hundred productions in her own life. Tatyana Pankova is an actress who can rightly be attributed to one of the most original artists of that time. From the masters of the genre who played before her, she absorbed all the best. This is the expressiveness of the speech of the heroes, and the content, the consonance of types, and the fun element of performance, and much, much more. The characters of the actress felt dramatic and piercing specificity, ease and legacy of the famous "old men" of the famous theater, unique harmony. All this made Pankova herself a master of acting, which could play any genre, from comedy to drama.


She starred in parallel with theatrical creativity of the actress and in the cinema. As on the stage, Tatyana Petrovna Pankova, whose filmography includes a fairly large number of movie roles, devoted herself entirely to her work. Her first published role was the inconspicuous character of the dressmaker, who spoke only one small phrase. After the director Annensky began to constantly call the actress on the set.

Tatyana Pankova, films with the participation of which bring an inexplicable spiritual reassurance, and she fell in love with the movie, it helped her to become collected and more responsible. One of the most significant, well-played movie roles was Princess Annenkova in the film, directed by director V. Motyl. This character brought the actress appreciation and recognition among fans of the cinema.

Pankova Tatyana years of life

Among many other roles, Pankova also has luggage in her baggage, such as the image of Anna Terentyeva in the feature film Honeymoon, the character of the aunt in the film Impostors, and Mrs. Storozhenko from the movie Khutorok in the Steppe.

Vigorous activity

Until the dying days she worked, rehearsed, and, moreover, was also a member of the Pankov Theater Union Tatyana. Interesting facts about her: she loved traveling, traveled to different countries, including China, India, almost all countries of Europe, was engaged in mountain tourism. An incredible number of awards, medals, she received over the years of work, including awards for participating in the Great Patriotic War. People to Pankova were attracted by her simplicity in communication, reliability in help. In general, the actress was a very active person, and the well-known proverb “Movement is life” suits her like no other. Even in her 94 years, Tatyana Pankova, whose photo is installed on the board of the great actors of the Maly Theater, went out and played on the stage with the same dedication as in her younger years.

July 9, 2011 Pankova Tatyana Petrovna died in Moscow. The funeral of the great, legendary and beloved by many actresses took place at the Vvedensky cemetery in the capital.

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