Mesomorphic body type. Endomorphic, mesomorphic, ectomorphic body types and their characteristics

Build - this is the development of parts of the body, adipose, bone and muscle tissue. The shapes, sizes and proportions of the body of each person are genetically programmed. The hereditary program is implemented during ontogenesis - successive physiological, morphological, biochemical transformations in the body from its inception to the end of life.

mesomorphic body type


Somatic constitution is not only the physique itself, but also the program of its physical development in the future. Throughout life, the human body changes, while the somatotype acts as a constant characteristic and persists from birth to death. All kinds of diseases, age-related modifications, increased physical activity can change the shape, size of the body, but not the somatotype. It is determined on the basis of somatotyping (anthropometric measurements) and is characterized by features and metabolic rate (the prevailing development of adipose, muscle or bone tissue), psychophysiological differences, and a tendency to certain diseases.

endomorphic mesomorphic ectomorphic

Endo, Meso, Ectomorphy

There are three constitutional types: endomorphic, mesomorphic, ectomorphic. These names were borrowed from the names of the embryonic leaves: internal - endoderm (the digestive tract is formed from it), middle - mesoderm (the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems are formed from it) and external - ectoderm (integument glands and tissues, the nervous system are formed from it ) By the end of the third week of development, as you know, the human embryo looks like a three-layer scutellum or a three-layer plate. In the area of โ€‹โ€‹the outer leaf, the neural tube is visible, deeper - the dorsal string, which indicates the appearance of axial organs of the embryo. His body becomes voluminous, covered on all sides by an ectoderm, from which the epidermis of the skin, the nervous system, the epithelium of the oral cavity, rectum, and anus are further formed. From the mesoderm, internal organs, joints, muscles, bones, the system of the heart and blood vessels, and the skin itself are born. Once inside the embryo, the endoderm folds into a tube and forms the embryonic germ of the intestine. Subsequently, the opening communicating the yolk sac with the embryonic intestine is transformed into the umbilical ring. The endoderm forms the glands and epithelium of the respiratory tract and digestive system. This whole process is somatotyping, on the basis of which body types are distinguished.

mesomorphic type


An ectomorphic body type is also called asthenic. Its representatives are distinguished by narrow hips and shoulders (approximately the same size). The height of such people is usually above average, and the figure is somewhat angular. They cause general envy in others due to the ability to quickly lose weight. Often people with an ectomorphic physique have poorly developed muscles. To acquire attractive and graceful forms, they should exercise strength exercises. Ectomorphs are characterized by a fast metabolism, their body easily converts food into energy. Representatives of this type are least prone to bodybuilding. But, as a rule, โ€œpureโ€ ectomorphs are a rather rare occurrence. Usually they have some features that are characteristic of people who have a mesomorphic type of physique, which allows you to pump muscle mass.

Sports Nutrition Ectomorphs

Since the main problem of such individuals is a catastrophic lack of mass, they do not need to worry about gaining excess weight and limit themselves in products. At least four to five grams of protein per kilogram of body weight should be consumed daily. In general, protein should provide about thirty percent of the daily calorie intake. Carbohydrates in the diet should be fifty percent, fats - about twenty. To ensure a set of muscle mass, it is necessary to burn the received calories not completely. In addition, the menu should contain pure carbohydrates and fats, as well as high-quality protein. The daily norm is 2-2.5 thousand calories, you should eat every 2.5-3 hours. In cases where this does not work, it is recommended to use special mixtures that replace normal nutrition, and sports drinks. Carbohydrate-protein mixtures and protein should be consumed daily, twice a day. You can add keratin to the diet, it will help to increase the supply of energy needed for training.

ectomorphic physique

Ectomorph must carefully monitor the regularity and proper nutrition before and after exercise. There is no need to be afraid of excessive consumption of carbohydrates: as practice shows, such nutrition reduces destructive processes (catabolism) during strength training, and contributes to the anabolic effect (tissue growth and restoration).


The mesomorphic body type is also called normosthenic. Such people have a more athletic, athletic appearance, have a rectangular, muscular, broad-shouldered figure. The upper torso is usually uniform with the lower, but the shoulders are wider than the hips. Due to natural athleticism, persons with a mesomorphic type of physique achieve results in strength training much faster and more efficiently than representatives of other types. Getting rid of body fat while muscle development will allow mesomorphs to acquire the desired shape. Those people who do not play sports are more likely to have a stocky figure, rather than a fat one. Even before the start of classes, representatives of this type have symmetrical impeccable proportions.

Mesomorphic body type in women

Often, female mesomorphs look denser than female ectomorphs, but the bulk of their body mass is due to muscle tissue, not fat. Such ladies usually have high physical activity, and therefore are characterized by increased appetite. If a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, she can gain weight due to a positive calorie balance. For subtlety and harmony, representatives of the mesomorphic type will need to lose less fat as muscle tissue. With a good appetite, maintaining a graceful figure for a woman-mesomorph can be a tangible problem.

mesomorphic body type in women

Characterization of people of the mesomorphic type

These are the most viable and strong personalities. By nature, they are extroverts, by nature, they are fighters resistant to stressful situations. These are excellent speakers and organizers, natural born leaders with objective thinking. People with a mesomorphic body type see their happiness not in the process of work, but as a result of it. According to studies, only 10-15% of the world's population are mesomorphs. Most of them are fitness models, professional athletes, famous actors. Such people like to set clear goals and achieve them, all their actions are immediate and decisive. The ancestors of the mesomorphs lived in a warm climate, so they did not need fat reserves to overcome a long winter. It is worth noting that the mesomorphic body type prevails in people of African descent.

Mesomorph sports nutrition

2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight should be eaten per day. You can get them from egg whites, low-fat fish, lean turkey, chicken breasts. Carbohydrates should supply 60-65% of calories from the entire diet, fats - 15%. You need to eat five to seven times a day. For people of this type, protein shakes and nutritional substitutes are especially recommended. You canโ€™t eat monotonous food; you should regularly add variety to the menu. Mesomorphs are more suitable for sports than ecto- and endomorphs. With the same parameters of age, weight, height, amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue, representatives of this type spend calories faster. They are happy owners of a harmonious figure, where the percentage of muscle and adipose tissue are in perfect balance.

endomorphic type


The endomorphic type is also called hypersthenic. Such people are characterized by a figure with smooth, rounded shapes, large bones, their hips are wider than the shoulders, the lower body is an order of magnitude heavier than the upper. Endomorphs are prone to obesity, they have a slow metabolism and a pronounced tendency to transform digested food into fats. In bodybuilding, people with an endomorphic physique rarely succeed, for this they will need to make great efforts. But due to intensive training, you can balance the weight of the lower and upper parts of the body and speed up the metabolism.

Endomorph sports nutrition

First of all, it is necessary to significantly reduce fat intake. Proteins should be ingested exclusively from lean foods such as the low-fat portion of turkey, egg whites, low-calorie fish, and skinless chicken breasts. Plant foods cannot be used as a source of protein. It is also required to limit the consumption of fruits in the morning. Complex carbohydrates are recommended, for example, potatoes, long-grain rice, and legumes. You can eat no more than five to seven times a day, while portions should be small. If these recommendations are followed, it will be possible to normalize the metabolism and maintain it at the optimal level.

endomorphic physique

Sandwiches with smoked meats, sausages, ham, carbonated drinks, fatty dairy products, alcohol should be excluded. If it is necessary to lose weight, preference should be given to fiber foods with a high fiber content, while the consumption of starchy carbohydrates must be significantly limited. You canโ€™t eat very sooner or too late, you must follow the diet. You need to finish the meal before the feeling of fullness has come.

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