Cabbage, radish, mustard, shepherd’s bag ... What do you think that combines all these plants? The correct answer is the structure of the flower. Cruciferous, the flower formula and general characteristics of which are presented in our article, are widespread in nature and grown as cultivated plants. What are the features of these plants? Let's figure it out together.
general characteristics
The family Cruciferous, or Cabbage, belongs to the class Dicotyledonous. They are characterized by a pair of cotyledons in the seed germ. Cabbage got its name thanks to the most common representative. Red and white, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Peking, Savoy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts - there are more than thirty varieties of cabbage. Translated from Celtic "cap" is translated as "head". Indeed, the shape of this part of the body is very similar to the shortened and thickened shoot of this plant - the head of cabbage.
With rare exceptions, all cabbage are herbaceous plants with a rooted root system. Cruciferous leaves are simple. On the stem they are located next. Leaves located at the base of the shoot form a basal rosette.
Cruciferous: flower formula
Representatives of the cabbage family have another name. They acquired it due to the structure of the flower. They are also called cruciferous. The diagram and formula of the flower, which has the form Ch4L4T2 + 4P1, contain all the necessary information about its structure. The numbers in this formula indicate the number of elements, and the capital letters are the first in the name of certain parts.
Generative body
So, the flower formula of the cruciferous family begins with the designation P4. This means that plants of this family have 4 sepals. They are green in color, located at the base of the receptacle crosswise. Petals are attached in the same way. The structure of the corolla in the formula is designated as L4. Four free petals are arranged crosswise, defining the second name of the family. The whisk can be yellow, pink, purple or white. Especially bright petals have poisonous plants. A typical example is wallflower. It is easy to distinguish by bright yellow inflorescences. Its juice contains glycosides. These toxic substances negatively affect the activity of the heart muscle.
From the flower formula of cruciferous plants, it immediately becomes clear that these structures are bisexual. This means that they contain both pestles and stamens. These are the main parts of any flower.
T2 + 4 - this means that there are six stamens in total. Two of them are short, and four are long. Pestle is always one (P1). As a rule, cabbage flowers are small. They gather in the brush, which ends with all the branches or one main stem. From such inflorescences cruciferous fruits develop - pods or pods. Both of these species are dry and open. They open along the upper and lower seam from the top to the base. Seeds are located on the septum inside the fruit. The pod differs in that it is much shorter and wider than the pod. Oriental swiga and wajda tincture form another type of fruit - a nut.
Pollination and seed formation conditions
The cruciferous formula indicates that these plants are capable of self-pollination. It occurs within one flower. Cross-pollination with wind or insects is also possible. The latter are the most effective pollen carriers. These are honey and wild bees, bumblebees, flies, butterflies, vespers. The insects are attracted by the bright color of the inflorescences and the characteristic smell of honey plants.
In addition to well-known vegetable crops, which include cabbage, radish, turnip, horseradish, people also grow oilseeds. The most common of these are mustard and rapeseed. Among cruciferous, whose flower formula determines the name of this family, weed species are also known. This is a hiccup, a shepherd's bag, a yarok. Among honey species, camelina, colza, and rape are widely known.
Economic value
Man has long learned to use different parts of these plants. The most famous cruciferous with valuable leaves, of course, is cabbage. Vitamin C is not destroyed in it even after prolonged storage in fresh and salted form. Therefore, the systematic use of cabbage enhances immunity. But mustard is not only eaten as a seasoning. From its grains, a powder is obtained, which is used externally for colds of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.
Knowing the formula of the cruciferous family, they are easy to distinguish among other plants. Bright inflorescences with clearly visible cruciform corollas stand out against a general green background. This makes them visible to bees. Since these crops bloom in May, beekeepers get such honey first.
Radish is famous for its root crops. Essential oils and sulfur compounds give them a characteristic bitterness and pungency. These substances improve digestion, increase appetite. Radish juice is used to treat colds, inflammation of both the liver and gall bladder. Leaves are used not only in cabbage, but also in horseradish. They are added to salted vegetables, as a seasoning for spicy and meat dishes.
So, cruciferous, whose flower formula is Ch4L4T2 + 4P1, are characterized by the presence of four free petals and sepals. They are located crosswise. This determines the name of the family. Among the representatives of cruciferous, or cabbage, vegetable, oilseeds, ornamental, melliferous, fodder, and weed species are widely known.