Learning something new has always been important. But not everyone can handle it, because perseverance is needed. This is probably why they say: “Without patience, there is no teaching.”
Proverb. Physical example
When a child learns to walk, he often falls and so often rises. He tries again and again, until finally he can’t make the first full step. Is the proverb “Without patience there is no teaching” fit this case? Of course. True, the child does not feel the tension that is associated with the effort of learning, the child masters the skill of inspiration. But, of course, he overcomes himself even unconsciously.
Mental example
The same is true with respect to learning a business or science. No one ever succeeds the first time, which means that you need to show perseverance and endurance. Yes, there are people who grasp on the fly, but there are no people who grasp and understand everything in detail right away. Everything needs to be learned. This is evidenced by the expression "Without patience, there is no teaching."
There is a very revealing example of the relationship between physical skill and mental skill. The child learns to walk, and he is cited as an example as an ideal of endurance and perseverance. But there is a certain flaw: a person cannot say to himself: “I don’t want to walk, I’ll crawl all my life.” When a person learns some business, it is important to understand how much time can be spent on mastering science. If a person spends a year, two or ten years on learning, and the skill, meanwhile, is trifling, then he should not think about the child and his tenacity when he learns to walk. Perhaps, it’s just that a person has chosen his own business and is wasting his time. Understanding right or wrong a person lives is no less valuable than finding oneself.
But in many cases, of course, it is worth remembering the proverb in question and not throwing something after the first attempt. The teaching is difficult, sometimes even painful, but without perseverance and patience it does not exist. In any case, the self-awareness of a person decides a lot, if he likes the business and is ready to sacrifice his time in order to achieve results, then who can forbid him? True, there is always the possibility that in such attempts, a person passes by his destination.