Outdoor games for children and adults

In the warm season, many families go with children to the countryside. Parents fry kebabs, and children frolic aside. But when the first fuse in the kids passes, they begin to pester their parents so that they come up with an interesting lesson for them. The outdoor games described below will help pass the time for both children and adults.


outdoor games

Children love outdoor games, especially those that have a competitive moment. Badminton is one of those entertainments that will appeal not only to children. Such an active game in nature helps a person to improve coordination of movement, accuracy, and at the same time helps to lose weight and build up all the muscles of the body. One of the advantages of this game is that mixed teams can act against each other. Adults can have parties with children, and the former will not always come out victorious.

Is it worth playing badminton by all the rules and pulling the net? You should decide on your own. But keep in mind that if you replace the net with a rope and hang it not very high, adults will touch it with their heads, which can lead to falls and injuries.

gold fish

outdoor games for children

To conduct this game in nature, you will need jumps. This fun involves only children, but if adults want to, they can also show their abilities and dexterity.

All participants in the game become in a circle and choose a leader. He goes to the center of the circle and picks up the rope at one end. Now the lead should rotate clockwise and spin the jumpers close to the ground. All children who stand in a circle must jump over the rubber rope flying under their feet. Whom the jumpers are hurt, he leaves. The most dexterous child who manages to avoid contact with a sports apparatus wins.

Hide and seek

outdoor games for the company

You can spend your favorite children's fun in nature. The game will appeal not only to kids, but also to schoolchildren and even adults. There are a lot of variations of this fun. Consider its most popular version.

The lead is determined by drawing lots. He stands at the selected tree, closes his eyes and counts to 30. During this time, the participants in the game must scatter and find shelter. Someone can hide behind a bush, and someone can climb a tree. When the leader counted, he turns around and goes to look for players. When the water finds a man, he runs with him racing to the tree. If the leader ran faster, then the hiding person leaves the game and in the next horse he has a great chance of becoming the leader. According to this principle, you need to find everyone hidden in the forest. To make this task real, it is recommended to outline the boundaries of the territory beyond which it is impossible to enter.


This game in nature for children may appeal to some adults. To carry it out, you need to purchase long balloons for modeling in advance. If you can, then you can twist the sword from such a blank. Well, if you do not know how to do this, do not be scared. Children will be able to show imagination and imagine that they are holding weapons. In the forest you will need to find a thick log. Two knights with balls stand on a fallen tree from different sides. And now their task is to conduct a battle. The one who bursts the ball of his opponent wins. One condition - you can not push. And if a person loses his balance, then he is automatically eliminated. Such fun can be liked not only by boys, but also by their dads.

King of the mountain

outdoor games for adults in winter

An interesting game in nature in winter is the conquest of snowy peaks. For a fun event you need to find a high snow slide. The task of the children is to conquer the peak and try to keep it as long as possible. Of course, adults should follow such fun, because children are sometimes very cruel. Immediately discuss the rules that rivals can be lowered from the mountain only by hand. You cannot kick anyone. Also note that the guys do not pour snow over each other's collar.

This game in nature in winter for children has another variation. It can play teams of children. Accordingly, one team will occupy the top, and the other should take enemy positions by storm.


outdoor games autumn

Children love relay races, and adults can easily organize these kinds of events. Therefore, it is easy to imagine that there are many variations of this entertainment. One of them is a game of "barbecue". For the relay race, you need to ask the children to collect beautiful leaves. It is especially convenient to hold such an event in the fall, when under your feet you can pick up a wide variety of leaves. Children's trophies must be divided into two groups and put them away from the two teams. Now every child who leads his team needs to be given a long stick. The task of the guys is to run to their own bunch of leaves, put one sheet on a stick and go back, passing the “skewer” to the next. To make the game more fun, you can turn on a children's song. When the music ends, you should count how many leaves are on each stick. Which team will have more, she won.


Game stuffed

This game will be appreciated by both adults and children. You can even arrange a competition between teams whose participants will be of different ages. To conduct this competition, you will need to do some simple preparatory work: find two thick sticks and make a crosshair out of them, like a frame for a scarecrow. And now you can conduct a game in nature for the company.

We split the participants into two teams and turn on a funny song. For the allotted time, children and adults will need to dress a scarecrow. Than? With your clothes. Everyone can donate anything. For example, you can put on a stuffed hat, vest and give him boots. The winner is the team whose exhibit will look more attractive.

Uneven system

This game will appeal to adults more than children. Although it can be carried out for children. What is the point? People are tied or sealed up. All participants are divided into two teams and become two lines. Now you can declare the rules.

Presenters say that now they will walk behind the backs of the participants and knock on their shoulder. How many times will there be tapping, such a serial number will be in the ranks of a person. But this game for adults in nature with a catch. Facilitators can tap twice on the shoulder of two different people on the same team. And after the launch announcement, it will be fun to watch everyone try to find their place, mumbling and pushing.

Push push

This outdoor game is more suitable for a group of adults than for a group of children. What is the meaning of this entertainment. Participants will need to be divided into pairs. One pair is one team. And now you need to determine the territory. For example, tell the teams that they will need to go over to the end of the meadow and go back. Does this task seem easy? Now tell your friends that they become their backs to each other and cling to their elbows. It is in this position that they will need to run the distance. So that friends do not cheat and drag each other on their backs, teams need to be created on the basis of a guy-girl.

Knocked out

children's games in nature

The favorite pastime of many children is to have fun with the ball. Many outdoor games for children involve this sports equipment. "Knocked out" is no exception. It used to be a popular game, but now many people don’t even know how to play this game. Two people who are leading become at a distance from each other. Between them, children are crowding. The task of the two leaders is to knock out those who run in the middle, throwing the ball to each other. Accordingly, those who are in the center should be able to dodge. To have a chance to beat those in the middle, you can spend a certain amount of time on the game. For example, 30 minutes. If during this time there are no knocked out guys left, they win.


Many children's games are not only aimed at entertaining children, but also teach them something. For example, during the game, kids develop dexterity, perseverance, dexterity and teamwork. But the game "Pedometer" teaches children to determine the distance, better navigate in space and correlate the visible distance with the plan that is in a person’s head. How to play this game?

The presenter becomes the center, and next to him the children run around. To make everyone more fun, you can turn on the music. When the melody breaks, everyone freezes. Now the leader arbitrarily chooses a person. He should say something like this: "There are five steps to Katya." And he begins to take steps, at this time everyone unanimously believes out loud. If the leader did it, and was able to touch Katya after five steps taken, then his place is taken by the chosen girl.


To arrange fun entertainment for children and adults, you will need to prepare. You will need an elastic band or a long rope. On the edge of the meadow, select two trees that grow close together. Pull the rope between the trees so that it forms weaves. But you should make large holes so that a person can climb through the web you created. It remains to find those who want to take part in the game. At speed, children and adults must overcome the prepared obstacle. The difficulty will be not to touch the thread when climbing through complex weaves. Everyone who completed the task successfully goes into the second round. Now you need to change the location of the web and make the weave more complex. Thus, it will be possible to determine the most dexterous person.


An interesting game can be made from everyone’s favorite fun. Who at large gatherings would not go by a train or a snake? But walking one after another quickly bothers. It is at this point that you need to declare the game. When there are already a lot of people in the snake, you can start. The conditions are simple: the head must catch the tail. Naturally, the snake should not be divided into two parts. If someone lets go of the waist in front of the one standing, he leaves. Gradually, the snake decreases in size, and the chances of catching the tail increase. If the company has a lot of people, then you can arrange a duel of snakes. Their task is to catch each other's tails. Here the same condition will apply again: you cannot let go of the waist in front of the standing one, otherwise the player will be disqualified.


A popular game for adults in nature in winter is snowballs. Such fun has been loved since childhood. Today there is every opportunity to arrange the implementation of a complex battle with preliminary training. If the snow is sticky, you can stick snowballs in advance. And it is not necessary to do this with your hands. There are special machines that quickly compress the snow into a perfect snow. Now you need to select two snow slides and declare them their bases. The task of the teams is to conquer the enemy base. You can even build symbolic flags that need to be stuck at the top of the mountain.

Playing outdoors for an adult company in winter can be simpler. For example, organize just a random shelling of each other with snowballs. You can include children in this fun. But in this case, you should always calculate the force with which you need to throw a snowball in order to avoid injuries. And you also need to discuss in advance that it is forbidden to throw snowballs in the face and back. But absurd accidents cannot be ruled out, for which players should not be blamed.

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