The drug "Cystine" (instructions for use)

Cystine is a stable form of the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine. This sulfur-containing amino acid is one of the most important chemical compounds that impede the aging process of the body. The drug "Cystine", the instructions for use which recommends it as a powerful antioxidant, plays a huge role in the nutrition of cells. Valuable natural sources of this substance are wheat germ, corn, oats, garlic, broccoli, onions, dairy products, eggs, poultry.

Drug information

Cystine (instructions for use)
The medicine "Cystine" is a cysteine ​​disulfide, which is an essential amino acid. It is present in almost all natural proteins. Contained in keratin of nails, hair, human skin. Its disulfide bonds determine certain properties (extensibility, solubility) of such fibrillar proteins as keratin. They stimulate the biological activity of hormones (vasopressin, oxytocin, insulin) and enzymes (chymotrypsin, ribonuclease). The biosynthesis and metabolism of this substance is associated with cysteine. In the human body, their mutual transformation is constantly happening through the redox process. Why use the drug "Cystine"? Instructions for use of this medication indicate that this substance is involved in the metabolism of sulfur in the body.

Methionine cystine

The medicine "Cystine" (instructions for use)

In the process of splitting this substance in the body, sulfuric acid is formed. When interacting with certain enzymes, it serves as a powerful means of detoxifying the body. Cystine is a powerful antioxidant that, in combination with vitamin E, significantly enhances the beneficial properties of both of these substances. Taking this medication is indicated for arthritis, since it is involved in strengthening the connective tissue. After surgery, the drug "Cystine" is also prescribed.

Instructions for use

This drug has detoxification, antioxidant, hepatotropic, immunomodulating, wound healing, reparative, mucolytic properties. It effectively improves skin condition, activates regenerative processes. Cystine has a beneficial effect on hair and nails. He is involved in tissue metabolism and cell metabolism. This drug activates various biochemical processes, increases resistance to stress and infections. It is prescribed for asthma, anemia, Alzheimer's disease, respiratory system diseases, cystitis, alcoholism, protein fasting, infectious diseases, to improve vision. The drug “Cystine” is prescribed for atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, skin diseases, brittle hair, alopecia, burns, poisoning with salts of heavy metals. This medicine is prescribed by a doctor who sets the duration of the course and dosage. The drug "Cystine" is available in two forms: for parenteral administration (ampoules) and oral administration (capsules).

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Shampoo Cystine B6 (reviews)
You can not use the medicine "Cystine" during pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance, cystinuria. In the event that the patient has diabetes, treatment with this drug is carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Bioadditive "Amino asset cystine and methionine"

Cystine can be synthesized in the body in combination with methionine. Both of these substances have a wonderful effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. A new development by French pharmacists, where substances such as methionine, cysteine, zinc, biotin (vitamin B8) are combined in optimal proportions, allows you to maintain the body in optimal condition. This dietary supplement makes up for the deficiency of amino acids and vitamins, restores the structure of nails and hair. Apply this dietary supplement 2 tablets twice a day. Contraindication to its use is pregnancy, lactation, intolerance to the components.

Shampoo with cystine

Cystine B6 Lotion
Recently, a new French hair care product has appeared on the shelves, which has already gained popularity among consumers. Mild shampoo "Cystine B6", reviews of which are mostly positive, is intended to combat alopecia (hair loss). It can be used by women and men. This shampoo slows down hair loss and stimulates hair growth, prolongs the lifespan of hair follicles, and heals the skin.

Its effectiveness is due to a combination of active components (cystine l, vitamin B6, zinc prion, lipacid, acetylcysteine, benzoyl peroxidase analogue). They are of great importance in the formation of keratin, which gives hair strength and elasticity, stimulates their growth, protects hair follicles. Strengthen the effect of the use of shampoo "Cystine B6" is able to lotion "Biorga Cystine B6", which is sold in bottles of 60 ml.

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