Normal sperm counts. Decryption of spermogram: norm and violations

Spermogram analysis can be assigned to a patient for various reasons. Most often, couples who cannot conceive a child during the year undergo a similar procedure. Male infertility can make it impossible for a woman to become pregnant. Also, such an analysis can reveal certain pathologies that develop in the male body. Next, normal spermogram indices, features of this analysis, as well as possible deviations from the norm will be considered.

Features of the survey

Before considering the normal indicators of spermograms, it is worth paying attention to the features of this procedure. The analysis is assigned by the andrologist. There may be many reasons for conducting such an examination. In most cases, this is required to identify the causes of infertility of the couple. Sometimes, using a spermogram, it is possible to identify a number of pathologies of the male body.

How much does it take to take a spermogram

The term "sperm analysis" can mean a variety of examinations of ejaculate. A spermogram allows you to evaluate its quantity and quality. In some cases, doctors are advised to undergo a similar examination while planning the conception. In addition, a spermogram must be performed before the IVF procedure. Sperm donors are also required to donate ejaculate to build a spermogram.

If a man is diagnosed with prostatitis, the doctor may prescribe an analysis to determine the degree of patient fertility. A similar procedure is required for hormonal disorders, infections or injuries. The information content of the spermogram is high. Therefore, this is a fairly common analysis.

How much does it cost to pass a spermogram? This question interests everyone who has been assigned a survey. Today, many private clinics offer this service. Depending on the pricing policy of the medical institution, as well as the range of indicators examined, the cost can vary significantly. Being interested in how much it costs to pass a spermogram in Moscow, it is worth noting that the price varies from 1300 to 2200 rubles. Typically, the result is issued on hand every other day. However, for a fee, you can get the analysis by email 2 hours after the delivery of the biomaterial.

Based on the spermogram, the doctor can make certain diagnoses. This allows you to prescribe the right, effective treatment.

Terms of delivery

Before passing the spermogram, it is necessary to consider the features of this procedure. This eliminates the possibility of obtaining false results. The World Health Organization recommends taking spermogram by masturbation. It is unacceptable to resort to the method of interrupted sexual intercourse or other methods for these purposes. In the laboratory, a special room is equipped for this. Inside, the door closes. Also in the room are magazines of erotic content. The patient can relax, feel safe.

Sperm delivery

The ejaculate is collected in a special container. She is transported to the laboratory, holding in her hand or in her pocket. It is required to maintain a sufficient temperature of the container so that the result is reliable. For this reason, it is impossible to collect biological material at home. The procedure is carried out directly in the clinic.

Before the direct delivery of sperm, you will need to undergo special training. It lasts at least 3 days (but not more than 4 days). During this period, you need to abandon sexual contact. Abstinence cannot last longer than 5 days. Otherwise, the result will not be reliable.

During this time, you can not visit the bath, take hot baths or just overheat. Alcohol is strictly prohibited. Its consumption is unacceptable even in small quantities. It excludes not only the use of hard liquors, but also beer, low-alcohol compounds. If you do not adhere to these rules, the procedure will need to be repeated.

Considering the norms and violations in decoding a spermogram, it is worth noting that to obtain a reliable result, the examination is carried out twice or even three times. This is especially important if the sperm is unsatisfactory. In this case, you can not despair. It is necessary to retake it after some time (determined by the attending physician). Only on the basis of several results the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis, adequately decipher the spermogram indices.


There are special rules that apply when deciphering spermogram indicators. They are established by WHO. Deviations in the values โ€‹โ€‹may indicate various violations. An example of normal spermogram indicators should be considered in more detail. The main indicators are:

  • Volume - 2-6 ml.
  • The dilution time is 10-60 minutes.
  • Color - milky, white-gray, yellowish.
  • White blood cells in a spermogram - not more than 1 million / ml.
  • The pH level is 7.2-8.
  • The number of sperm in the collected ejaculate is 40-500 million.
  • Slime is not.
  • Red blood cells - no.
    Normal sperm counts

In addition, sperm are evaluated. It is worth noting that normal spermogram indicators for conception cannot have a minimum threshold. This is an individual process that depends on the characteristics of the organisms of both partners. During spermograms, spermatooids are also evaluated. They must meet the following parameters:

  • The amount in 1 ml is 20-120 million / ml.
  • Weak category B - more than 50%.
  • Active - more than 25%.
  • Weak category C - less than 50%.
  • Fixed - no more than 10%.
  • Correct morphology is more than 50%.
  • MAAR test - less than 50%.
  • Agglutination is not.

Only if the ejaculate meets the above requirements, we can talk about the health of the male reproductive system. For any deviations, you should look for the cause of this phenomenon. The doctor can prescribe a set of measures that increase the quality of sperm. With minor deviations, you can limit yourself to a special diet and maintaining the right lifestyle. If the deviations are significant, serious medication is prescribed. You may need to go through a series of additional examinations.

Decoding of physical indicators

An expanded spermogram allows you to identify the development of certain pathologies at an early stage of their development. So, physical indicators include liquefaction time, acidity, volume and color of sperm. When conducting research for these indicators, microscopy is not required. Assessment of the state of the biomaterial occurs in this case through macroscopic methods.

Sperm quality

The liquefaction time of the ejaculate is 10 minutes. up to an hour. After ejaculation, sperm should be viscous. The biomaterial contains special enzymes produced by the prostate gland. They help thin the ejaculate. If this does not happen, the functioning of the prostate gland is impaired. This indicates an incorrect sperm composition, which is why sperm motility is also impaired.

The pH should be within the specified range. This is necessary so that sperm does not die in the natural environment of the vagina. Seminal fluid protects them while traveling to the ovum. This component of sperm reduces the acidity of the vagina. So the spermatozoa manage to get alive to the uterus and fallopian tubes. An incorrect pH does not indicate the presence of pathologies. However, it may reduce the likelihood of conception.

Sperm volume should be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 ml. If the amount of biomaterial is less than indicated, it also contains less sperm. This can cause infertility. A small amount of sperm contains an insufficient number of enzymes that protect male germ cells from destruction in the acidic environment of the vagina.

If the ejaculate is secreted more than 6 ml, this will not affect the likelihood of conception. No more than 5 ml of sperm is placed in the vagina. The rest of its volume flows out without participating in the fertilization process.

The color of the ejaculate in some laboratories is not taken into account (like its smell). However, the list of shades given above is recognized by WHO as being in compliance with the norm. If the color of the biomaterial becomes pinkish, it contains a certain amount of red blood cells. This is confirmed by microscopic examination. In this case, the shade may be brownish. If the color is clear, there are no sperm in the ejaculate.

White blood cells, red blood cells, mucus

Leukocytes in the spermogram should be present only in a limited amount. This indicator is checked using microscopic examination. Ideally, white blood cells in the biomaterial should be absent altogether. However, their presence in a concentration of not more than 1 million / ml is allowed. If this indicator exceeds the established norm, an inflammatory process occurs in the seminal vesicles or prostate. This situation requires proper diagnosis and medication.

Before taking a spermogram

The red blood cells in the collected material should be absent altogether. If these cells are present in the ejaculate, the spermogram is considered bad. A similar situation is observed after injuries, in the presence of an inflammatory process or tumors. If scarlet blood is visible in the collected material, this indicates a urethral disease or the presence of genital injury.

The color of sperm in the presence of red blood cells can be either slightly pink or brownish, or rather saturated scarlet, coffee shade. It depends on the number of red blood cells. This is a sign of a serious pathology in the reproductive or urinary system. For example, a similar situation occurs with inflammation of the bladder, prostate, or other parts of the genital organs.

In old age, a similar situation may be a symptom of prostate cancer. In the presence of red blood cells in the collected material, proper treatment is required. It is prescribed by the doctor individually. This takes into account the patientโ€™s age, the duration of such symptoms, as well as the reasons that led to this phenomenon.

Assessing the quality of the spermogram, the doctor also takes into account whether there is mucus in the collected material. If the answer is yes, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitals. Normally, mucus should be absent.

Concentration and mobility

Many patients are interested in what the MAP test, agglutination, etc. means in a spermogram. To understand these concepts, you need to start by considering the concentration and motility of sperm.

Normal sperm counts example

As already mentioned, the vaginal environment is acidic. It kills pathogens. This is a natural defense of the female body from various infections. Sperm cells also come under attack. If they contain a very small amount in the ejaculate, acidity kills motile, viable sperm. This can cause infertility. In some cases, sperm in the ejaculate are completely absent.

Another important indicator is the mobility of male germ cells. To evaluate this indicator. Sperm cells are divided into 4 groups. Cells that move in a straight line fall into category A. The speed of their movement is more than 50% of its own length per second. More than half of these sperm are young, healthy cells.

Category B includes sperm moving rectilinearly at a speed less than that of the previous group. These are aging or having disorders in the structure of the cell. Those in the ejaculate contains up to 15%. Similar sperm also appear with prolonged abstinence.

Category C includes cells that rotate in place (in a circle). In normal ejaculate they contain 5-15%.

Category D is reserved for immobilized sperm. About half of these cells are old sperm. They have either died or are dying.

Normal sperm usually contains cells of all 4 categories. However, it is important to determine their ratio. If the cells are motionless, find out the reason for this situation. A special substance, eosin, is introduced into the biological material. It penetrates the dead sperm. In this case, they are painted red. So you can calculate which cells are currently dead. If the cell is motionless, but does not turn red, it is alive. In this case, immobility is associated with abnormal sperm morphology.

If all the germ cells in the sperm are dead, this diagnosis needs confirmation. A spermogram is made several times to the patient. If it turns out that he has only dead cells in his ejaculate, this pathology is not treated. The couple is recommended to adopt a child or to conceive from the sperm of the donor. The reasons for this situation have not been clarified today.

Morphology, agglutination. ASAT

Morphology means the determination of the ratio between the number of spermatozoa of regular and irregular shape. If the structure of the cells is wrong, they move slowly. The frequency of the beating of the tail of such sperm is reduced. To count these cells, special staining of untreated sperm is used.

What does sperm agglutination mean? This item is present in the analysis. Agglutination is called sperm bonding. If this is observed, we can talk about the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitals. A similar situation occurs with violations in the body's immune system.

It is worth noting that in most cases with agglutination, you can conceive a child. However, sperm bonding reduces germ cell motility. This reduces the likelihood of conception. However, the likelihood of natural fertilization is not excluded.

Another obscure point is the MAP test in the spermogram. To understand this concept, it should be noted that the examination examines immunoglobulins of categories A, G, M. They are called ASAT. These are antibodies that affect the germ cells of a man. As a result, sperm cells stick together. ASAT are formed in the body of both men and women.

It is the production of ASAT in large quantities that can cause infertility. If the sperm sticks to the tail of the immunoglobulin, its movement slows down. If ACAT is attached to the head of the cell, sperm will not be able to fertilize the egg, even if it reaches it. It is the MAP test that allows you to detect ASAT in biological material.

Sperm Agglutination What Does It Mean

Therefore, if the spermogram opposite the point of the MAR test is zero, this is a good indicator. Therefore, ASAT immunoglobulins have not been identified. This increases the chances of conception.

Why are sperm immobile?

Improving the quality of spermograms is carried out with the help of special medicines, diets and other recreational activities. Their choice depends on the reason that caused this situation. In the modern world, there are several common causes that explain the decrease in sperm motility.

The most common factor that reduces the motility of male germ cells is the use of alcohol. Even a small amount of beer or a low-alcohol cocktail greatly reduces sperm motility. If such spermatozoa get to the egg, the fetus may have different pathologies in development.

In addition, in addition to alcohol, sperm motility is affected by smoking (cigarettes, hookah or drugs). Close underwear disrupts the circulation in the genitals. It also affects the quality of the ejaculate. Even the use of intimate lubricants can cause infertility.

Genital diseases, injuries also negatively affect sperm quality. Stress, overwork and lack of sleep do not pass unnoticed. Hypovitaminosis, malnutrition are also reflected in the male reproductive system.

Sperm quality

Normal sperm counts are often observed in men who live in comfortable conditions and lead a healthy lifestyle. If the quality of sperm is unsatisfactory, you should reconsider your lifestyle. In some cases, special treatment is not even required. You just need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Go in for sports (at least 3 times a week).
  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Live in an ecologically clean region.
  • Eat balanced, right.
  • Get enough sleep.

These simple steps can significantly improve sperm performance. Having passed the examination again, you can verify this. , , , , . .

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