Shiatsu is a Japanese therapy based on physiological and anatomical theory. It is regulated as licensed medical therapy in Japan and is currently at the peak of its development. A variety of styles combined classic Japanese unique massage techniques, medical practice, as well as the physiology and anatomy of Western Europe. Simply put, this term is called daily Japanese facial massage.
Massage originated in Japan one and a half centuries ago and is considered a modern manifestation of the ancient massage of Amma. Takiyuro Namikoshi, the founder of the method, believed that Japanese facial massage improves health, promotes longevity and good health. Shiatsu quickly gained attention and love in Japan, then in Europe, and today the technique is used not only by ordinary people, but also by professional masseurs around the world.
The technique is based on a point effect, carried out by pressing with palms or fingers. Regardless of what the purpose of Japanese shiatsu massage is, it is necessary to act on the same points, since massage treats not a specific ailment, but awakens the internal forces of the body to resist the disease.
By applying pressure to specific points on the body, in this case the face, it is possible to improve the circulation of vital energy and forces in the body. Interestingly, the points in this massage do not coincide with the points of acupuncture. In addition, these points are not located exactly, and during the massage are detected purely intuitively.
Before you begin treatment with massage, you need to know that shiatsu (Japanese massage) is contraindicated in some cases. So, this procedure cannot be carried out for any infectious diseases (infectious hepatitis, dysentery, malaria, mumps and others), for severe diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, stomach, hemophilia (violation of blood coagulation), and various neoplasms, and also with bone fractures and pain. Whatever the case, you should first consult with your doctor and find out his professional opinion.
Japanese facial massage is often done at home alone. Self-massage is even considered more effective and productive, since in this case the hands are involved, which improves blood circulation in the hands and fingertips, which in turn are associated with the work of the brain. So, with self-massage, it tones up only the general condition of the human body, but stagnation in the brain is also prevented.
As already mentioned, shiatsu is produced by rhythmic pressure on the points with fingers and palms. The generally accepted standard technique is pressing the entire plane of the first phalanx of the thumb. In this case, the pressure force should fluctuate from insignificant and barely perceptible to as large as possible. As a rule, up to ten presses per minute are done with a duration of one pressure from 5 to 7 seconds (exception: it is impossible to press on the points around the neck for more than 3 seconds).
Performing a Japanese facial massage, you can act with two hands, pressing the thumb of one hand on the thumb of the other, thereby burdening it. In general, massage is performed with the second, third and fourth fingers.
The pressure itself should be like a blow and be jerky. It is produced perpendicular to the massaged surface. The best effect of the technology is achieved in case of exposure to all known points. In the case of a certain disease, it is worth processing those points that are located near the sore spot. The feeling with pressure should be mixed (a mixture of pleasant and painful sensations). Often a session lasts half an hour with a weekly course of treatment. The next course should be started only after some time.