Constitutional system of the Russian Federation

The constitutional system of the Russian Federation is a certain order in which freedoms and human and civil rights are respected. Moreover, the government acts in accordance with the Basic Law.

The order in which the constitutional system of the Russian Federation is established begins with the determination of the principles for the formation of power in relation to civil society and the individual. These principles are contained in the first chapter of the Basic Law.

The constitutional system of the Russian Federation ensures the subordination of government authority. In a democratic country with a similar structure, society has a special position. The state system of Russia provides that civil society acts both as a system under the control of the government and as a self-regulatory structure. At the same time, government power is considered to be a governing system, which is at the same time dependent on a self-regulating society and its needs.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the Basic Law, it was exclusively based on humanistic ideas. They proceed from the inviolability of the freedoms and human and civil rights. The constitutional system of the Russian Federation does not put a citizen under the government yoke. The government is considered as an official representative of the people, authorized to resolve exclusively those issues that are defined in the Basic Law.

Due to the fact that this type of state system implies a special system of public relations, not separate legal norms, or even certain legal disciplines, but absolutely all branches of Russian legislation and law take part in its consolidation.

The foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation are the main foundations of the country, as well as the principles designed to ensure the nature of the constitutional state of the Russian Federation. So, according to the provisions set forth in the Basic Law, Russia is a democratic federal legal state. The country's democracy is reflected mainly in ensuring democracy, local self-government, as well as the separation of powers into the judicial, executive and legislative branches.

The country's constitution says that the multinational people acts as the sole source of power and bearer of sovereignty. This indicates that the country is being declared democratic. At the same time, according to the provisions in the Basic Law, it is also a legal power.

The rule of law is different in that it independently limits itself to the legal norms in force in it. All officials, authorities, citizens, public associations must obey these standards. In this regard, the principle of the rule of law is considered the basis of the rule of law.

According to the provisions in the Basic Law, equality of freedoms and rights is guaranteed regardless of gender, official and property status, attitude to religion, race, place of residence, membership of social groups and other circumstances. Moreover, it is forbidden to restrict the rights of citizens in any form on social, racial, religious, linguistic, nationality.

However, the essence of the rule of law is not reduced only to the protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual. The principle of a legal power also provides for the provision and restriction of the activities of the authorities equally. Thus, the individual’s freedoms and rights are guaranteed, as well as his legal, fair protection both in relations with the government and with other people. The rule of law as a result appears in the form of a combination of subjective civil rights and an objective order of activity of the authorities.

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