Which side of the appendicitis is and how to recognize it?

To the question: β€œWhich side of the appendicitis?”, Perhaps, any person will answer. And not surprising, because everyone knows that this disease is quite dangerous and requires emergency medical attention and surgical intervention.

So what is this disease? Appendicitis is a condition in which inflammation of the vermiform appendix (appendix) of the cecum, one of the sections of the large intestine, is observed. Since the disease develops rather quickly, it is important to have an idea of ​​its symptoms and step-by-step pre-medical care.

1 step.

In children, this disease usually occurs as an acute infection with fever, vomiting, cramps, nausea, stool disorders, diffuse abdominal pain. Signs of appendicitis in adults are usually not so intense and vivid.

You will immediately understand which side of the appendicitis is, with the rapid development of the disease. The first manifestation of an acute inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity is severe abdominal pain. Do not try to understand their cause, but immediately contact an ambulance. If the pain is moderate or mild, observe their dynamics and localization. With inflammation of the appendix, they usually begin in the navel and gradually shift to the lower right side of the abdomen. Another characteristic sign is that when you lie on your side and your knees are pressed to your chest, the pain subsides a little.

2 step.

Do not take laxatives or painkillers without medical advice and if you suspect this disease. There are cases of chronic inflammation of the appendix, in which the symptoms are lubricated, therefore, uncontrolled administration of antispasmodics and analgesics for abdominal pain is absolutely contraindicated. For any mild pain in the abdominal cavity, you need to be examined, and for acute pain, seek help immediately.

3 step.

How to determine appendicitis yourself? In terms of diagnosis, a check for the Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom can help. The technique is as follows: gently push and hold your hands in the right ridge area. With appendicitis, the pain should subside or decrease. Then quickly remove your hands from the abdomen. From additional concussion with inflammation of the peritoneum, the pain sharply and simultaneously intensifies.

4 step.

Everyone knows which side of the appendicitis is, but not everyone knows that the appendix has 6 typical locations relative to the internal organs. The most common appendix position is the right iliac region, in which the aforementioned typical symptoms occur. With other provisions of the appendix, pain can occur in other places - in the right hypochondrium, in the inguinal region, in the lower back, and in the right shoulder and thigh. If the pain persists within four hours, intensifies with movement, coughing, call a doctor.

In addition to pain, pay attention to other possible signs of appendicitis:

- loss of appetite ;

- nausea and vomiting;


- stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation);

- tenesmus (false urge to defecate).

5 step.

With regard to the treatment of appendicitis, the principle is very suitable: better sooner than later. Therefore, for any acute conditions and severe abdominal pain, seek medical help immediately. This is especially true for children, since a rupture of the appendix is ​​more likely in a child than in an adult.

From our point of view, it is not so important which side of the appendicitis is, it is much more important to know its main symptoms and how to behave correctly for the patient himself and his relatives. Inflammation of the appendix of the cecum is successfully and quickly treated if it does not rupture and other serious complications have developed.

Do not endanger your life because of your fear of calling a doctor, or, as it seems to you, for no reason, it is better to play safe with regard to health and life.

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