Tattoo sleeve in Japan: features and symbols

For many peoples of the world, the art of drawing a pattern on the body was considered sacred. The process of choosing an ornament was associated with mysticism. Particularly sensitive to the application of tattoo sleeves in Japan, continuing this tradition to this day.

The origins of

Applying a tattoo sleeve for men in Japan was considered a special privilege. Such an honor could only be awarded to the ruling elite or the emperor. A special role was played by the person who applied the tattoo. Before mastering the craft, it was necessary to take a long course of study. Of paramount importance is the selected pattern. Tattoo sleeve in Japan was applied with special equipment made of natural materials, pre-treating the skin with substances that add pallor to the skin.

Tattoo Tools

Tattoo Ideas

Sages believed that the tattoo affects the owner, developing in him those or other qualities. The Japanese style tattoo sleeve has many complex elements and meanings. Initially, these were just images without clear contours. Later in the culture appeared images of animals that were applied to:

  1. Good luck in hunting and protection against enemies.
  2. Attracting attention to aristocracy, belonging to a noble family.
  3. Religious goals. In the evolution of the meaning of tattoos, the next step was the acquisition of special theological significance. Attention was also given to the exaltation of high human feelings: love, fidelity, honor.
  4. Prohibition designation. Due to the historical processes of changing power, tattoos on visible parts of the body have become banned. But the Japanese did not want to put up with such orders and continue to stuff and wear tattoos on those parts of the body that are hidden from prying eyes.
Sleeve with abstraction elements

Drawing traditions and symbolism

No matter how surprising it may be, but the Japanese are forbidden to have a tattoo on their own body. At work in the office there is a dress code, not only associated with clothes. If a resident of Japan has a tattoo sleeve, then it must be hidden from prying eyes. Failure to comply with this rule may result in dismissal or a request to leave a public place. Masters advise those wishing to apply a tattoo in this style to first study the elements of technology in more detail. This is due to symbolism. The selected drawing will carry a certain meaning, which should coincide with the owner’s philosophy and his outlook on life.

Japan Tattoo Sleeve: Sketches and Examples

The most popular patterns in the style of Japanese tattoos include:

  1. Animal motives. The dragon is the most popular image that is most often chosen. It symbolizes fortitude, nobility, protection from the harmful effects of the fire element. It also represents energy and power. In contrast to the dragon and the fire element can be attributed the image of a fish - the personification of the water element and the world. The most popular request is to apply carp in its natural environment - water. This sketch symbolizes composure, the desire to fulfill desires and goals, briskness and luck in all endeavors. A significant difference from a dragon tattoo is that people who choose a fire-breathing predator are quick-tempered and aggressive, and carps primarily think about how any action will affect them, which makes them more wise and insightful.
  2. An equally popular cluster is the application of hieroglyphs. When choosing a picture, special attention should be paid to the meaning of the symbol. Japanese is very complex, so an extra strip in the character can give a completely different meaning than originally intended. According to the masters, the hieroglyphs are most often chosen by couples in love in order to prove to each other the strength of their feelings and perpetuate the memory of a significant event, whether it be a wedding or an anniversary.
  3. Also often scary creatures, such as demons and furies, are stuffed at first glance. But these images do not carry negative values, but are designed to protect their owner in physical and moral terms.
  4. Closes the list of tattoo sleeves Japan floral ornament. It is believed that girls are more likely to choose drawings of this topic, but this is not entirely true. For example, warriors often applied plant buds to their bodies to protect themselves from the enemy, bad intentions, this symbol was perceived as a charm from death. Floral ornament represents youth and sadness.
Japanese-style sleeve

The subtleties of tattoo art

The source of inspiration when choosing a drawing is the mythology of Japan. Many people choose masks and faces of demons as tattoos. With the right choice of image, a drawing can become the strongest amulet and amulet for its owner. But it is worth remembering that many factors influence the value of a tattoo: the position of even minor details, the general location on the body and color.

Demon tattoo

People who deeply study the history and symbolism of tattoos complement finished sketches with their abstract ideas. Masters claim that the tattoo sleeve in Japan is a competent combination of abstraction with specifics and does not really suit everyone, but only strong and wise people.

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