Visa to Nepal for Russians: how to apply?

Nepal is a beautiful country that always attracts travelers. Ancient original lands are able to attract tourists because of the picturesque nature, unusual culture and many attractions. However, not everyone knows whether a visa to Nepal is necessary for the Russians. It is necessary to enter the country. Its design is simple, it does not take much time and does not require many documents. With permission, you can safely go on a trip. The necessary photos, visa requirements for Nepal are described in the article.

Types of Visas

Visas to Nepal are:

  • tourist;
  • in transit;
  • children’s;
  • workers;
  • commercial;
  • guest / private.

You can get a tourist visa in advance, at the embassy, ​​for example, in Moscow, or at the airport, after arrival. A transit permit allows not only to enter the country, but also to be in it for 3 days. Then the traveler needs to leave Nepal. The opening of this type of visa is carried out at the airport, after paying the consular fee - 300 rubles.

visa to nepal

There is no visa-free regime in this country. This is one of its important features. Consular tax does not need to be paid for children who are not yet 10 years old. A visa to Nepal for Belarusians is issued upon arrival for 60 days, but for this you need to pay about 2400 rubles.

On arrival

You can get a visa to Nepal upon arrival. This is one of the easiest ways. Permission is granted by migration officers located in Tribuvan, Kathmandu Airport, and at land crossings:

  1. Gadda.
  2. Chowki.
  3. Kodari.
  4. Birganj.
  5. Mohan.
  6. Kakarvitta.
  7. Jamanuha.

According to reviews, many tourists apply for visas upon arrival. It is convenient and uncomplicated. And in order to definitely not have difficulties with entry, it is better to do this in advance. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the customs rules that apply to all tourists.


What documents are required to obtain a visa to Nepal upon arrival? Availability is required:

  1. Passport, which must be valid for 6 months after arrival from the country. It is important that it has clean sheets, at least 2.
  2. Photos (2 pcs.) Color or black and white - size 3 x 4 cm.
  3. A visa application form that you can print and take with you. In Kathmandu, it can be filled with the help of migrant workers. Correct information must be indicated, always in English.
visa to Nepal for Russians

Still may be required:

  • medical insurance;
  • hotel reservation;
  • aviation tickets.

If a transit permit is issued upon arrival, confirmation of the reservation at the hotel or hotel in the main country of destination is required. Return tickets are also needed.


How to apply for a visa to Nepal for Russians? You can get it in Moscow, since only there is the embassy of the country. The deadline is no more than 1 business day, but should not be delayed until the last. The list of documents is the same as for obtaining permission on arrival.

How to get a visa to Nepal? The documentation must be provided in person, having previously made sure that there are additional permissions. This is required when planning trekking, i.e., hiking to the Himalayan mountains. Therefore, tourists must first contact the Department of Immigration for permission. Validity period depends on:

  • the number of days during which a stay in the mountains is planned;
  • Himalaya region selected for climbing.


The cost of a visa to Nepal for Russians is in the range of 600-42,000 rubles per week of the trip. A single or group ascent is carried out only accompanied by a guide from local residents, therefore, the application of his certificate and payment for services are required. There will be no fees for groups wishing to be in Annapurna, Everest, Raru, Langtang, but fees may still be charged by local authorities.

Do I need a visa to Nepal

An approximate route plan is attached to the permit. You need to pay a visa fee at the embassy. This can be done in foreign currency or Russian. To obtain a tourist visa to Nepal, additional documents are required. An identification code, internal passport, armored accommodation and airline tickets are required.

With kids

Nepal is visited not only by adults, but also by families with children. When planning such a trip, permission is required. It can be issued upon arrival or at the embassy. This requires the presence of:

  1. Birth certificates of the child (original and copy).
  2. A child’s passport or a copy of the pages if the children are recorded in the passport of the parents.
  3. Notarized power of attorney from one parent if the trip is made with a second parent.
  4. A power of attorney if a child travels to Nepal with a guardian, grandmother, grandfather or other person.

Visit to india

Visa to India is required if the trip is complex - to Nepal and India. Just visit the last country does not work. Permission to enter India is issued at the embassies:

  1. Moscow.
  2. St. Petersburg.
  3. Vladivostok.

Visas are also available online or through travel agencies. Such a trip can be made with an excursion group or on their own. Departure from Nepal to India is carried out through the passage in the city of Samuli. There, immigration officers put an exit stamp. Upon return, a seal will be affixed to which entry is permitted.

visa nepal photo requirements

You can get an Indian visa in Nepal. To do this, contact the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu. It is necessary to prepare:

  • photo (2 pcs.) - 3 x 4 cm;
  • passport (2 copies);
  • visas to India (copies), if any.

A visa is issued for 3-4 business days. You do not have to bring documentation yourself. There is a possibility of contacting a travel company where you have to pay for services and submit documents.

Customs regulations

In addition to applying for a visa, you must familiarize yourself with the customs rules to visit the country. During customs control, bags and suitcases of tourists are inspected for the presence of drugs and weapons.

The following rules apply to the import and export of currency:

  1. There are almost no restrictions on the currencies of other countries. But the amount of 305,000 rubles is required to be declared.
  2. Nepalese rupees cannot be imported and exported from the country.

Get or sell local money at any airport. In other places, the exchange is not performed.

There are restrictions on the export and import of goods:

  1. You can no more than 25 cigars.
  2. No more than 12 bottles of beer and 1.5 liters of spirits are allowed.
  3. The import of cameras, players and other mechanical means is allowed in the amount necessary for personal use.

Declaration of sports equipment, photo and audio equipment upon arrival in Nepal is required so that during departure there would be no problems during customs inspection. Forbidden to export:

  • precious metals and stones;
  • horns, skins and other similar objects;
  • Antiques from 100 years;
  • works of art (export is allowed only with special permission).

Route selection

To date, there are no direct flights from Russia. But there is an opportunity to fly with transfers in the capital of Tbilisi, Doha. Flight services are offered by the following companies:

  1. Turkish Airlines.
  2. Etihad Airways.
  3. Emirates
  4. Flydubai.
Nepal visa for Belarusians

Airlines regularly offer promotions, which saves money. With transfers, the trip will take about 2 days. Buying tickets is better in advance.

Permanent residence

Nepal is a great place to stay, so some travelers want to stay there forever. Obtain citizenship can:

  • persons who have lived in the country for at least 15 years;
  • persons who are married to a local resident;
  • specialists who are not enough in the country.

Applicants for a visa to Nepal need to know the state language. A person must not only speak it, but also read, write. It is important that he has an official job. To obtain Nepalese citizenship, you need to renounce the citizenship of your country.

Permanent residence is allowed if you live in Nepal for a period or go to university. Thanks to this, it will be possible to get acquainted with local traditions, language, culture, as well as find a job, make sure whether the country is suitable for permanent residence.

Renewal permits

Often travelers want to stay in the country, and then an extension of the visa is required. This is simple, without problems, if the number of days of stay is not more than 150 for 1 year.

How to get a visa to Nepal

The extension of the visa takes place at the Department of Immigration in Kathmandu or in the city of Pokhara, where there is a similar organization for working with foreign citizens. Documentation still needs to be submitted to other immigration offices, but extradition takes longer.

From the documents you need to prepare:

  • photo (2 pcs.) - 3 x 4 cm;
  • visa application form;
  • completed application with signature and photo;
  • confirmation of payment of the consular fee;
  • international passport.

To submit documents, it is advisable to arrive 15-20 minutes before the opening of the office in order to take a turn. Papers are checked by an immigration officer who is assigned a date and time of issue. This usually happens on the same day. A passport with a visa is collected after 2 hours. For the extension of the visa you will have to pay 900-1800 and 120 rubles for each day.

Visa price

A multiple entry visa is usually issued to Nepal. It differs only in the period for which it is issued, which affects the payment. Payment is one for all permissions:

  • multiple up to 15 days - 1500 rubles;
  • multiple up to 30 days - 2400;
  • multiple up to 90 days - 6100 rubles.

Difficulty in getting

In this country, there is a loyal attitude towards visa applicants, but for this all documentation, including a passport, must be in order. If the visa is transit, it is important to follow the rules of stay in the country and leave it at the right time. In case of violation of the visa may be denied.

visa to Nepal upon arrival

The reason for refusal includes requests for an Indian visa, as there are some problems between India and Russia. Therefore, citizens of the Russian Federation are often denied a visa. Thus, obtaining permission to visit Nepal is not difficult, but you need to take care of this in advance. Especially when planning trekking in the mountains.

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