The number of police officers per capita in different countries

If we talk about the number of policemen per capita, there are two extremes in the world: the largest number is in Russia, and the smallest in Finland. In Finland, there is one police officer per 1,000 inhabitants. Nowhere in Europe is such a small number of law enforcement officers monitoring the safety of residents. This is practically the smallest number of police officers per capita in the world. Finland is at the same time the safest state in the world according to the World Economic Forum.

By country

With more than 5.5 million inhabitants of Finland, just over 7.2 thousand police officers serve. Statistically, 1.3 employees per 1,000 inhabitants. According to Eurostat, the number of policemen per capita in different countries of Europe is about 3 people. for a thousand. In Sweden, this figure is about 2 people, in Poland - 2.5, in Germany 3, and in Spain and Russia more than 5 people. Thus, the number of policemen per capita in the Russian Federation is almost 2 times higher than the European average.

in rf


Currently, Europe is dominated by a general trend towards an increase in police forces. However, Finland chose a different path and reduces the total number of police officers - this follows from an analysis compiled on the Finnish state Internet service. The service draws attention to the fact that this country has never needed a large staff of law enforcement forces, in particular due to the stable nature of society. It is also noted that the level of security of residents cannot be measured by the number of employees, because the main point is how the available police resources are used.

Therefore, Finland put on the professionalism of employees in this area, reducing the number of policemen per capita. In 2016, only 57 people graduated from the Finnish school of employees in this field, recognized as one of the best in Europe.

finnish police

It is also expected that after 2020 in this state the number of employees may decrease by almost a thousand. The number of police officers per capita in this country will be constantly decreasing. From the analysis presented on the mentioned Internet service, it follows that Finland does not need additional employees to detect crimes - because their number is decreasing. There is a need for experts from other areas, primarily in connection with the growing number of cybercrimes.

It also affects the current number of police officers per capita in countries around the world. The legal protection profile is somewhat shifting towards the virtual sphere.

What are the changes associated with

New answers to the question of how many police officers per capita in the countries of the world appear precisely because of these modern trends. According to the Finnish police, in 2016 the number of crimes on the Internet increased.

Last year, about 9 thousand cases of fraud related to payments on the Internet were recorded (this is an increase of more than 3 thousand, compared to 2015). And the most common are offers for the sale of non-existent goods. According to Finnish police, most of these crimes are investigated, but rarely the victim can return the money.

In Cyprus

The second group of crimes, which is growing rapidly, are sex crimes. In 2016, slightly more than 3.3 thousand such cases were recorded (an increase of 12 percent compared to 2015). This is probably due to the trend of liberalization in relation to victims of rape, which simply began to more often report the commission of crimes against them and less to hush up such cases. However, at the same time it was noticed that more and more suspected of committing this type of crime are foreigners.

According to the Finnish police chiefs, throughout 2016, the police are doing well. True, her work was clearly influenced by the presence of refugees. The number of police calls due to various criminal events has not increased significantly. However, their character has changed - by the end of 2016, the police had a lot of work related to refugees who were denied the right to stay in the state.

women police

According to 2016 data, more than 5.5 thousand refugees arrived in Finland. In 2015, there were much more, more than 32 thousand. More than 2.5 thousand cases of beatings, threats, thefts, in which asylum seekers were suspected, were registered. At the same time, in 2016 more than 6 thousand people were expelled to 100 different countries of the world (in 2015 there were half as many such decisions).

At the same time, with the smallest number of policemen per capita, in terms of statistics, Finland remains the safest destination for tourists. This follows from the data announced in April in the Tourism and Travel Competitiveness Report, produced every two years at the World Economic Forum.

On the second and third place were the security of the UAE and Iceland. Despite the large number of policemen per capita in Russia, this country took the 126th position in the same rating. Finland took first place in security, also in previous editions of this rating. The preparation of this report takes into account, in particular: an assessment of the work of the police, the level of crime and terrorist threats.

Thus, the number of police officers per capita by country is not related to the level of security in them.

american cops

The situation in the USA

The peculiarity is distinguished by the situation in law enforcement in the United States. This is due historically. There are 20 thousand police forces in the USA - each state, city or town has its own police force. Law enforcement officers themselves buy weapons, they have a choice of revolvers and pistols.

In the United States, the number of police officers per capita will be determined as follows: there are about 370 inhabitants per employee, which corresponds to approximately the average European level. In total, 800,000 police officers work here, of which 10% are women. American law enforcement officers are 60% of cases white, 30% Hispanic, 10% African American.

Highest concentration

If we consider how many policemen per capita in Russia, how many there are more than in developed countries, it should be taken into account that the Russian Federation is considered the richest state in the world in this regard. This is the absolute leader in the number of law enforcement officers per unit of population. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that this number is 564 people. In second place in this ranking is Turkey. In third place in the number of police officers per capita is Italy.

It is noteworthy that similar trends are observed in the Slavic states. About 80 percent of EU countries have lower police density than in the Czech Republic. The situation is similar in Slovakia.

in the USA


A German policeman is generally in a good position. He gets the right to a full pension (73.5% of the last salary without additives) only at the age of 60-65 years, while he can not work in the police longer than 40 years. In addition, it is possible under certain conditions to retire early. In different lands different decisions can be made.


Persons performing this service in Belarus, having worked for a certain number of years, acquire the right to pay life annuity. This right has been working for at least 20 years in the department. In other cases, it is necessary to work at least 25 years, and at least 12.5 years - in the department.

The basis for calculating the pension is the recent salary in the position held, the additional payment for the title, the additional payment for the length of service.


Officials in Bulgaria can retire regardless of age if they have 25 years of insurance experience and 2/3 of them have worked in government bodies.

The income on the basis of which pensions are calculated is determined by multiplying the average income for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month the pension was awarded by the individual employee ratio.

France and Spain

French police acquire pension rights after practicing a certain number of years and reaching a certain age. They can retire at their own request subject to two conditions: 25 years of work (with the exception of non-commissioned officers for whom the minimum service life is 15 years) and being at the age of 5 years younger than the maximum age defined for this level in the corps. For the corps of non-commissioned officers, this age was determined to be 50 years. Thus, the date of birth is not the only element necessary to determine the right to a pension.

Employees of the Spanish National Police Corps retire at the age of 65.

In the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, there are no special conditions of service for police officers. In principle, any citizen, upon reaching the age of 65, may retire. You can retire when you turn 60. On retirement, a person receives approximately 80% of the average salary. Work experience does not matter. Rarely recruit former police officers. More often they work as volunteers.


In the EU, the number of police per 100 thousand citizens is falling, and the forecast will remain the same. Such conclusions follow from statistics published by Eurostat. On average, there are 318 law enforcement officers in Europe per 100,000 inhabitants in Europe, with the lowest concentration in Hungary, and most of all in Cyprus.

Eurostat published statistics on the status of personnel, in particular law enforcement and prison staff in Europe in 2008 - 2016. It turns out that in the EU member states in 2016, there were only 1,623,000 police officers. There is a gradual decrease in the number of police officers compared with the state since 2009 by 3.4%. For 100 thousand people in the EU in 2016 there were 318 police officers.

in Europe

A minimum of employees served in this area in Hungary. In 2016, there were 90 police officers per 100,000 citizens, the next place was taken by Denmark - 186 officials, Sweden with a score of 203, England and Wales (as part of the United Kingdom, without Scotland and Northern Ireland) showed a mark of 212 employees and Romania - 242.

Asked how many police officers there are per capita in Russia, it is worth considering that the undisputed leader in the ranking by the number of employees among the EU countries was in 2016, according to the statistics of Eurostat, Cyprus, because there were 573 employees per 100 thousand inhabitants. The countries that had more than 400 law enforcement officers per 100 thousand citizens were also Slovakia, Portugal, Italy, Latvia, Croatia, Greece and Malta.

The situation in law enforcement

Eurostat also indicated that in 2016, about 294 thousand people worked in the penitentiary system of the EU countries in various positions, including as guards in prison. It is indicated that there is a tendency to reduce staff in this area in individual Member States. A decrease in the number of prisoners (about 5 percent) across the entire EU in the period 2008-2016 is also noted. In addition, there is a trend towards a lack of staff in many countries.

At the same time, it is known that the number of law enforcement officers is increasing annually in the Russian Federation. And yet, as of 2018, there is a shortage of 45,000 police officers in the country. There are many complaints in the country that it is not always possible to contact the precinct. The lack of personnel in the police is becoming a natural situation for many Russian cities. As statistics show, people go to this job reluctantly.

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