The Russian language cannot be called simple. That is why questions concerning the spelling of certain words have been and continue to be relevant. They are asked not only by schoolchildren, but also by adults. After all, not everyone manages to master the enormous amount of knowledge that is taught in educational institutions. Need to catch up.
It is not enough just to find out the correct answer. You need to understand what it is based on.
To determine how to write correctly: “temporary” or “temporary”, the difference between the words should be obvious to you. Let's start with this question.
So, “temporary” and “temporary” are synonyms. What does it mean? This term refers to words that are very similar to each other in form, but have different meanings. Unites their similar sound. For example, in this case, a difference of just one letter can create confusion and lead to the incorrect use of these words.
In order not to confuse these two words, you need to clearly understand the lexical meaning of each of them. Then the difference between the words “temporary” or “temporary” will be obvious to you. So, let's start with the first of the above options.
What does the word “temporary” mean? This term describes any phenomena and processes that last for a limited period. They have a starting point and a logical conclusion. A synonym for this word can be "fickle."
“Temporary” means characteristic of a certain time, a certain period. It is necessary to explain by example. For example, this phrase “time period”.
How right?
So, now you know the difference between the two above words, as well as the meaning of each of them. Only one question remains relevant. How to write correctly: temporary or temporary?
If we recall the lexical meaning of each word, we can conclude that both options are correct. However, the peculiarity is that each term is used in its own context.
If it is difficult to determine the appropriateness of using a particular word, it is enough to use synonyms.
For example, “temporary” can be replaced with phrases such as:
- "short";
- "Fickle";
- “Short-lived”;
- "during some time".
The stress in the word "temporary" in this case, in contrast to the paronym, is placed on the first syllable.
For the word “temporary”, as already mentioned, the combination “characteristic of a certain period” will be an excellent alternative. Emphasis must be placed on the last syllable. This is true in spoken language. Indeed, the ability to speak correctly is a feature of an educated, intelligent person.