Evan Handler: biography and best films

Evan Handler is an American film and television actor and writer. The most famous films with his participation are the thriller ransom and the comedy Sex and the City. Of the television projects with the participation of the actor, the most popular series are Lascivious California and The Client Is Always Dead.

Evan Handler filmography

Movie career

Evan made his debut in feature films in 1981, playing a cameo role in the drama The Chosen.

In 1994, Handler got a supporting role in the crime drama "Natural Born Killers" by Oliver Stone. The film went well at the box office, collecting more than $ 50 million with a budget of 30 million, but received mixed reviews from critics and viewers.

In 1996, the actor played Miles Roberts in the thriller Redemption. The director of the film, Ron Howard, chose the main roles of real Hollywood stars: Mel Gibson, Rene Russo and Liva Schreiber. The tape was liked by critics and, like Howard’s previous films, went great at the box office, raising more than $ 300 million.

Evan Handler, Ransom

In 1998, director Stuart Burkin approved Handler for one of the main roles in his new drama "Desperate Season". The protagonist of the picture is the sheriff of a small town, who joined the battle with farmers growing marijuana in order to improve their financial situation. At the box office, the film was not very successful.

This role was followed by a long break in the work on feature films. Until 2009, Handler worked mainly on television, and sometimes took part in theatrical productions.

Evan returned to the cinema in 2008, playing Harry Goldenblatt in the movie Sex and the City. The film has grossed more than $ 400 million worldwide, becoming one of the most successful comedies of the year.

In 2010, the sequel “Sex and the City 2” was released, in which Handler again played the role of Harry Goldenblatt.

A year later, the actor appeared in a cameo in the comedy "Family Tree". Despite the strong cast, the tape failed at the box office.

TV roles

The actor often works on television, in his filmography of more than 30 series and television films. Evan Handler made his debut on TV back in 1981, playing a small role in the soap opera "One Life to Live."

This work in 1984 was followed by a supporting role in the popular crime series "Miami Police: Department of Morals."

The actor also played a small role - the role of Eli Baker in the television series "Law and Order."

Evan Handler worked a lot on television projects, but for a long time he got the supporting roles. Among his television works, it is also worth noting the series Friends, Sex and the City, and Undercover Police. Fans of political dramas know the actor for the role of Douglas Vegland in the project "The West Wing."

In 2001, Handler joined the cast of the drama series Client Is Always Dead. This project was very successful - more than 5 million viewers watched the television series in the United States alone. "The customer is always dead" was awarded three Golden Globe awards.

From 2007 to 2014, Evan Handler played the role of Charlie Rankle in the TV series "Lascivious California". His frame partners were stars such as David Duchovny and Natasha McElhon. The series received mostly positive reviews from critics. A photo of Evan Handler from the Lascivious California series is presented below.

Evan Handler, Lascivious California

In 2016, the actor was selected for the role of Alan Dershowitz in the crime series "American Crime History." This role was, although not the main, but memorable. It is noteworthy that Alan Dershowitz is a real historical character: he was a law professor at Harvard, a lawyer and lawyer.

From 2017 to the present, the actor has been working on the legal drama "Good Fight". Critics commented on the series very warmly. Despite not very high ratings, it was decided to extend the television series for the third season, the shooting of which will begin in the near future.

Evan Handler photo

Writing career

In 2006, Handler’s first book, Time of Fire: My Comedy of Terrors, saw the actor’s difficult struggle with acute myeloid leukemia in the mid-2000s. In 2008, Evan Handler’s second book, “It's All Temporary ... The Pros and Cons of Being Alive” (It's Only Temporary ... The Good News and the Bad News of Being Alive), was published in which the author told his humor about the process of rehabilitation after an illness.

Handler regularly writes articles for the online edition of The Huffington Post.

Personal life

Evan Handler is married to Eliza Atti, a chemist. In 2007, the couple gave birth to a daughter, Sofia Clementine.

Evan has an older brother - Lowell, a photographer and writer.

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