Often with regard to neoplasms, which in appearance resemble warts, there is confusion, and meanwhile, there is a difference between condyloma and papilloma. Both are characterized by different sizes and can be localized in various parts of the body: the surface of the skin, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the genital area. Also, these "warts" may occur due to interaction with the papilloma virus. According to medical practice, the probability of infection is at least 90%. What, in fact, is the difference between genital warts and papillomas, we will analyze in this article.
general information
Constant skin rashes, according to most doctors, indicate the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, which we know as parasites. Thanks to them, our immunity weakens, the body is poisoned. And therefore, in order to avoid skin problems, it is so important to cleanse all uninvited guests.
As for the pathogen such as the papilloma virus, there are up to 60 species! Moreover, among them there are also those that lead to the development of oncological processes in the human body. Now it's time to move on to the question: "What is the difference between micro-papillomas and genital warts?"
What are papillomas?
These are benign neoplasms that can be attributed to the symptoms of papilloma-viral infection. These growths appear in most people, regardless of age. They have a soft structure, round or irregular in shape, and are rough to the touch. The size can be about 10 mm in diameter, brown or flesh-colored.
As a rule, neoplasms can be localized on any part of the body, but often they can be found in the following places:
- on the neck;
- in the axillary region;
- on the back:
- on the fingers;
- on the palms;
- on the sole of the foot.
Moreover, in the neck, under the armpits and below the chest, filiform neoplasms appear, which in the medical language are called acrochords. Their appearance can be caused not only by a decrease in immunity, but also by a number of other factors, which include excessive physical exertion, hormonal failure, frequent stress and the presence of diseases in a chronic form. Also at risk are those people who abuse bad habits (smoking, alcohol). In the photo, papillomas and condylomas do not look very attractive, and indeed, they cause a lot of inconvenience to a person, so you should take care to remove them.
What is characteristic, the pathogen can be present in the body without giving itself away, and is activated only under favorable conditions. And while it is in sleep mode, complex diagnostics will be required to detect it.
As a rule, with age, not only the number of papillomas can increase, but also their size. At the same time, it does not bear tangible discomfort in the physical plane, and there is also no threat to life from the presence of these formations.
What are condylomas
Now the turn has come to consider another variety of neoplasms - genital warts. Often they are localized on the mucous membrane, and in appearance are more like papillae, chicken crest or cauliflower. At the same time, condylomas can be not only peaked, they have a wide apex.
As a rule, these neoplasms are also benign and are often localized in the perineum singly, but most often in groups. Only, unlike papillomas, condylomas are prone to fusion, due to which a shape similar to cauliflower is formed.
The incubation period of the virus is usually from 7 days to six months, and during this period there will be no growths on the body. But after the appearance of warts, it reaches its maximum size in a few hours.
External differences
Now itโs the turn to nevertheless find out what, in fact, is the difference between papilloma and condyloma. Both have several varieties. Among warts, two forms are common:
- Wide - attached to the surface of the skin due to the wide base. These growths appear due to the re-development of syphilis. And they already pose a threat due to the fact that in the area of โโtheir localization the epithelial layer changes, which leads to malignant tumors.
- Gabled - such neoplasms are attached to the leg, often appear on the mucous membrane of the genitals, oral cavity, throat and armpits. At first, these growths more closely resemble only a cosmetic defect on the skin, but over time they begin to bleed, and an inflammatory reaction occurs.
Papillomas also have several forms:
- Keratopapillomas. They are popularly known as simple warts. Initially, they look like pigment spots on the skin, but rather quickly grow to the dimensions of the growth itself with a diameter of 10 to 15 mm.
- Filiform growths. They are also called true papillomas, and initially they appear as a yellow spot. Over time, it begins to stretch and takes on a rounded shape. A thin leg is used for fastening, and such growths are localized most often on the neck, back, face.
- Flat papillomas. These are round growths no more than 2 mm high. Their shape is mostly round, but may be irregular. Basically, their habitat is the face.
To know how condylomas differ from their opponents is necessary in order to determine further actions.
Of course, many doctors recommend getting rid of any type of growths on the human body , due to the risk of developing cancer processes. At the same time, some of these growths can be with a person all his life and not cause him concern.
A number of distinctive features
It will not be difficult for a specialist to identify the difference between condyloma and papilloma from a photo, while ordinary patients do not always succeed. But in addition to the above, these neoplasms can be distinguished by a number of other factors. An important indicator is density - papillomas are more hard to the touch, which can not be said about condylomas. They also arise mainly committed in different places. Condylomas, as a rule, are localized exclusively on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, in the genital area or around the anus. As for the papillomas, they rarely occur on the mucosa, often they appear on the surface of the skin.
It is condylomas that tend to merge frequently, which leads to the formation of groups, with papillomas this does not happen. And if you remove the mucous neoplasms, the risk that they will reappear exists and is rather high than with the same procedure in the case of papillomas.
In addition, it is papillomas that do not pose a serious danger to a person. You can safely make a decision about their removal or live with them without paying any attention to them. With condylomas, one must be careful, and it is better to get rid of them, in order to avoid the appearance of malignant neoplasms.
In other words, despite the differences, condylomas and papillomas have the same origin.
Distribution paths
As it is now known, the neoplasms under consideration appear due to exposure to the papilloma virus, and its various types. If it enters the body, then with the advent of favorable conditions for it, the virus activates. Type A can be transmitted in both domestic and sexual ways, with the latter most common.
Other types are mainly spread by sex. For this reason, the appearance of genital warts, doctors refer to STDs. As for the papillomas, they are often transmitted by contact-household means.
Causes of neoplasms
As already known, the appearance of any neoplasm on the human body is due to the action of the papilloma virus, but skin manifestations do not appear immediately. For a fairly long time, the virus can be in โstandby modeโ while the human immunity is strong. A number of factors are capable of provoking its activation:
- Immunodeficiency.
- Nervous strain.
- Respiratory disease of a viral nature.
- Taking certain drugs over a long period (antibiotics, steroids, cytostatics).
- Exacerbation of urogenital infections.
- Herpes type II.
Also, infection of the papilloma virus from mother to child during childbirth is not excluded.
What is the difference between papilloma and condyloma, we have already figured out, but in order to accurately verify the presence of HPV (human papilloma virus), you need to get advice from specialists such as a dermatologist or venereologist. A diagnosis can be made already on the basis of a visual examination of the patient, but this applies only to classic cases with genital warts.
But without analysis, it is impossible to determine the type of virus, as well as the degree of threat to the human body. To do this, use the following diagnostic methods:
- Cytological examination.
- Histological examination.
- Digene test.
A cytological examination is carried out using a microscope, while pathologically altered cells of the cervical mucosa can be detected, which should not be normal. This is called cervical dysplasia. If changes were detected at an early stage, this process is still considered reversible.
A histological examination takes a small amount of tissue for analysis by a gynecologist or urologist. Under the same microscope, the state of the tissues is assessed.
PCR analysis must be done correctly, otherwise the results may be false (violation of the conduct or transportation). This study is considered the main one and allows not only to identify the difference between condyloma and papilloma, but also to determine the 16th and 18th type of the virus and its other highly oncogenic varieties. Material is taken from the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix (in women), as well as from the mucous membrane of the male genital organ.
Digene-test will establish the degree of risk from papillomas or genital warts. That is, this study allows you to identify the concentration of the virus and thereby determine whether there is a threat.
The question of treating neoplasms on the body is the prerogative of the person himself, however, consulting a professional dermatologist will not hurt, for which it is worth visiting a specialized clinic. Only in such conditions can an accurate diagnosis be made in the presence of modern diagnostic tools.
It is important to clarify one important point - in no case do self-medication and even more so get rid of neoplasms on their own! This is a direct path to the development of oncology.
If this problem is detected, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment for genital warts and papillomas with antiviral and antifungal medications. The main thing is to increase the body's resistance and restore immunity.
If there is a suspicion of the development of malignant formations, the specialist will refer the patient to an additional study (for example, identification of tumor markers). In this case, cytostatics will be involved.
Methods for getting rid of papillomas and genital warts
Currently, getting rid of neoplasms on the body can be done using proven and modern means:
- Surgery. For a while, this method was considered the only and current method for removing genital warts and papillomas. At the same time, the procedure has its consequences in the form of scars and scars lagging on the body, which causes a cosmetic defect. Therefore, there was a need to search for more rational methods for removing skin tumors.
- Chemistry. Special agents are used here, based on potent acids.
- Low temperature. The procedure is called cryocoagulation, in which neoplasms are exposed to liquid nitrogen with an extremely low temperature. However, in this case, the risk of relapse is quite high, which is a significant drawback.
- Radio waves. This is not only painless, but also a quick way to remove unwanted growths on the body or mucous membrane.
- Laser. It is also quite an effective technique, only it is not relevant for all neoplasms.
As we now know, unlike genital warts, papillomas do not pose a serious danger. But which method to use in each case, only the doctor decides. Here it is necessary to take into account the severity of the ailment that arose, whether the patient has any diseases in the chronic stage, how strong the immune system is, whether there are allergic manifestations and other factors.
Important point
Paradoxically, the papilloma virus has one unique feature - having settled in the human body, it remains there forever. It does not threaten serious complications if its activity is restrained. And for this it is necessary to maintain your immunity in a healthy state.
The best prophylaxis against the appearance of neoplasms is the rejection of bad habits, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a balanced diet and timely contact a specialist. In relation to children, they should be given the necessary vaccinations from the age of nine.