How to write an essay "Man and society"

In world and Russian literature, the problem of the relationship between man and society is one of the most important. A person lives in society, and many of his actions or actions, one way or another, involve interaction with society. However, this same sphere is also the most problematic, because often the motives of an individual person do not coincide with the motives of society.

essay man and society

Basic rules for writing work

How to get a high score on the essay "Man and society?". The first step in writing should be the formulation of the main idea - this will be the topic of the essay. Also, any argument consists of theses and arguments that justify them. The student can put forward theses according to personal beliefs that he has on issues of interaction between man and society. The composition should also contain an introduction and conclusion. It is also worth remembering that in the main part of the work you need to avoid information that is not directly related to the main topic.

essay on the subject of man and society

Development takes place only in society

You can, for example, emphasize that society can survive without a single individual, but not vice versa. For example, according to the great Russian scientist L. S. Vygotsky, a person is, first of all, a social being. Without interaction with senior members of society, he will never be able to develop the qualities that appeared as a result of the evolution of all mankind. Confirmation of this is the Mowgli children, who were raised by animals. Even in adulthood, they can no longer master speech, numeracy, abilities for abstract thinking, the ability to properly handle a variety of tools and objects that were developed as a result of the historical development of society.

How a person learns behavior

In the essay “Man and Society,” the student can emphasize that the development of the child is subject not only to the biological laws in force in the animal kingdom, but also to the influence of socio-historical laws. Biological development occurs due to the influence of hereditary mechanisms, as well as through the acquisition of individual experience. A man, says the scientist, does not have innate forms of behavior. Its development occurs by imitation of adults.

man and society writing arguments

School: first communication experience

The essay “Man and Society” is a good way for the student to reflect on the role that society plays in his life. After all, an educational institution is not just a place where students come to receive knowledge. It is here that the first serious interaction of the individual and society begins. Game and communication are vital elements for a successful personality development. After all, a happy person is one who knows how to interact with the outside world, build comfortable relationships.


In the essay on the theme “Man and Society”, one can touch upon the problems of dissent. After all, often society does not accept those who dare to think differently than most. Each person has his own ideas about how to live, his own beliefs and ideas. And no one has the right to take them from a person. However, the differences between the beliefs of a single individual and society are just a mini-model by which many laws of nature function. And therefore, dissent cannot be ignored. In fact, in any society there are always at least two opposing forces. For example, in the political structure of many countries there are left, right and centrist parties. In America, the struggle is traditionally waged between Democrats and Republicans, and in England - between Labor and Conservatives. The same confrontation is observed in nature - the living creature gene mutates or remains in the same state.

In the essay “Man and society”, the argument on this issue may sound like this: society should be tolerant of the dissent of a single person, since it is inherent in nature. Each representative of society should be tolerant of the opinion of his opponent, his right to think differently. One person prefers to eat only vegetables, while everyone around is used to having meat in the diet. This is not a reason for society to somehow discriminate against this person.

essay on literature man and society

Human Opinion and Public Position

As a rule, the stage of training, when students are asked to write the essay “Man and Society” at home, is 11th grade. At this time, schoolchildren can no longer be called kids - they turn into young people with their own opinions on various issues. In the process of working on this essay, students have the opportunity to describe the problems in this area that are most close to them. Indeed, often the interaction of the individual and society can be both positive and negative. In the Strugatsky brothers ’novel“ Ugly Swans ”there are lines:“ A she-wolf teaches her cubs: “Bite like me” ... a hare teaches rabbits: “Get away like me.” But a man teaches a cub: "Think like me," and this is a crime. "

If attempts to think independently were unsuccessful

Independent thinking of a single individual is often perceived by society as a real betrayal. For example, a young man may say that he does not believe in higher powers, does not want to receive a diploma of higher education, or, for example, wants to create his own political party. Often he can come across a negative reaction of society - ridicule, denial, humiliation, scandals, blackmail. Sometimes young people have to fight so fiercely for their ideals that they simply forget about their content. Even having lived to an advanced age, they continue to try to defend themselves, not remembering the meaning of their ideas.

man and society works examples

Versatility of the problem

Yes, often society suppresses an individual. However, a person cannot live separately from other people - he certainly needs comrades and friends, those who will support in difficult times. The example of the essay “Man and Society”, which is described in this article, contains several different views on the possible ways of interaction between the individual and society. The student can choose those thoughts that will be closer to his own worldview. This problem is multifaceted, and it cannot be said unequivocally whether a person can survive without society, and society - without a single person.

man and society essay grade 11

Examples from the literature

In the essay on literature "Man and Society", the student can illustrate this topic with examples from various works. For example, in the immortal novel War and Peace, L. N. Tolstoy reveals the duality of high society at the beginning of the 19th century. The reader has the opportunity to observe the external beauty of the members of society, their moral principles that came from Europe. However, here the writer also emphasizes unnaturalness - simulated smiles, indifferent faces. On the other hand, Tolstoy presents to the reader individual members of society - noble and sensitive. These are Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova, Andrey Bolkonsky.

No less acute is the problem of the interaction of man and society posed in Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. The main character of the novel is a real genius who could write a masterpiece. However, after the Master wrote the book, he does not receive recognition - on the contrary, he is persecuted. He receives full rage reviews from pseudo-writers from MASSOLIT. As a result, society forces the Masters to destroy their work. He ceases to be part of this nasty society and finds peace in his love for Margarita.

In the essay, one can mention the joyless world described by A. I. Solzhenitsyn in his novel “One Day of Ivan Denisovich”. People no longer have names - there is only an ordinal camp number. The life of an individual has lost its value, and the habits of the inhabitants of the camp are becoming more and more like animals, all they think about is the satisfaction of basic needs. But Ivan Denisovich does not want to turn from a person into an animal, remaining able to show sympathy for his neighbor. Its opposite is the camp overseers, who turned the prisoners into real slaves. Violating human laws, they exclude themselves from society.

the role of man in society

The role of personality in history

There were many great people in history who made scientific and technological progress and political transformations. Sometimes the role of one person in the fate of millions of people is difficult to overestimate. For example, thanks to the coordination of efforts of various countries undertaken by Winston Churchill, the Second World War ended. Thanks to Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin, humanity is now not unarmed before infectious diseases. This may be the role of man in society. The student’s composition may contain other examples from the history when the actions of one person turned out to be saving for his people or even the whole world.

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