Art. 16 Federal Law "On Veterans" with comments. Art. 16 Federal Law "On Veterans": benefits

Today we will be interested in the Federal Law "On Veterans". This part of the legislation indicates the definition of a veteran and measures of state support for the population. We have to understand what we can count on in one case or another. Where and what benefits are issued for veterans? Answering all this is much easier than it sounds. And even a pensioner will be able to bring the idea to life.

Federal Law on Veterans

Briefly about the law

What does the Federal Law "On Veterans" say? This is a set of laws applicable to the previously mentioned category of persons.

Here you can see what veterans are taking place in Russia, when and how to get the appropriate rank. In addition, the law spells out all measures of support for the population from this category.

In fact, the mentioned law is a short guide to state bonuses in Russia for veterans. But what exactly does it say? Below we will consider the key points of this issue.

Beneficiary Types

The Federal Law "On Veterans" (Law 5) refers to military veterans. But they will be discussed later. First you need to understand what kind of veterans are present in Russia. After all, some benefits will depend on the type of beneficiary.

In general, it is customary to distinguish such veterans:

  • labor;
  • WWII;
  • military operations;
  • military and civil servants ;
  • invalids of the Second World War and military operations.

These are the most common categories. As practice shows, all of them are considered federal beneficiaries. But the military and civil servants have more rights than everyone else. For example, they can count on additional financing in old age. This is a completely normal and legal phenomenon.

Article 16 of the Federal Law on Veterans

Where to issue?

Despite the fact that the Federal Law "On Veterans" describes in detail the rights of the studied category of citizens, it does not specify where exactly to receive this or that state support.

We will try to understand this issue. In fact, there is no definite answer. And it all depends on the type of state support.

It is recommended to focus on the following organizations:

  • Federal Tax Service - tax incentives;
  • PFR - pensions and financial issues;
  • UK, service companies, housing and communal services - housing issues;
  • city โ€‹โ€‹administrations - provision of housing;
  • MFCs and social protection services are all types of government support.

You can also get some benefits online. For example, by working with the "State Services" portal. Nevertheless, such a scenario is almost not taking place. Veterans are trying to personally request state and municipal support.

changes in federal law on veterans

About the military

A few words about the Federal Law "On Veterans" (Federal Law, Article 5). Here, as we have already said, they point to the exact definition of persons entitled to certain state support.

A fairly common category are military veterans. These include all the military under the USSR, who have awards, orders and medals. In addition, servicemen with seniority are classified in this category of citizens. She must be at least 20 years old.

About registration of status

Changes in the Federal Law "On Veterans" did not affect the procedure for obtaining this title. In Russia, it is not enough to have a basis for recognition as a veteran. We have to additionally deal with the issuance of the relevant certificate.

This is done in the bodies of social protection of the population. The future beneficiary should bring with him:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • military ID (if available);
  • awards, orders, medals;
  • health certificates;
  • photos (3 pieces);
  • other evidence of a special situation among the population.

As a rule, after providing such papers to the citizen, a certificate of a veteran of one type or another will be issued in a few days. Now you can claim benefits under the Federal Law "On Veterans".

Law 5 Federal Law on Veterans

Types of benefits

Now a few words about what methods of state support are taking place in Russia. The Federal Law "On War Veterans" contains the same rules as the simple law on veterans. After all, these categories of citizens can count on approximately the same measures of support.

Among the main state bonuses, the following types are distinguished:

  • tax;
  • retirement benefits;
  • financial;
  • medical;
  • transport;
  • utilities;
  • labor;
  • educational;
  • housing.

It follows that almost all spheres of life are subject to benefits. This means that the mentioned category of population will be much easier to live. Some bonuses do not require any registration. It is enough to present a veteran certificate to receive them.

About medical issues

In Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On Veterans", norms are prescribed that indicate that the studied group of people can hope for special medical support. What does it consist of?

Firstly, military veterans can be treated and observed free of charge in the medical facilities to which they were attached during the service. Other beneficiaries are treated and treated free of charge in state polyclinics and hospitals.

Secondly, the service of veterans and disabled veterans is carried out out of the general queue. This rule applies to public hospitals. Benefits of this type are usually not provided in private clinics.

article fz 16 on veterans

Thirdly, under Art. 16 Federal Law "On Veterans" citizens can use free prosthetics services. There is no need to pay for the manufacture of prostheses and orthopedic structures. Their maintenance is also not costly. But you have to pay for dentures.


Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Veterans" provides for housing for needy veterans. But under current laws, only individual citizens can apply for such a measure of support. Who exactly?

These include needy veterans who are on the waiting list for housing before 2005. Such persons are allocated ownership of apartments in accordance with established standards. Everyone else is entitled to state housing, drawn up under social tenancy agreements. Nevertheless, veterans retain the right to privatize property if it has not been previously sold.


The Federal Law "On Veterans of Military Operations" contains almost the same rules as the previously mentioned code of laws. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the studied categories of the population may qualify for special tax benefits.

These include:

  • lack of property taxes;
  • vehicle tax exemption;
  • provision of personal income tax deductions;
  • land tax deduction;
  • exemption from personal income tax on certain income.

As a rule, transport tax is a regional payment. And current legislation allows municipalities to independently determine the circle of beneficiaries. Nevertheless, veterans are usually on the list of those who are exempted from almost all taxes. This is a normal occurrence. The main thing is to contact the Federal Tax Service for help.

Finance and allowances

In the Federal Law "On Veterans" different types of benefits are prescribed. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this group of persons is provided with a pension and additional allowances.

The average pension of a veteran is 13 thousand rubles. Moreover, if pension payments are less than the subsistence level, the lack of finances will be filled out from the state budget. That is, the government provides the population with a living wage.

Federal Law 5 Federal Law on Veterans

In some regions there are additional payments and allowances. For example, in Samara, you can additionally receive 600 rubles per month. Not very much, but it's better than nothing at all.

Veteran military retirees are eligible for increased pensions. Their size directly depends on the length of service. More accurate information should be clarified in the FIU.

Labor sphere

What else does the Federal Law "On Veterans" say? For example, that some beneficiaries continue to work even after retirement. So, they must have special labor rights.

The way it is! The thing is that the mentioned category of citizens can hope for an additional vacation. He is not paid. Such a break cannot exceed 35 days per year.

In addition, veterans and the bulk of federal beneficiaries are able to choose the time to ensure paid leave. And the employer cannot cancel or ban it.

Need to get advanced training? Retraining? All this is free for veteran! The employers themselves pay for the training of their employees-beneficiaries.


But that's not all! Not the most popular, but the present benefit is educational. Veterans can be enrolled in institutions of higher and secondary vocational education without a general competition. Education in these institutions is absolutely free.

After admission, the veteran receives the same rights as ordinary students. So, he is entitled to a scholarship. This is another small financial support for citizens.

Utility issues

In the Federal Law "On Veterans" you can see that our beneficiaries are entitled to communal benefits.

Among them are:

  • discounts on utility bills (from 50% to full exemption);
  • the right to provide telephone out of turn;
  • gasification and water supply assistance;
  • discounts on fuel used for heating houses with stoves (from 60% or more).

Members of the veteran's family living together with the beneficiary can apply for such benefits.

Federal Law on War Veterans

Transport affairs

The last sphere of benefits is transport. It raises a lot of questions. Indeed, such benefits in the regions of the Russian Federation are actively being canceled. Especially for senior citizens.

Veterans can hope for:

  • the right to travel by public transport for free (with the exception of minibuses and taxis);
  • discounts on tickets for travel;
  • the ability to purchase tickets for trains and trains on pre-order.

That's all. Now itโ€™s clear what Art. 16 Federal Law "On Veterans". And not only her. We met all the federal benefits for veterans. It is better to ask about regional bonuses in the administration of a particular city.

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