The problem of expanded and clogged pores is not a thing of the past with the end of adolescence. Throughout life, we constantly encounter such a problem as black dots. Moreover, this is a misfortune not only for owners of oily skin. Naturally, the girls want to get rid of this scourge and cleanse their face. Well, if there is a demand, there will be an offer. There are creams, lotions, foams against blackheads, but the most effective are cleaning strips.
The reason for this phenomenon
In fact, there are a lot of them. It’s clear that what provoked their appearance can only be a professional cosmetologist. However, most often the problem lies on the surface: it is all a matter of improper or irregular skin care.
It is necessary to clean the epidermis twice a day with the help of special cosmetics. If this rule is not fulfilled, then it is necessary to use the strips from the black dots "Propeller". Reviews say that this tool is the most effective in the fight against comedones.
The principle of operation of the cleaning strips
Everyone knows that our skin has a heterogeneous structure. On its surface there are many bumps, grooves and pores. It is through them that the skin receives oxygen, and the sebaceous glands remove their secret. However, if sebum oxidizes, it will stop firm, darken and clog pores. Now she cannot breathe, bacteria develop in her, a black dot is obtained, which can become inflamed. It is to prevent such troubles that the stripes from the black dots “Propeller” are used. Reviews emphasize that the effectiveness of such a procedure is not lower than that of an expensive cleaning by a cosmetologist.
Exposure pattern
What is the result of the improvement? Let's take a closer look at the mechanism of action itself. This is an important point, which we will return to today. The strips from the black dots “Propeller”, reviews of which are very attractive, are a painless analogue of mechanical cleaning, which did not go unnoticed among consumers. Anyone who has undergone this procedure with a beautician knows that there is not much to enjoy.
So, the skin before the procedure should be prepared, namely thoroughly cleaned. Now wet the problem areas well with water and glue the strips. In their composition they have a sticky substance and antiseptic additives. Thus, they stick to the skin and begin to actively influence the strips from the black dots “Propeller” on it. Reviews emphasize that it is extremely important to moisten the surface well, otherwise the active substance will not be able to contact the epidermis, and there will be no effect.
What happens next? The top of the sebaceous plug begins to soften. This is what the action of the active component is aimed at. After a certain time, the composition begins to dry, tightly pasting into itself the contents of the pore. Next, the stripe is removed, with which everything that prevents the skin from breathing comes out. Pores remain clean, inflammation is prevented, which means that the task is completed.
Some components
What else should a person purchasing propeller nose strips know? Reviews from experienced users suggest that the procedure is best performed in the evening. By morning, the face will be clean, redness will go away. By the way, you don’t need to be afraid of the latter, since mild hyperemia is a normal phenomenon that will pass very quickly.
Why is it recommended to use “Propeller” nose strips for all problem skin care products? Reviews emphasize that this procedure is completely painless, which is a great advantage. It allows you to remove contamination and narrow the enlarged pores. As a result, the skin becomes clean, and then almost imperceptibly.
Usage Tips
“Propeller” nose cleansing strips can be applied 2-3 times a week. However, it must be borne in mind that after the procedure, the pores are cleaned, but open to new bacteria. Therefore, it is very important to try to narrow them as soon as possible. To do this, immediately after removing the patch, wash with a neutral gel without alkali and wipe the treated area with an ice cube. This procedure quickly closes the pores of the skin. Now you can use regular cream.
Features of the propeller strips
There are many similar pore cleansers on the market today . Therefore, let's briefly talk about the advantages of the most popular of them, and the reader will already draw conclusions for himself. Since we initially had a conversation about the strips of this particular brand, we will start with them. These are classic plasters with an affordable price, but quite aggressive effect. They stick well and capture a large problem area. This patch does not dry completely, remaining flexible and elastic, which facilitates its removal from the skin.
There are several options for patches from this company:
- The first and most popular contains green tea extract. Since clogged pores also involve internal inflammation, this component helps the epidermis calm down. Thus, the cleaning of pores is accompanied by a caring effect. In addition, green tea tones and refreshes the face.
- If you have not cleaned your skin for a long time or if there are many deep comedones on your face, then you need to choose a stronger tool. It is precisely the “Propeller” patch with activated carbon. Pore cleaning in this case is more effective, because coal is an excellent natural absorbent.
Similar strips from other manufacturers
Since it is difficult to clean the nose of black dots without special tools, the strips are very popular. “Propeller” surpasses the rest of the products on the market in price, however this does not mean that you have no choice. One of the leading manufacturers is Nivea. These strips are also very effective, with consumers emphasizing a very mild effect. The patches are durable, do not tear, have a convenient shape. They are saturated with fruit acids, which facilitates the process of softening the cork. In addition, there are Nesura Cosmetics and Tony Moly strips on sale . Product reviews are also good.
Do it yourself
However, it is not necessary to buy expensive products so that you can maintain your skin in perfect order. It is quite possible to make cleaning strips with your own hands. Let's talk about this in a bit more detail. To make a home analogue of the strips, you need to take milk and gelatin.
So, in a glass you should pour a tablespoon of milk and a similar amount of gelatin powder. Place it in the microwave for 10 seconds. You will see that the mixture has become sticky. Hot composition can not be applied to the skin, wait until it cools down, and brush with a brush on the problem areas in 2 or 3 layers. Since cleaning your nose of black dots with this tool is easy, you will certainly succeed. After 15-30 minutes, the dried film will need to be carefully removed.
Coal patch
The previous recipe is effective for clean skin with small areas of enlarged and contaminated pores. However, if the situation is much sadder, then this is also no reason to be upset. Activated carbon from black dots helps a lot more efficiently. Let's talk in more detail about how to make such a patch. To do this, you need to take a bandage, gelatin, activated charcoal and an egg.
Getting started creating home strips
Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients first. First of all, you need to grind the tablets into powder. Activated carbon from black dots is a powerful tool for restoring the skin and pulling from the pores of the accumulated plugs. In parallel, it is necessary to dilute gelatin with milk in a ratio of 1: 1. Now leave it for 30 minutes to swell.
After this, you need to mix the mass with a beaten egg and charcoal and leave it for 10 minutes again. Now it remains to finish the creation of the patch. For this, a bandage is taken, on which gruel is abundantly applied. The patch is glued to the skin. I want to clarify that home strips with activated charcoal do not leave until completely dry. After about 15-20 minutes, they must be carefully removed.
Consumer Reviews
The skin of all is different, so it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist from the beginning and consult with him which remedy is best used in a particular case. Judging by the reviews, it can be said that the “Propeller” strips are an effective, but quite aggressive remedy. The active substance can cause irritation, so be careful. Despite this, the effect of using such strips is.
The green tea option is slightly softer, and activated carbon patches can help even in the worst case. Home strips are more gentle, but their cleansing ability is slightly lower. Although you can try all the options to be able to find the most effective remedy for yourself.