Princess Mihrimah Sultan: biography

Mihrimah Sultan, whose biography is becoming more and more curious for the European and domestic public thanks to the series β€œThe Magnificent Century,” was one of the most prominent characters in the family of Seleiman the Magnificent. After all, the series gained crazy popularity around the world, providing interest in its characters and their historical prototypes. At the same time, if almost everything is already known about the ruler, his wife Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska or his brilliant vizier Ibrahim Pasha, then a completely different picture has developed with Mahrimah Sultan. Her biography is still very dark

mihrimah sultan biography
spot. On this page we will shed light in the cited material.

Mihrimah Sultan: a biography of the early years

The girl was the daughter of the great Sultan Suleiman and his famous wife Roxolana. She was born in the palace of Istanbul in 1522. Her childhood was very carefree and happy. Often, historians and biographers note that she was very beloved by her father. The girl received a good education and upbringing. And already at the age of seventeen she entered into a promising marriage with the governor Diyarbakir Rustem Pasha. Their wedding was accompanied by a magnificent ceremony in the main square of Istanbul.

Mihrimah Sultan: biography of the princess

After marriage, her husband was for many years a great vizier under the Sultan Suleiman

mihrimah sultan actress biography
Great. And the girl always remained in the sphere of the most important state problems of that time. Despite the Muslim traditions of education, Mihrimakh was interested in geopolitical issues. Moreover, she actively participated in their decision, gaining considerable weight in the palace. Her father spent a significant part of his life in military campaigns. A considerable problem at the first stage of his reign was the Knightly Order of the Hospitallers, whose members had long since established themselves in Malta and hindered the complete Turkish rule in the Mediterranean. There is a legend that Mikhrimakh once promised her father that she would build a fleet of four hundred ships with her own finances to help him take the island. By the way, the attempt undertaken by Suleiman in 1565 failed. Not only active political activity was conducted by Mihrimah Sultan, her biography abounds with charitable deeds. In particular, she often shared her own wealth with the people. A famous monument to her nobility was the luxurious mosque built by her order in Istanbul in 1540, as well as a complex consisting of an elementary school, a madrasah and a hospital. After the death of her mother, Roksolany-Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska in 1558, Mihrimah Sultan literally took her place and became an adviser to her father. Later, she was an adviser to the reign of brother Selim II, who became the great sultan in 1566. However, the latter did not achieve any significant success. The princess outlived her brother too. She died by
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natural reasons in 1578, was buried next to his father in the tomb of the mosque.

Actress who played Mihrimah Sultan: biography

Actress Pelin Karahan perfectly conveyed the image of her heroine. The success of the series "The Magnificent Century" is not least due to the excellent selection of the actor. For the role of Mikhrimakh Sultan, whose biography (photo of the actress on the right) of which required a charismatic embodiment on the screen, this young Turkish was chosen. She was born in October 1984 in Turkey. She was educated at the Lyceum named after Mehmed Pasha, and later at the University of Tourism and Management. In the middle of the two thousandths, her acting career began. Initially, with the most minor roles - in advertising or episodic in the series. The role of the Mihrims is today its main success.

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