When going abroad, it is important to study in advance the customs regulations of the country where you are going. They relate to the quantity and value of goods permitted for transportation across the border, as well as foreign currency. When crossing the border, you will need to fill out a customs declaration indicating the list of imported values. Goods imported over the established limit will be subject to customs duty at a uniform rate, the amount of which is by no means small. To avoid unplanned expenses, we read and study customs rules!
Each country has its own. Let us briefly consider the basic rules of the Russian Federation regarding individuals, that is, ordinary tourists.
The customs service of the Russian Federation, according to the official wording, is an executive authority of federal significance. Its functions are customs supervision and the fight against smuggling, as well as currency control.
When crossing the border, all persons over the age of 16 are required to fill out a customs declaration. You can not fill it in if the passenger does not have unaccompanied baggage, and in personal belongings - items prohibited for export from the country. Goods of minor tourists (under 16 years of age) are declared by one of the accompanying persons (parent, guardian) or by the head when leaving as part of a group.
In 2012, the customs rules of the Russian Federation allow both the import and export of cash currency (Russian and foreign) or in the form of checks with a total value of up to $ 10,000. In case of excess, the entire cash amount must be declared (not only the exceeding part).
Goods not intended for production or commercial use can be imported duty free. Customs regulations allow each person who has reached the age of 18 years to import free of duty up to three liters of alcoholic beverages and 250 g of tobacco products, in terms of pieces - up to 200 cigarettes (50 cigarillos or cigars). Personal items (including clothing, jewelry, photo equipment, toiletries, etc.) are also not subject to duty.
When importing goods, there is a certain quantitative and cost limit within which tax is not required. When crossing the air border, it is 10,000 euros, and the total weight is 50 kilograms. In case of crossing other borders (water, road, rail) with the same maximum weight, the value of the goods should not be more than 1500 euros.
If the specified limit is exceeded by no more than 200 kg or 650,000 rubles, all part of the goods transported over the limit is subject to a duty at a uniform rate equal to 30% of its customs value (from 4 euros per kilogram). If the quantity of imported goods exceeds 200 kg and / or has a value of more than 650 rubles, taxation is carried out according to the rules established for international trade.
When crossing the border with your own car, it is allowed to take out no more than 20 liters of fuel, except for the one poured into the tank. There are no restrictions on the export of alcohol and tobacco products, but it is necessary to take into account the norms for the import of alcohol and tobacco into the territory of the country of destination.
The customs rules of the Russian Federation require the mandatory declaration of the transport of precious stones and metals (except for personal jewelry), weapons and ammunition, radioactive and explosive substances, as well as potent drugs, drugs, psychotropic and toxic agents. In addition, cultural and artistic values and means of receiving and transmitting radio signals with an operating frequency of over 9 kHz are subject to declaration. Subject to the declaration and further registration, the import of cultural property is made duty free.
Customs regulations prohibit the import and export of a whole list of certain goods. It is forbidden to import any product (video, film, photo, print) that has a pornographic nature, elements of propaganda of fascism and national hostility, as well as divulging secret information of a state nature. You cannot import rare objects of flora and fauna that are under protection, as well as samples of military weapons and ammunition.
You can export no more than 250 grams of sturgeon fish and their caviar, up to 5 kg of fish and seafood. The export of paintings, icons, sculptures, ancient orders, medals and coins requires permission from the Ministry of Culture, and commemorative coins made of precious metals require permission from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The cost of exported products from precious and non-ferrous metals should not exceed 25 thousand dollars. Weapons, ammunition, drugs, potent drugs and psychotropic drugs, radioactive and explosives, as well as antiques, are completely prohibited for export.