Top 10: the best films based on real events

Films shot on real events have always been liked by people, because it is really interesting to look at what was happening in reality. This increases the interest of the viewer, makes the heroes worry and sympathize more, helps to more clearly represent themselves in their place. Another thing is that not all the best films based on real events really fully copy something that happens in our lives. Often, such inscriptions accompany the movie only to raise the rating. Nevertheless, in spite of distrust, such films have watched, are watching and will be watching.

The most attractive for the audience are horror films on real events. It’s one thing to look at some not very interesting melodrama, the plot of which exactly resembles what is happening with the neighbors, and it’s another to imagine how much torment a person has suffered, how much pain and suffering. At the slightest chance that what is happening on the screen has a real background, it becomes creepy. This is what attracts, which is why people are trying to find the scariest film on real events in order to experience real, sincere emotions of fear and horror. Otherwise, why bother watching horror movies, right?

Below are the best films based on real events. Watch and enjoy.

Alphabet Killer

In the early 70s, a serial killer appeared in New York. He was nicknamed "Alphabetical", because the cities, names and surnames of all victims began with the same letter.

Films shot on real events

Blair Witch

State of maryland. Local legend says that a witch lives in the woods, so three students go in search of the famous witch to do a term paper. The film was shot on an amateur camera and the narration is conducted in the first person to convey the documentary of the events. As you can already guess, these students disappeared, leaving behind only a film, thanks to which everything should become obvious.


Trapped in cold and hunger, the company of emigrants is forced to do everything possible to survive. To do this, you do not have to disdain and do not panic, but try to eat your own comrades who have already died. This is the only way to survive bypassing starvation. Either that or nothing.

"Johnny D."

Not really horror, but you need to relax the psyche. So, John Dillinger is a legendary bank robber. This film is about him. John has the most close-knit team, successfully completing things over and over again, which is why this person comes first on the FBI list among those who need to be caught. But the problem is that Dillinger is agile, smart and cunning, so neither the grill, nor the cops, nor special agents can hold him.

The best movies based on real events


The film is named after the serial killer of the same name. He deftly walked away from the law enforcers, instilling fear in the city dwellers. Moreover, the Zodiac felt so invulnerable that he sent letters to the police, where he hinted to them their weak intellect and in encrypted form informed when and where the next crime would be committed.

"Gacy grave digger"

John Gacy is a famous American serial killer. His nickname is “Clown Killer” because he worked as a clown at children's parties. The man raped and killed 33 males, including not only adults, but also teenagers.


Children from 10 to 15 years old are not always cute angels and the pride of their parents. Sometimes they become violent sadists, capable of sophisticatedly mocking innocent people for their own entertainment. This is exactly the situation that happens with Lucas and Clementina - they become victims of children who are not yet sixteen. There is no physical torture or blood per se in the film, but the psychological stress is transmitted perfectly.

Horror movies on real events

"Social network"

Facebook is one of the most famous social networks in the world. The film tells the story of its creation: how students came up with the idea to create such a “thing”, about the difficulties that awaited the guys, and how easy it is to fly up if the idea is really worthwhile.


Surely the majority of readers have already seen this movie, but since it belongs to the category “Best Movies Based on Real Events,” one cannot ignore it. A huge chic liner met on its way a no less large iceberg, putting all passengers in mortal danger. The main plot revolves around the rich girl Rosa and the poor boy Jack, who fell in love with each other, despite the prohibitions.

"The Six Demons of Emily Rose"

Exorcism is the process of driving demons out of a person’s body. This is a terrible and dangerous ritual that was actually performed before. The film shows the story of a girl named Emily Rose, in whose body settled not one, but six whole demons. Unfortunately, the process of exile was not the best.

Scary movie on real events

These were the best films based on real events. It is not necessary to believe in the truth of what is happening on the screen. Just look, because they are all quite interesting and high-quality, able to attract the attention of almost every viewer.

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