Posture exercises: a set of exercises, performance features, tips

Equal posture is not only a beautiful walk and a straight back, but also good health, good mood. Not many people know that curvature of the spine affects health and can trigger the occurrence of various pathologies. Daily exercises help keep your back straight and relieve tension from your spine. In the article, we will consider what kind of exercise for posture can and should be done.

What is the violation of posture?

First of all, the wrong position of the back is expressed in appearance: protrusion of the abdomen, sunken chest, shuffling gait. That is why stoop equally affects human health and the aesthetic component.

posture correction exercises

Charging for posture here comes to the fore. Often, curvature causes:

  • severe back pain;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • protrusion;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • poor circulation;
  • compression of the internal organs;
  • feeling unwell;
  • dizziness.

Rules for maintaining posture

In order to keep the back straight, to maintain the health of the spine, in addition to regularly performing exercises for posture, the following recommendations should be followed:

posture exercises for children
  1. It is important to monitor the position of the back regularly: while walking, while sitting and standing. The shoulders should be straight, the chest forward, the back straight, and the stomach pulled in. While walking, the gaze is directed forward, and not under the legs.
  2. To maintain posture, it is important to work on the muscle corset, to work out the muscles of the abs and back.
  3. As a prophylaxis for spinal curvature, it is recommended from time to time to go home with a book on your head. It will be possible to keep it only with a straightened back.
  4. Most people (due to work or study) spend a lot of time in a sitting position. It is important to pay attention to proper fit to maintain spinal health.
  5. During work, it is necessary to do small workouts for the back and the whole body.
  6. Everyday shoes should be comfortable, daily wearing of heels provokes a distortion of posture and gives a powerful load on the back.
  7. When tilting, it is advisable to straighten your back or squat, you can not stoop or round it. It’s a bad habit to carry a bag or a grocery bag in one hand. The severity must be distributed on both limbs.
  8. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to numerous health problems, including with the spine. You need to move as much as possible, walk and play sports.
  9. In order to prevent back diseases, it is recommended to sleep on a hard orthopedic mattress.
  10. Special bandages that improve posture are used only after consultation with a specialist. Otherwise, you can do even more harm to the health of the spine.

Exercise Technique

Before embarking on complex exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with the general rules for performing exercises for posture:

  • each exercise is performed slowly, without sudden movements;
  • an important part of any workout is a warm-up, and after its completion it is important to relax the muscles with a hitch (stretching);
  • it is forbidden to exercise, overcoming pain, at the slightest discomfort, it is better to skip the exercise;
  • The main principles of charging for the back are constancy and phased implementation.

Why do you need morning exercises?

Some people argue that this process can be easily transferred to another time of the day. They prefer to sleep an extra 15-20 minutes, missing the indisputable advantages of morning exercises for posture:

  1. A fifteen-minute workout in the morning can be equated to half an hour in the afternoon.
  2. Simple exercises make it easy to wake up and start the day awake, rather than half asleep. This is due to the fact that physical activity in the morning activates the brain and the whole body.
  3. Exercises carry healing power, because they improve blood circulation in the body systems.
  4. A person, especially in childhood, becomes collected and disciplined.
  5. If you do exercises to rhythmic music, the mood rises.

Tips for morning workouts

In order for morning exercises to correct your posture to become a habit and become part of daily activities, it is important to familiarize yourself with some tips and tricks. Then it will be performed with pleasure and will not become an obligation:

  1. There is no need to jump up and run to exercise immediately after waking up. This creates an additional burden on the heart. First you need to perform hygiene procedures, walk around the house and slowly proceed to charging.
  2. For sedentary people and pregnant women, there are several exercises that are allowed to do right in bed. They are not suitable for everyone else, since they do not carry physical activity as such.
  3. Best of all, classes are accompanied by musical accompaniment, and the melody should be selected to the beat of the movements.
  4. Exercises shown for back pain should not cause discomfort. It is wrong if as a result a person experiences severe fatigue and unpleasant feelings. It is important to monitor your feelings and, if necessary, reduce the load.

Exercise to strengthen the spine and improve posture

This is a very important step in maintaining back health. Strengthen the spine, restore tone to weakened muscles by performing a complex of specially designed exercises for beautiful posture:

  1. Initial state: lying on your back, arms extended to the sides. At the same time, they begin to pull the toes of their feet towards themselves and slightly raise their heads. You need to hold on for 10 seconds, then relax. The number of repetitions is 5.
  2. Initial state: sitting on a chair, hands behind his head. They begin to bend their back as much as possible, counting to five, then relax. The number of repetitions is 5.
  3. Initial state: standing, back straightened. Hands start behind the clutch, start to strain the muscles of the hands and relax. The number of repetitions is 10.
  4. Initial state: lying on your back, hands lie along the body. The legs along the entire length are strongly pressed to the floor and at the same time trying to lift the body, if necessary, help with your hands. The number of repetitions is 10.
  5. Initial state: lying on the stomach. Hands take ankles and pull as close to the head as possible, forming a circle. The torso is tense. The number of repetitions is 5, during breaks they take short breaks.
    exercises for children 7 years old posture
  6. Initial state: standing on one knee, the other leg extended to the side. They begin to make inclinations, while one arm serves as a support, the other with a wave helps to carry out the exercise. After five repetitions, the position of the legs is changed.

This exercise is especially suitable for posture by adults.

Simple exercises for morning exercises

Everyone can choose for themselves the most suitable complex for daily charging. Below are the basic exercises that you can adjust if desired. For their implementation, a gymnastic rug and a mirror, in which the reflection of the body is visible, will be useful in order to be able to correct their mistakes. Each exercise is repeated 10 times.

The list of morning exercises to straighten posture:

  1. Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, begin to raise one and then the other shoulder as high as possible. The muscles are very tense.
  2. The fingers close together and on outstretched arms raise up above the head and back in front of you.
  3. Both shoulders are pulled back, as if trying to connect, then forward.
  4. On inspiration, the shoulder blades are reduced as much as possible, and the stomach is pulled in. As you exhale relax.
  5. They sit on the edge of the chair, their hands are locked and slowly wound behind the back and back.
    deflections back
  6. Lying on his stomach, resting his head, begin to lift the torso. They bend down, up and return to their original position.
    body lift
  7. Standing on their knees with their hands on the floor, they begin to rise, leaning on their socks, their head face down. After 5 sec. kneel down again.
  8. They approach the wall, turn their backs and, having rested on it all the convex parts of the body, fix the position for several minutes.

Such a systematic exercise to correct posture in adults gives a positive effect quite quickly.

A set of exercises for preschoolers

It is rather difficult for young children to explain why they should perform certain exercises. To instill in them a love of sports, classes must be carried out in a playful way.

Posture exercises for children:

  1. Training begins with walking in place or in a circle. This exercise is a warm-up. The first 15-20 seconds. the child walks normally, while the adult must pay attention to the correct posture. The next 15-20 seconds. movement is performed on toes, hands on the belt. Then 15-20 seconds - walking to warm up the muscles with a high rise of the knees.
  2. This exercise helps stretch the spine. The back is straight, legs shoulder-width apart, while inhaling, the child slowly raises his hands. Stretches fingers up. As you exhale, lower your hands. The number of repetitions is 5-6 times. During the exercise, it is important to ensure that the child does not bend in the lower back.
    hands up
  3. While lying on your back, arms outstretched along the torso. At the same time, pull the right leg to the stomach and raise the left arm up. Exercise is repeated 3 times, and then alternate limbs. In conclusion, the child should simultaneously pull up both legs and raise both hands up.
  4. In the supine position, on the exhale, the child raises his leg vertically, holds a couple of seconds and lowers. Then another. It is important to ensure that the leg is straight and does not bend at the knee. The number of repetitions is 3 times for each limb.
  5. Lying on his stomach, the child lifts the body and imitates blows in the air with his hands, as in boxing (10-12 times). Repeat the exercise three times.
  6. Lying on your stomach, arms stretch out along the body. The task of the child is to strain and raise the body, arms and legs. Crouching, the position must be delayed for a few seconds and return to its original state. The number of repetitions is 5 times.
  7. The child kneels, hands down. Legs together. Hands should be raised to the sides, one leg stretched out and laid aside. Then return to starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. The back should remain straight. The number of repetitions is 3 times per leg.

Doctors advise to systematically perform such exercises for posture. Children like her and at the same time are very effective.

A set of exercises for primary school students

In primary school students, a violation of posture is detected during a physical examination. This is caused by insufficient parental control at a young age or in the process of schooling. However, the fix is ​​still quite simple if you perform the following exercises for posture.

Charging for children 7 years:

  1. Starting position: standing straight, feet shoulder width apart. Make an inclination forward, the back is straightened. Raise the ball from the floor, straighten the body and again lower the shell on the floor. Repeat exercise 5 times.
  2. The ball is held in the palm of your hand. The hand is slowly turned behind, the projectile is transferred to the other hand and returned to its original position. The number of repetitions is 5.
  3. Lie on your back. Legs are raised up, bred, crossed and lowered down. Repeat the exercise 7 times.
  4. With two hands they take the ball and raise them above their heads. Then a little lower in such a way as to part the elbows and bring the shoulder blades together. In this position, they begin to perform inclinations - 5 times in each direction.
  5. Lying on his stomach, they begin to raise their legs up. Then, on the contrary, the legs are pressed to the floor, they perform body raises. Each exercise is repeated 6 times.
  6. Lie on your back. The legs are lifted up, bent at the knees and imitate the movements of the cyclist. Imaginary pedals spin 30 sec. one way, and then back.
  7. Perform 10-15 squats with arms raised.

Preventive activities

Daily exercise can serve as a preventive measure to prevent scoliosis in a child and other problems with the spine. In the future, such violations may lead to even greater pathology.

stick exercises

Preventative exercise for correct posture:

  1. The stick is taken so that it is lower and front. Hands raise up, at the same time take your leg back. Become in a starting position and repeat with the other leg. The lower back is bent, the back is straight. The number of repetitions is 8.
  2. The stick is taken in such a way that it is behind the back. Hands down, legs together. They begin to rise on their toes, while taking their hands away as far as possible from the back. During the exercise, do not lean forward.
  3. The stick is held in front of the hands below, the back is straight. Press it to the chest and again return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 5.
  4. The hitch is done by stepping in place at a calm pace for 30 seconds.

In order to maintain back health, in addition to daily exercise in case of violation of posture, it is necessary to walk, lead a mobile lifestyle. It is especially important to fulfill these conditions in childhood. After all, just then the skeleton is formed.

Adults need to train a muscle corset. It supports the back and internal organs of a person. Regular training makes the spine flexible, prevents the development of flattenings, which lead to pain and impaired mobility of the back and neck. In addition, even posture is simply beautiful.

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