Left brain

One of the mysteries of the human body lies in the structure and functioning of the brain. In 1836, the French doctor M. Dax expressed his first guesses about the inequality of his hemispheres. Then began a systematic study of the brain, and gradually the following picture emerged.

Both hemispheres of the brain (left and right) are interconnected by nerve fibers - the corpus callosum. With its help, information is exchanged between them. Each hemisphere of the brain directs the work of the opposite side of the body. A healthy brain works as a whole. We do not think about which part of it is included in each of our actions and thoughts, which part prevails over the other and plays the leading role. With injuries, disturbances in the perception of reality are possible.

The left hemisphere is associated with logical thinking and speech: it works with words, symbols, signs. The right one is responsible for sensory-spatial perception. However, the main difference between the hemispheres is not even in the type of information they perceive, but in the way they process it.

The left hemisphere helps to cost complex phrases, but it can only create monotonous, speechless information. The right side of the brain is responsible for the emotional coloring, rhythm and pace of speech. Left - is aimed at assessing pleasant moments of life and reflecting its joyful content, it is it that controls a sense of humor. A more rational assessment of events (including the perception of negative aspects) is the area of ​​influence of the right half.

The left hemisphere responds to speech, but it does not perceive other sounds (birds singing, the sound of rain, etc.). It easily solves complex problems, for example, the classification of concepts, understands the differences between objects and phenomena. It turns on when it is necessary to cheat, lie, embellish events, because it perceives the truth as a relative concept, in contrast to the right, which seeks to accurately reflect reality. For the latter, time goes synchronously with real events (perceives only the present, not evaluating how long the events last), while for the left hemisphere the chronological sequence of what is happening is important.

The left hemisphere sets goals, providing the right with a search for options and solutions to achieve them. It is responsible for expense, reading, intelligence, spelling, linear thinking.

The development of the left hemisphere of the brain is especially intensively stimulated from the time a child enters school. Our culture as a whole is characterized by a left hemisphere orientation, therefore this part of the brain is more active than the right. Thanks to writing, which takes the alphabet as a basis, and not hieroglyphic symbols, the movement of our eyes is directed from childhood from left to right, education has a rational orientation, etc. Nevertheless, if further development of the left hemisphere is required, then math classes (or other natural science disciplines), solving crosswords, puzzles are very effective.

The left half of the brain thinks methodically and linearly, therefore logical tasks that require a rational and thoughtful solution are best suited for its training. The left hemisphere is so arranged that it is able to clearly distinguish details, isolate parts from the whole, analyze individual moments, comparing information, linking it with the knowledge that we have learned before.

It is very important that this part of the brain thinks through language. It turns out that when solving problems, the brain, as it were, conducts an internal dialogue with our "I", linking our internal subjective world with the external. And this is especially important not only for the development of a rational and logical component of the personality, but also for it to find harmony with itself and its environment.

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