Departmental control is the conduct of a set of control and supervisory procedures necessary for the successful functioning of any organization, body, or ministry. This article outlines this industry of business activity, describes the types of this kind of control, its functions, purpose and conditions of implementation in different structures.
The procedure involves the implementation of the process of control and supervision by higher authorities in relation to subordinates (subordinate organizations). Departmental control is an essential component of administrative regulation at various levels.
Any system of integrated management without fail requires the presence of units performing control and audit functions. This area of activity is the starting point in the process of evaluating the institutions of supervision and control.
For the end of the last century, the appearance of the idea of a single integrated system of control of national importance is characteristic. Such a vector of activity helps to optimize inspections and control procedures, reduce the number of inspectors, and increase the quality and effectiveness of inspections.
In the world of work
In accordance with applicable law, departmental labor control is carried out by federal inspection bodies, which specialize in the settlement of labor relations.
Within the framework of the legislative field, the aforementioned bodies verify compliance with existing labor laws and regulations of labor law.
Powers in the field of labor law enforcement are distributed by the Government of the Russian Federation between federal bodies.
Departmental control of labor legislation can exist in the form of intra-departmental control (performed by local authorities), state control (carried out by the highest bodies of state power), public control (carried out by trade unions and organizations).
In the field of finance
Departmental financial control is subject to implementation by ministries, departments, various state executive bodies, which collect and analyze in this context information on the expenditure of funds of subordinate organizations, institutions, enterprises that are part of the system of a particular executive body.
Departmental control is a branch of state activity at different levels (ministerial, regional, local). It occurs in accordance with existing legal requirements. The main tasks of departmental control should include the following:
- detection and prevention, if necessary, of violations of regulatory legal acts and regulations;
- the application of measures regarding the conservation and appropriate (targeted) use of material assets;
- identification of unused reserves to improve the functioning of the organization.
Functions of departmental control
The main functions of the supervisory authorities include:
- ensuring coordinated work and coordinating the efforts of inspection bodies implementing departmental control;
- implementation of inspections in accordance with the approved plan and legislation;
- the formation of draft legal documents that are needed in the process of implementing departmental control;
- providing full methodological support to lower structures;
- a detailed study of high-quality and effective structural and organizational forms of activity;
- identification of existing violations, elimination of undesirable consequences, preparation and implementation of proposals for correction of violations;
- making suggestions regarding legislative changes.
Species classifications
Organization of departmental control, according to the law, can take the form of scheduled and unscheduled inspections.
Scheduled inspections involve the performance of regulatory procedures regularly in organizations that are in the area of subordination to a specific public authority or are part of them.
Unscheduled inspections are carried out by the inspecting executive bodies no more than once every three years in accordance with the formed inspection plan. Control and audit procedures during unscheduled inspections may be carried out in accordance with decisions of law enforcement and judicial authorities.
Also, the control and audit bodies conduct a monitoring process, which provides for the observation, analysis, identification of cause and effect relationships, assessment, forecasting of circumstances and factors of influence on the results of the work of structural and organizational units of the organization.
Top officials of supervisory authorities
Managers are responsible for carrying out control procedures. Under their supervision, economic supervision and departmental financial control are carried out. Candidates for this work are coordinated in the prescribed manner (with the exception of bodies at the basic and primary levels) with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In local authorities, coordination takes place with the territorial offices of the same ministry.
Features of functioning
Departmental control is outlined by industry instructions, which are approved at the state level. For the purpose of the effectiveness of the work of supervisory authorities, the introduction of innovative working methods, the employees of these structures are developing reference books, regulatory documents, references, suggestions, additions, changes to improve the working methods of supervisory authorities.
According to the presidential decree, the responsibility for conducting departmental control rests with state executive bodies and various administrative centers. Under the ministries and other authorities, certain organizations may be formed that exercise departmental control.
In the case of departmental control over compliance with labor laws at enterprises with a share of state ownership, they are exempted from annual audits in the reporting period. Let's consider some more important points.
Procurement Activities
Departmental control in this case involves compliance by authorities with such orders:
- prohibitions, regulations and restrictions;
- monitoring compliance with procurement standards;
- assessment of the validity of procurement;
- analysis and assessment of the primary (maximum) price of the contract that is concluded between the customer and the contractors supplying the goods;
- the correctness of information about the financial condition in the context of planned and actual indicators;
- control over the provision of benefits to needy categories of the population within the framework of legislation;
- argumentation of the appropriateness or inappropriate use of certain communication channels with suppliers or contesting a price for certain services that must be documented.
Departmental control in customs
Unless otherwise provided by applicable federal law, the main authorized customs body or its leadership in the process of departmental control has the right to cancel or change the decision of a lower subject of customs relations in the event that such a decision is contrary to the rules of the Customs Union or the legislation of the Russian Federation. Also, if necessary, the aforementioned authority is obliged to suppress unlawful measures of subordinate bodies or officials, the action of which went against the customs legislation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Intra-departmental control
It is closely related to the specific tasks that each body of state importance faces, whether it be some department or ministry, as well as their components, which are subordinate to them.
In terms of content, departmental control can be divided into:
- General control - verification of the work of a body or organization is complete and comprehensive.
- Special - verification of a specific area of work of a subordinate body or organization.
Departmental control
The Institute of State Significance that implements the full range of control and supervisory procedures is departmental control.
It involves the following types of verification:
- thematic checks;
- media materials;
- raids;
- monitoring the actions of a controlled entity;
- hearing reports.
Also very useful can be discussions, analytical work, conversations with employees, training and the provision of necessary assistance. In the vast majority of cases, the control and verification action occurs at one time both from the side of one subject of verification and from the side of another.
The main type of supervisory control is the procedure that is adopted by specially prepared state bodies. They, in turn, are divided into two groups:
- Departments of socio-cultural and economic orientation, functioning under the ministries as independent bodies.
- Separately created departmental and ministerial units designed to perform control functions in relation to non-affiliated organizations (statistical control, sanitary-hygienic control, quality control, monitoring of compliance with the rules of work safety, fire rules).
Based on the foregoing, it is worth noting that departmental control is a regular and very necessary form of state control over the activities of subordinate organizations in the Russian Federation.