Green card - what is it? Such a commonly used concept as a green card (or else a green card, green card) can have several meanings. So, in America, this term refers to a work permit, and in Finland - insurance for a car or other vehicle. More details about the green card, its features and methods of obtaining are described in detail in this material.
USA Green Card
Many people ask the question: "Green card - what is it?". If you apply this concept to the United States, then this is a document that makes it possible to live in the country. A person holding a green card acquires civil rights that are close to the rights of official residents of this state. Such a document provides the right to employment in the United States.
Each year, about 3 million people draw up documents for a residence permit in the United States, so the process for reviewing them is often delayed. But the lucky ones can get a green card.
Types of American green card
The USA green card can be of two types:
- Constant.
- Temporary. This type of green card is issued, for example, to those who marry or marry a US citizen. If after 2 years the spouses do not divorce, and the migration service does not confirm the fictitious nature of the marriage, the green card becomes permanent.
Green Lottery
A temporary green card (with the possibility of getting a permanent one in the future) can be won in the annual lottery initiated by the USA. This procedure is quite popular in many countries of the world that are allowed to participate in it.
Lottery winners are randomly selected. The green card application is filled out by the participant independently, without the help of specialists. But if this causes certain difficulties, then law firms and competent lawyers involved in the preparation of documents can help.
For registration in the lottery you do not need to pay anything, it is completely free.
It is very important to seriously approach the process of filling out the participantโs questionnaire in the lottery, indicate in it the correct, current data and provide a photo that is suitable for the requirements and taken no later than six months before the application is submitted.
Benefits of US Green Card
Green card status implies a large set of rights that are inaccessible to a refugee or a person who has received political asylum. The owner of the green card can invite his parents to the country, leave the USA, travel and return to America. Relatives of the holder also have the right to expect to receive a green card in the future.
However, if you need to leave the country for a long time, for a period of more than one year, you must obtain a special permit. Shorter (up to 6 months) trips abroad do not require special documents. Also, the holder has the opportunity to get an education in the USA at the cost set for the citizens of this country. Such a person may be granted a loan to purchase a home on favorable terms.
The duration of the program has no restrictions; the holder of such a status is deprived only of the voting right. To do this, you must be a citizen of America. It is possible to obtain citizenship 3-5 years after receiving a green card. In a shorter time, you can become a US citizen if the person is the spouse of a person with such a status, or if investing in the American economy from 500 thousand dollars.
Status Features
As mentioned above, the green card is not equal to the position of a US citizen, and has its own characteristics that are associated with the country's migration policy and are aimed at adapting the resident to new conditions. Getting a green card imposes certain responsibilities.
Obligations of green card holders:
- Payment of taxes. Every year, starting from the year of receiving the green card, the resident is required to fill out a tax return. No matter where he lives and how much time a year he spent in the USA, as well as the size of his earnings.
- Male persons in the age group from 18 to 26 years old and who have received a green card must register for military service if they want to increase the chances of obtaining American citizenship.
- For persons who have issued a green card on the basis of an invitation to work, it is important to work from 6 months to a year at one workplace. If the migration service fixes the conclusion of an employment contract only for obtaining the right to reside in the country, then they can deprive the status.
- You must live and stay in the United States for most of the year (6 months or more).
- Comply with US law, as even minor offenses will adversely affect immigration status.
US immigration laws are difficult to understand, so understanding them on the first try is very difficult. US citizens often receive professional legal assistance on even the most basic issues.
Green card to Finland
It is also important for auto-travelers to know the answer to the question: "Green card - what is it?"
The green card (green card) in the Schengen area, including Finland, is, in our understanding, an analogue of the insurance policy for a car.
To visit Finland by private car, you will need a green card - an international project for liability insurance in case of an accident in the territory of all Schengen countries.
A green card is strictly required for all those traveling in Finland in their cars. Its absence entails heavy fines and problems with obtaining a visa in the future.
Car ride
By purchasing a special auto policy - green card to Finland, the car owner gets the opportunity to use insurance to travel by car through the territory of any of the 41 European countries.
Due to the close, neighboring location of the Scandinavian countries, it is convenient for Russians to carry out various trips to Finland with their car for leisure, shopping, business meetings. When crossing the border while traveling by car to Finland, you must present a ready-made green card or draw it directly at the customs. But nevertheless it is better to take care of its readiness in advance.
To apply for a green card policy in Finland, you must provide the following required package of documents:
- For individuals - a passport or other identification document.
- For legal entities - certificate of registration.
- Vehicle registration document - vehicle registration certificate, passport or other similar document.
During the trip you need to have the original green card with you. Upon request, it must be presented to the regulatory authorities of Finland or another country.
Green card to Finland is issued as standard for the following period:
- Minimum - for 15 calendar days.
- Maximum for one year.
There may be other timing options within these boundaries.
The validity period of the green card starts at 00:00 a new day in local time and ends at 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds in the local time of the country where the trip takes place. The start day and expiration date of the insurance are indicated in the certificate.
Registration of the policy is not free. The green card itself, the price of which is low, is an acceptable purchase for the Russians. It depends on the required period of its validity, and the longer the period, the lower its cost on average. The price of a green card for 15 days for a light car starts from 2,450 rubles. The cost of a green card policy for a year starts at 22,240 rubles.
Summing up all the above, one can easily give a generalized definition of such a concept as a green card. What it is? Green card has two meanings - a vehicle insurance policy and a work permit. Moreover, both of these definitions are associated with a stay abroad (in the United States and the Schengen countries). All of this is described in detail in this material.