Archanthropus is a distant predecessor of modern man

An archanthropus is the same as Homo erectus, that is, a fossil species of people who are considered the predecessors of modern man. In terms of evolutionary development, they are closer to humans than to monkeys, and represent the initial stage of anthropogenesis.

archanthropus is
Who are they?

Previously, it was believed that the archanthropus is a type of upright man, extinct about 300,000 years ago. Today, scientists have found evidence of its existence 18 thousand years ago. Although the appearance of ancient people had much in common with monkeys, however, signs of the evolutionary process were already noticeable in it.

the most ancient people of the archanthropus

Origin and geography of settlement

It is believed that the archanthropist appeared in East Africa about 2 million years ago. This species was common in the Old World, where there were several subspecies. Their skeletal remains were found, including in Russia. In Voronezh, Kaluga and some other areas, parking lots were opened and tools belonging to the most ancient people - archanthropes - were found. The geography of their settlement also included East and Central Siberia, the North Minusinsk depression and the Yenisei valley.

ancient people


Archanthropes were of medium height (1.2-1.5 m), had a straight gait and an archaic structure of the skull with thickened walls, a low forehead and protruding eyebrows

The evolution of ancient man

After the final separation from Australopithecus, the archanthropes for a long time in their appearance were very different from modern people, although their biological evolution did not stop. The brain developed especially rapidly, which contributed to a change in the shape of the skull. The rest of the skeleton evolved much more slowly. The intelligible speech was hindered by the underdevelopment of the vocal apparatus in ancient people.

implements of labor of archanthropes


In addition, the archanthropist is an ancient man who evolved not only physically. Over time, his instruments of labor took on ever new, more advanced forms. A typical tool of the most ancient people is a hand torch with a heavy cutting edge. In addition to stone tools, they also made wooden spears. Their main occupations were hunting and gathering.

An archanthropist is an ancient man who could build primitive dwellings. The remains of such huts were found in France (the parking lot of Terra Amata). Climatic changes pushed the archanthropists in search of new housing, often they lived in caves and rocky grottoes. The clothes for them were animal skins obtained by hunting. Scientists believe that these ancient people already knew how to produce and maintain fire.

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