Hyaluronic acid low molecular weight and high molecular weight: difference. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid: reviews, composition. The best cream with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that is present in absolutely all tissues of the human body. Its greatest number is concentrated in the skin, bones, joints, cartilage and eye tissue. Thanks to it, the integrity of all the structures from which the cells are built is maintained. Hyaluronic acid - low molecular weight and high molecular weight - is a natural source of fluid for the body, a kind of reserve of water, necessary in order to fill the space between cells and, if necessary, nourish them with moisture.

low molecular weight and high molecular weight acid difference

What causes the lack of hyaluronic acid in the body?

In the process of aging, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid begins to be produced less, as a result of which the skin lacks fluid, loses its attractiveness, strength and softness.

The problem of a lack of this acid in soft tissues can occur at a young age. Basically, this problem appears due to an improperly designed diet or excessive use of certain medical drugs. Smokers and lovers of alcoholic beverages, as well as people living in environmentally disadvantaged places, can become victims of acid deficiency.

In modern cosmetology, synthetic low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid is gaining popularity . The so-called fillers made on its basis are in special demand. As many women say, the result from them is very positive. For fashionistas who are afraid to inject themselves with this drug, there is another method - this is the use of acid-based cosmetics.

Low molecular weight acid is made from high molecular weight and has a much lower molecular weight. Due to its extremely low weight, acid is able to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it, while simultaneously stimulating the production of collagen.

low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

Properties and objectives of hyaluronic acid

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is present in our blood, lymph and connective tissue. In addition to her, in these areas of the body there are numerous protein compounds and amino acids, as well as collagen fibers and elastin. If there is not enough acid or the process of its breakdown suddenly begins, then the skin begins to dry out, the synthesis of fibroblasts slows down, wrinkles, multiple pigment tissues appear, and ptosis begins. In addition to age, ultraviolet rays and frequent stress and depression are actively influencing these processes.

low molecular weight hyaluronic acid reviews

What types of hyaluronic acid are there?

1. Stabilized hyaluronic acid is a synthetic material. During its processing, a strong coupling of molecules appears, which contributes to the long stay of the substance in the skin. It is she who is used for plastic contours.

2. Unstabilized hyaluronic acid is also a synthetic material, but you cannot flash it. It has a quick, bright, but short-lived effect. Molecules quickly disintegrate and leave the body. Used in biorevitalization and mesotherapy procedures.

Classification of Hyaluronic Acids by Molecule Size

The following classes of hyaluronic acids are distinguished:

1. Hyaluronic acid is low molecular weight. It features a short chain of molecules. Used in the treatment of skin lesions, burns, rashes. It easily penetrates through the pores.

2. Medium molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It is used exclusively for medical purposes.

3. Hyaluronic acid is high molecular weight. Able to attract liquid molecules, used as a subcutaneous injection. Improves hydration and skin quality.

The most common are low molecular weight and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. The difference between them is in the length of the chains of molecules and the method of application in cosmetics.

low molecular weight hyaluronic acid composition

Alternative Hyaluronic Acids

Synthetic hyaluric acid is actively used now. It is cleaner than natural ones, it is not rejected by the body cells and shows amazing results.

Another alternative is animal hyaluric acid. But unlike synthetics, the risk of allergies and rejection is much higher.

How exactly are acids used in cosmetology?

In spas, biorevitalization is often used to replenish the amount of hyaluronic acid. With this method, acid is injected into the skin using ultrasound, ions, a laser, and electrophoresis.

If there are deep wrinkles, scars or if you need to change the shape of the face or lips, fillers are used, the basis of which is low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Reviews about them are the most positive. Fillers are knitted; they moisturize and fill the empty space.

low molecular weight hyaluronic acid for the face

How can I store hyaluronic acid at home?

At home, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is best suited. The composition of the acid contains short chains of molecules that easily penetrate the deepest skin layers. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is sold in a pharmacy, you can consult a pharmacy worker or your stylist-designer, which tool is best for you. You can purchase both ready-made products and all the necessary ingredients for self-cooking at home.

In addition to the use of special cosmetics, it is worth paying attention to your diet. If you want to ensure maximum health for your skin, use special dietary supplements that contain low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Reviews of women and girls taking such complexes with vitamin C are extremely positive. Often they mention that the effect of the use of cosmetics in this case increases several times.

In addition to appearance, well-being and mood improves. Consuming a sufficient amount of hyaluronic acid helps to improve the ligaments, joints and improve the quality of vision.

How do creams that contain hyaluronic acid work?

A cream with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is able to transform the skin not only in the deeper layers, but also on the surface itself, highlighting a special hydrophilic coating that draws moisture from the surrounding air, which contributes to enhanced hydration of the skin surface. It also protects against moisture loss and promotes the retention of nutrients from the cream, which contributes to better penetration into the subcutaneous layer and to provide a better result. This acid not only moisturizes, but also promotes faster healing of tissues, counteracts viruses and bacteria located in the subcutaneous layer.

cream with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

What are the ways to use hyaluronic acid?

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is used in several ways:

  • Medicines (tablets, ampoules, capsules, powder).
  • Creams, serums, mousses and emulsions.
  • Injections used in the procedures of mesotherapy, biorevitalization, and fillers. Creams and tablets are not so effective and popular, unlike injections. But when using them, you will not need to visit a cosmetologist for a long time to correct the first wrinkles and pimples.

In beauty salons, acids of animal and non-animal origin are used. Animal acids are secreted by microorganisms in the course of their life. Non-animal acids, according to experts, are considered much better and safer for the skin. Therefore, it is non-animal acids that are used in the production of all drugs and medicines, the basis of which is hyaluronic acid.

low molecular weight hyaluronic acid in a pharmacy

What is the best low molecular weight hyaluronic acid cream you can buy?

If you look at the product line of any company - a manufacturer of cosmetics, you will notice that each company must have several products, which include hyaluronic acid. Among them can be distinguished and recognized expensive cosmetic brands, and less budget versions of creams.

In the manufacturing process, both low molecular weight and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid are used. The low molecular weight component helps to produce collagen and elastin, while the high molecular weight component relieves the skin from dryness and aging. That is, if the main component of the cream is high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, then it has a high degree of hydration of the skin, and if the base is of low molecular weight acid, the cream helps to rejuvenate it. Therefore, high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid for the face is very useful.

What creams are the most popular?

Consider the most popular creams among fashionistas, try to determine which one and under what conditions is best used.

1. Cream "Laura". The manufacturer is a company from Russia "Evalar". The company’s line is designed for skin care around the eyes, there is also a special serum aimed at caring for the skin of the whole body. At the heart of all funds is hyaluronic acid.

2. Cream "Bark". Production is also Russian. The line contains creams, masks, gels, mousses. Hyaluronic acid is taken as the basis of all the funds. In addition to it, the composition also includes thermal water, various protein structures and amino acids, vegetable oils and sea extracts that contribute to the rejuvenation and healing of the skin. The average cost of Russian cosmetics of this orientation ranges from three to four hundred rubles per bottle of about fifty milliliters.

3. Cream "Evelyn". The Polish company produces products containing hyaluronic acid and aimed at rejuvenating the skin. The company promises a quick effect: reducing the number of wrinkles and high-quality regeneration of the skin. However, numerous female reviews suggest that the cream primarily moisturizes, rather than rejuvenates. The price is about two hundred rubles for the same fifty milliliters.

4. Cream "Vichy". Well-known French company, widely recognized by women around the world. The company produces day and night creams for skin care. The acids included in the composition are enhanced by the addition of retinol. The tool is very effective, but the price "bites" - two thousand rubles per tube of thirty milliliters.

5. Cream "Merz". Popular German cosmetics. In addition to low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, it contains extracts of seaweed and glucosamine, which can increase the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin inside the skin layers. The skin becomes young and toned, its color improves. The cost reaches eight hundred rubles for a capacity of fifty milliliters.

What you need to know when applying creams with hyaluronic acids?

If you still decide to use such cosmetics, do not forget that in the cold hyaluronic acid begins to crystallize, therefore, products containing such acids should be applied to the skin at least half an hour before you plan to go outside in the winter or evening time. Choose a cream based on the tasks that you set for yourself. For additional nutrition, use nutritious masks and vitamin complexes. You can purchase liquid vitamins at the pharmacy and add them to your creams. They are relatively cheap, and give your skin the nourishing elements that it lacks so much.

In conclusion

The most important thing in life is health. Therefore, remember that no one but yourself will take care of your health and the health of your skin. It is important for any woman to look beautiful and attractive. That is why it is important to pay due attention to the quality of the cosmetics used. Indeed, the preservation of the appearance of the harmful effects of time and the environment depends on the means used for skin care.

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