Mask for hair growth at home: the best recipes

Hair is a girl’s weapon, and their healthy and well-groomed appearance delighted and conquered men of different eras, ages and preferences. You can feed curls not only with salon methods, because masks for hair growth at home are a mandatory self-care program that is highly effective.

Beautiful hair

Fashion for long hair

Volumetric well-groomed hair - it is always fashionable and beautiful. But sometimes the pursuit of long locks turns into the meaning of life. Girls regularly ask questions about how to grow long hair in a week? Around hygiene and care products is creating excitement, all possible tips, recipes and methods that help to quickly get the right length are used.

The quality of hair and its growth rate depends on many factors: this is heredity, and preventive measures, the level of brain activity, care, the environment, etc.

It is not scientifically proven, but it has been noticed by many representatives of the fair sex that enhanced intellectual work accelerates hair growth. This can be explained, because if you have to solve many complex problems, then the temperature of the brain rises. Accordingly, our follicles seem to “warm up” from the inside. However, there is still no scientific evidence of this fact.

Head massage

Head massage as a mask

By massaging your hair and scalp, you will not only relieve stress, but also accelerate the growth of curls, and also get rid of dandruff over time. The biggest advantage of this method is its absolute budget. In this case, all actions can be performed independently. The only cost that is required of you is time, and it does not need much.

If the procedure is done patiently and systematically, then impressive results can be achieved.

These manipulations cause an influx of blood, which means that blood circulation in the bulbs also increases. As a tool, you can use a massage comb or a special massager for the head in the shape of a whisk. The easiest way to do it with your fingers.

It is important to choose the right time so that nothing bothers you, otherwise you will not be able to completely relax, and there will be little benefit from such procedures.

Massaging the skin, you need to move from the perimeter of the scalp to the center. You need to start the procedure with light strokes, then move on to more intense movements.

This method works like a mask for hair growth at home. During or after the procedure, you can apply your favorite balm or oil to your skin - so they are better absorbed. If the head is oversized, massage is best done an hour or immediately before washing, as the hair becomes very dirty after this procedure.


The mask with pepper for hair growth is similar in effect to head massage, since during its action there is a rush of blood, which has a beneficial effect not only on the follicles of growing hairs, but also awakens sleeping people.

He owes his stinginess to capsaicin, an alkaloid found in capsicum.

To prepare such a mask, you need to mix seven to ten grams of red ground pepper with twenty grams of honey. Mix the components until a homogeneous consistency is formed. The resulting substance is applied to the scalp, and to the hair itself - any useful oil (burdock, olive, argan, coconut).

If you are the first time to resort to this method, then know that the mixture needs to be kept for 15 minutes, increasing the time each time.

Be careful! If you are allergic to honey, then this hair mask with pepper is contraindicated for you.

Instead of honey, you can use hair balm, liquid vitamin E or a vitamin A capsule.

Pepper mask

Pepper tincture

Ground red pepper can be successfully replaced with tincture. Firstly, it costs mere pennies, and secondly, you can not mix it with anything, but apply it yourself with your fingertips on the scalp.

It is important not to forget to wear gloves, because pepper nibbles everything that comes in its way: both fingers and skin under the nails.

In order to increase the degree of burning over time, you need to add water to the tincture. A mask for hair growth at home based on peppers is one of the best remedies.

To cook it, you need to slightly heat 35 grams of peach seed oil, then add 35 grams of tincture of capsicum. The resulting substance is applied only to the hair roots (in no case to the length, otherwise dry them). You need to insulate the hair with a hat or a towel. Keep this mixture from 60 to 120 minutes, then rinse. A mask with pepper for hair growth is a very effective tool. Judging by the reviews, then for a month some girls grew from 10 to 15 cm in length.

Mustard for hair growth

The recipe for a mask with this component is very simple: in a water bath you need to warm up 35 grams of burdock oil, add 15 grams of mustard powder. This mixture is enough to apply it to the hair. If desired, this recipe can be supplemented with a teaspoon of honey and one yolk. We try to apply the resulting mixture only on the scalp and leave for 10-25 minutes. If the burning sensation is unbearable, stop the procedure; tingling should be easy.

Kefir mask with mustard consists of one egg, 5-7 grams of mustard powder and 40 ml of kefir. The mixture is well mixed and applied to the hair roots for half an hour. To enhance the effect, curls can be insulated.

The recipe for a mask for hair growth with mustard, onion juice and garlic has a sharp and unpleasant aroma. But this is the only drawback of a very effective tool. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 10 grams of mustard, diluted with warm water to a not very thick consistency;
  • 35 ml of onion juice;
  • 15 ml of garlic juice;
  • 25 grams of honey.

Bringing the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, it must be applied to the scalp and left for 1.5-2.5 hours, and then rinsed thoroughly.

Mustard mask

Mask with cognac

For hair growth and their strengthening, you can use not only mustard, pepper and massage, but also cognac. Unlike previous recipes, the following products are distributed along the entire length of the hair.

For procedures, it is worth using an expensive collection cognac, it contains the components necessary for hair. It fills them with shine and health, activates dormant bulbs, masks split ends and contributes to reduced fat loss.

If you are the owner of oily hair and get tired of washing it every day, then this recipe can be your salvation. It is worth adding that the percentage of brandy in the mask will depend on how quickly the roots of your hair are covered with fat. The more often, the more alcohol you need.

So, in order to prepare a mask, cognac, honey, oil, you need to heat it in a water bath and mix. Apply to damp clean hair, wrap with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. It is possible at this moment to warm the body from the inside, but not with an alcoholic drink, but with tea. If time is limited, 20 minutes will be enough for the result to amaze you.

Cognac is valuable in that it can be used as a complete care product. To do this, grind a few drops of the alcoholic drink in the palms of your hands and apply on the scalp and hair length. After 15 minutes, rinse the curls.

Of course, after the manipulations, the alcoholic aroma remains, to muffle it, you need to rinse your hair with water with the addition of your favorite essential oils.

Castor oil

Castor masks for hair growth have been known since the time of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. It has a slightly viscous consistency, therefore it is more useful to heat it in a water bath and apply to the scalp, distributing along the length.

The procedure should be carried out 1-3 hours before washing your hair. If your scalp is already very oily, then work with this tool only the length and ends, otherwise washing castor oil from your hair will be problematic. Clogged pores can only aggravate the situation with hair, and in especially advanced cases lead to hair loss, so the mask must be thoroughly washed off with shampoo.

Kefir, cognac, ground pepper, pepper tincture, burdock oil, onion juice, chopped garlic, honey, a raw egg, or only yolk, are also added to heated castor oil.

It must be remembered that all masks with mustard and pepper are applied only to the roots, as the rest of the hair can dry out. If these components are not, then the mixture is distributed along the length of all hair.

Castor oil

Burr oil

Burdock and castor oils are not only a worthy component of other masks, but are often used independently.

Burdock oil is a boiled burdock root that has been infused in olive oil for a long time. The process of its preparation is rather laborious, therefore it is cheaper and easier to buy a finished product.

As for the preparation of masks, burdock oil works with all your favorite ingredients: cognac, kefir, castor oil, egg, red pepper, mustard, yeast, onions, honey, etc. The ratio and proportions can be adjusted independently. But the time of application depends on the component: if it is mustard or pepper, then you can hold such a mask for only 15-30 minutes. The mixture with cognac can be left for several hours.

Any product or mask should be checked for an allergic reaction. To do this, choose a wrist. If redness appears, then the component is not suitable for you. An allergy can be to honey, mustard, pepper, burdock oil, eggs, etc.

A mask for hair growth with burdock oil and pepper will help awaken sleeping bulbs.

Argan Oil

It is also called Moroccan gold, since its scope is unlimited, and legends go about the benefits. It is considered especially useful for hair.

This product is very saturated with various trace elements, so using it as an independent tool is not recommended. Argan oil is considered a hypoallergenic drug, but there are still cases of intolerance.

Moroccan oil is best added a little bit to other oils or masks for hair growth at home. It will not be superfluous to mix five to ten ml into your shampoo.

Argan oil


Masks for hair growth with yeast are considered a real vitamin bomb. They are applied to washed wet hair and kept for about half an hour.

Yeast masks can be considered not only a preventive method, but also a way to treat your hair. They not only nourish curls, give shine, rich color, moisturize the scalp, but also accelerate their growth, and also awaken sleeping onions.

Absolutely any kind of yeast is suitable for masks: briquettes, both dry and liquid. You still have to bring them to a viscous consistency, sugar will help. A little warm broth of chamomile is added to the resulting substance. The mixture is infused for 20 minutes.

You can also add kefir, honey, milk or mustard to the yeast mask. It is important that all components are warm. For the best effect, the finished mask is left to infuse for an hour in a warm place.

After application to the scalp, it must be insulated to prolong the fermentation process.

Do not forget about precautions: before using the product, you must conduct a test for an allergic reaction.

Using yeast, you will not only make your hair grow quickly, but also avoid the effect of stretching, when the length increases due to thickness, and the curls look long, but ineffective.


Everyone's favorite spice can also be used as a means of beauty. For masks, both crushed cinnamon and essential oil are suitable.

Even a lazy young lady will cope with the recipe for a hair growth mask with cinnamon: in one glass of kefir, you need to add the yolk and 30 g of cinnamon powder. Apply to washed wet hair, and rinse off after half an hour.

You can add 3-5 drops of cinnamon essential oil to the tube with your shampoo, and during washing just massage your scalp for 1-2 minutes. The result will not keep you waiting.

Cinnamon sticks


It’s hard to believe, but this common tool can still surprise you even more. There are a myriad of recipes for hair growth masks with an egg, but not everyone knows that yolk can also wash your hair.

If you do not have an allergy to the product, which often manifests itself in the form of itching, redness or peeling, then you can forget about the purchased shampoo. Because the yolk is enough to wash your hair and at the same time strengthen your hair. After a month of use, they become noticeably thicker and more spectacular.

This method used parts of our grandmothers. Whether you are the owner of oily, normal or dry hair, this shampoo replacement will still suit you.

The main thing is to know a few of the following nuances:

  • The yolk film needs to be removed. To do this, it needs to be doused with enough hot water, and then squeeze the slurry from the resulting "ball".
  • It is necessary to add water to the yolk and beat it well with a fork or whisk.
  • Curls need to get used to the new method of care, so first add a little mustard powder to the yolk - it degreases well. But in this case, you can apply it only on the roots.


The preparation of effective homemade masks for hair growth is not limited to just mixing the products that we usually eat. Any hair care product can also be "pumped" with vitamins in ampoules.

They are beautiful in that they help both with external use and with internal. Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can be bought at any pharmacy at a very affordable price. An oily solution of vitamin A and vitamin E is also inexpensive.

One ampoule of all components can be added to the working shampoo. With the same set, together with hair conditioner, you can make masks twice a week.

If you are not afraid of injections, then B vitamins are recommended to be administered intramuscularly. For one course, you need to purchase three ampoules. Vitamin A can be drunk one dragee per day for 10 days. With it, you will strengthen not only hair, but the whole body, and also forget what fragility of nails is.

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