If you ask yourself what is obtained from coal and oil, you can come to the conclusion that a lot. These two minerals serve as the main sources of hydrocarbons. Everything should be considered in order.
Oil is a fossil fuel characterized by a dark brown color and high density. At its core, it is a complex mixture of substances, mainly liquid hydrocarbons. The composition of the oil is naphthenic, paraffinic and aromatic. However, most often you can find a mixed type product. In addition to hydrocarbons, the oil contains impurities of organic sulfur and oxygen compounds, as well as water with magnesium and calcium salts dissolved in it.
The content of mechanical impurities in the form of clay and sand is not excluded. If we talk about why oil is better than coal, then we can say about the value of this raw material for producing various types of motor fuel of the highest quality. After purification from water and other undesirable impurities, this type of fossil is processed. this occurs mainly by distillation. It is based on the difference in the boiling points of the hydrocarbons that make up its composition.
How distillation is carried out
Since oil contains hundreds of different substances, many of which boiling points are close enough, it is almost impossible to separate individual hydrocarbons. Therefore, through distillation, oil is separated into fractions that boil over a very wide temperature range. At the usual temperature of the oil, by distillation, it is divided into four fractions: diesel (180-350 ° C), kerosene (120-315 ° C), gasoline (30-180 ° C) and fuel oil as a residue after the procedure. If we continue to talk about what is obtained from coal and oil, then it is worth noting that each of these components, with more thorough distillation, can be divided into even smaller fractions. For example, from the gasoline part you can get petroleum ether, naphtha and, in fact, gasoline. The first substance contains hexane and pentane, making it an excellent solvent for resins and fats.
Gasoline contains unbranched saturated hydrocarbons from decans to pentanes, cycloalkanes and benzene. After appropriate processing, it is used for automotive and aircraft internal combustion engines as fuel. Ligroin, which contains kerosene and hydrocarbons, is used as fuel for lighting and heating appliances for domestic use. In large quantities, kerosene is used as fuel for rockets and jets.
If we continue to understand what is obtained from coal and oil, then it is worth mentioning the diesel fraction of oil refining, which usually serves as fuel for diesel engines. Fuel oil contains high-boiling hydrocarbons. By distillation under reduced pressure, various lubricating oils are usually obtained from fuel oil. The residue that is available after processing fuel oil is commonly called tar. A substance such as bitumen is obtained from it. These products are intended for use in road construction. Fuel oil is often used as boiler fuel.
Other recycling methods
To understand why oil is better than coal, you need to figure out what other treatments they are subjected to. Oil is refined through cracking, that is, the thermocatalytic conversion of its parts. Cracking can be one of the following types:
- Thermal. In this case, the splitting of hydrocarbons is carried out under the influence of elevated temperatures.
- Catalytic. It is carried out under high temperature conditions, however, a catalyst is still added, due to which it is possible to control the process, as well as to lead it in any particular direction.
If we talk about why oil is better than coal, then it should be said that in the process of cracking unsaturated hydrocarbons are formed , which are widely used in the industrial synthesis of organic substances.
Processing of this type of raw material is carried out in three areas: hydrogenation, coking and incomplete combustion. Each of these types involves the use of a special technological process.
Coking implies the presence of raw materials in coke ovens at a temperature of 1000-1200 o C, where there is no access of oxygen. This process allows for the implementation of complex chemical transformations, the result of which will be the formation of coke and volatile products. The first in a cooled state is sent to metallurgy enterprises. Volatile products are cooled, after which ammonia water and coal tar are obtained. There are still many non-condensed substances. If we talk about why oil is better than coal, it should be noted that much more finished products are obtained from the first type of raw material. Each of the substances is directed to a specific production.
At present, even the production of oil from coal is being carried out, which makes it possible to obtain much more valuable fuel.