Population actions in case of emergency: notification procedure, algorithm of actions

Each of us can face emergency situations in our lives. Not only health depends on the speed of reaction and the correctness of actions, but also often human life. Training the population in emergency situations is an important task of the relevant authorities. Next, we consider what needs to be done in extreme situations in order to ensure safety for ourselves and others.

What is an emergency?

In various sources you can see different interpretations of this concept, but most often it is the situation or situation that developed due to the fault of dangerous phenomena. It can be not only natural disasters, but also accidents that have arisen because of a person.

Varieties of emergency

The actions of the population in unforeseen situations will depend on the type of accident, and they are as follows:

  1. Man-made nature. This category includes transport accidents, destruction of structures, explosions, fires and chemical releases, accidents at waterworks. The actions of the population during man-made emergencies will differ taking into account the nuances of a specific situation.
  2. Military situations. In the first place - the use of weapons of mass destruction, this also includes terrorist acts, social protests, the seizure and destruction of vast territories.
    Military emergencies
  3. Socio-political emergencies: kidnapping, trafficking in various weapons, hostage taking, unconstitutional actions.
  4. The actions of the population in emergency situations of a biological nature are often aimed at eliminating or preventing the defeat of living organisms. It is important to prevent the spread of epidemics among people, causing harm to the environment.

Preparing the population for emergency response will allow you to get out of extreme situations with minimal loss and damage.

How to behave in an emergency?

Regardless of the source of danger, there are some general rules of conduct:

  1. Keep calm. Superfluous panic and increased emotionality make a person commit acts that can harm him and others. A sober mind will help you assess the situation and deal with stress.
  2. Carefully think through your behavior. To do this, it is advisable to first get acquainted with the actions of the population in case of emergency.
  3. Draw up and adhere to a response plan. It may include:
  • place for shelter from danger;
  • escape route;
  • evacuation action plan;
  • a list of necessary things to take with you in case of an unforeseen situation.

The outcome will depend on coherence and thoughtfulness of actions.

What is included in preparation for dangerous situations

You can not completely insure yourself against accidents, therefore, it is necessary that the population have an idea of ​​the actions during an emergency. What is the preparation for such situations:

  1. Everyone should learn how to behave during an emergency. To do this, you can use the information of various services posted on their websites in the form of brochures, booklets, posters.
  2. A package with the most necessary things, documents in case of a dangerous situation should always be collected. It must be placed in an accessible place in a waterproof bag.
  3. Do not take too much with you, only the most necessary.
  4. If there are valuables, then in advance you need to think over the place of their storage in case of evacuation.
  5. You must always be prepared for emergencies, especially when living in a dangerous area. At the sound of a siren, you must turn on the radio or TV and listen to the instructions of the rescue services.
  6. The actions of the population in case of emergencies should be thought out, and before evacuation it is necessary to check the availability of things and documents of prime necessity.
  7. Do not use the telephone or other means of communication without the important need for rescue services to inform the public.
  8. Provide briefings among relatives and friends about the rules of conduct in emergency situations.
  9. During the actions of the population in case of emergency, increased attention should be paid to children. Previously, it is necessary to conduct conversations with the younger generation, it is better to do this with the kids in a fascinating way in the form of a story about the miraculous salvation of people. Children quickly memorize and grasp, and in some cases can even tell adults what to do.
    Emergency preparedness
  10. If special services have reported an impending natural disaster, then do not panic and flee the house. It is more advisable to wait for instructions from special services.

The actions of the population after an emergency must include notification of their relatives and friends about their whereabouts and condition. If one of the relatives is in trouble, then after normalizing the situation, you need to make sure that everything is fine with him.

Actions of the population in man-made emergencies

The federal law sets out the duties of citizens in emergency situations. Everyone is obliged:

  1. Comply with laws to protect people from emergencies.
  2. Adhere to all safety measures in labor and daily activities in order to prevent dangerous situations for themselves and others.
  3. To study various ways of protection against disasters, natural disasters, the rules of first aid for victims, to know what the actions of the population are in case of an emergency of a biological nature.
  4. Follow the rules and recommendations for behavior during a threat or emergency.

If you remember these responsibilities, the actions of the population in case of emergencies will be more literate. Consider what actions in emergencies of different technogenic nature.

What to do if an accident occurs at a chemical plant?

There are chemical compounds that, penetrating the environment, can provoke mass poisoning and infection of people and other living organisms. If a warning about the release of chemicals is received, the actions of the population in an emergency of a technogenic nature should be as follows:

  1. If at this time you are in the room, then it is necessary to tightly close all windows and doors, seal the gaps with a band-aid, and cover the doorways with a thick blanket. If ammonia is released, then it is necessary to go down from the upper floors of the building to the lower or basements.
  2. If instructions are received from special services on the need to leave your home, then you must:
  • disconnect all devices from the electrical network;
  • cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or towel, soaking them with a 2% soda solution if infection with chlorine has occurred, or with a 5% solution of citric or boric acid when ammonia is released;
  • leave the infected area without panic in the shelter indicated by the rescue services.
Chemical accident

You can return to your home only after eliminating the danger.

Actions after liquidation of a chemical accident

If there is a suspicion that chemicals have entered the body, then it is necessary:

  1. Exclude physical activity.
  2. Provide a plentiful drink.
  3. Take a shower, if possible.
  4. At the first opportunity, consult a doctor.
  5. Chemical-exposed clothing should be discarded or washed thoroughly.
  6. The room should be cleaned with detergents and disinfectants.
  7. Prior to obtaining safety information, it is not recommended to use water from natural sources, fruits and vegetables from the summer cottage, and meat from pets.

Actions for radiation hazard

If information about a radiation accident is obtained on the street, then it is necessary to cover the respiratory organs with a scarf, scarf and quickly hide in the room. In shelter, the actions of the population in emergency situations suggest the following:

  1. Remove outer clothing and pack it in a plastic bag.
  2. If there is such an opportunity, then you need to take a shower.
  3. Close all ventilation openings, cracks in windows and doors to prevent radiation from entering inside.
  4. Collect water in containers that can be sealed.
  5. Place food products in packages and put in the refrigerator or closed cabinet.
  6. If there is a respirator, then it must be used to protect the respiratory system. If it is absent, a cotton-gauze dressing or any other improvised means will be suitable for these purposes.
  7. It is necessary to carry out iodine prophylaxis: take a tablet of "Potassium Iodide" for a week. If there was no such drug, then you can drop 3-5 drops of iodine into a glass of water and drink it. For children, the dosage is 1-2 drops.

After the cessation of the threat, danger remains due to contamination of the area with radioactive products. To exclude this harmful effect on the body, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. Do not leave the premises without urgent need.
  2. When going out, you need to wear a raincoat, boots, gloves and use a respirator.
  3. You can not swim in open water, pick berries and mushrooms in the forest.
  4. The house and the area around the building is often moistened. Do cleaning using detergents and disinfectants.
  5. You can drink water only from trusted sources or buy in a store.
  6. Before eating, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a solution of drinking soda.

These simple recommendations will reduce the risk of developing radiation sickness.

Traffic accidents

One of the varieties of a man-made accident is an emergency situation related to transport. Any species is a potential hazard to human health and life. Preparing the population for emergency response is important, and knowing some rules and observing safety measures will help prevent disasters in dangerous situations. When it comes to rail transport, it is 10 times safer than a car, and three times, when compared with air traffic.

The causes of such accidents are often:

  • breakdowns of tracks or rolling stock;
  • alarm malfunction;
  • mistakes made by dispatchers;
  • negligence of drivers.
Transport accidents

When traveling in a train, it is important to observe the following rules:

  1. During movement it is impossible to protrude from the windows, stand on the steps of the car or at the open door.
  2. All items must be stacked on shelves.
  3. Do not tear off the stop valve unnecessarily.
  4. In the event of a fire, it is impossible to stop the train on bridges, in tunnels, which can complicate the evacuation of people.
  5. It is forbidden to take flammable, explosive and chemical substances into a carriage.
  6. Do not use household appliances without the permission of a guide.

If all the precautions did not help, and the accident occurred, then the actions of the population in case of emergency should be as follows:

  1. After stopping the movement, it is important to quickly leave the car using doors, broken windows.
  2. You must take documents, cash, and blankets with you.
  3. If there is a fire in the composition, then, leaving your compartment, you need to cover your respiratory organs and try to get out into the street.
  4. If you managed to get out, then you need to help the victims get out of the car, provide first aid.

Competent actions of the population during the emergency response will help to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Safety in public transport

Traveling in public transport can also not be called absolutely safe. It is impossible to completely eliminate emergencies, so you need to be prepared for them. The actions of the population during emergencies of this nature will be more effective if, during a trip by public transport, the following recommendations are observed:

  1. If it is not possible to sit while driving, it is best to take a seat in the middle of the cabin.
  2. Pay attention to the location of the emergency exits.
  3. Given that the movement of trams and trolleybuses depends on electrical power, in an emergency it is necessary to leave the cabin as soon as possible.
  4. Panic leads to a crowd of people near the exits, so you can use the emergency, to do this, pull out the cord and squeeze out the glass.
  5. In case of fire in the passenger compartment, it is necessary to take a fire extinguisher and try to eliminate the fire.

Air traffic accidents are considered dangerous. Leaving a plane in the air does not work, like a car or a bus. The most severe consequences are observed as a result of the destruction of the aircraft, engine failure at high altitude, control systems.

Knowledge of instructions on how to act in a given situation on board will help to avoid dangerous consequences:

  1. Decompression on board occurs in case of violation of the tightness of the cabin. It starts with a deafening roar and the whole space is quickly filled with dust particles, visibility is severely impaired. Air quickly leaves the lungs, and it is impossible to prevent this process. If this happens, wear an oxygen mask. This must be done before the moment to begin to save their loved ones, children. If you do not help yourself, then consciousness will leave very quickly, and it will be impossible to help.
  2. After putting on the mask, you must fasten your seat belts.
  3. If there is a fire on board, then smoke is more dangerous, therefore it is necessary to cover the respiratory organs, it is advisable to moisten a napkin or scarf with water.
  4. To the exit after landing you need to move on all fours on the floor, there is less smoke.
  5. After going out, you should get as far away from the aircraft side as possible in case an explosion occurs.

In any situation, the actions of the population in case of emergency should be carried out without panic. This will save many lives.

Sources of industrial accidents

Among the sources of increased danger include the following objects:

  • industrial enterprises;
  • objects at which combustible and explosive substances are mined, stored or processed;
  • transport of any kind;
  • mine and metro.

Accidents at any facility can occur either due to a person’s fault or due to the failure of machinery or equipment.

Natural hazardous situations

To natural emergencies include:

  • floods;
  • tsunami;
  • earthquakes;
  • gathering snow avalanche.

The danger of such situations largely depends on the actions of the population in an emergency of a natural nature.

How to act during a flood

If the media reported on the threat of flooding, then proceed as follows:

  1. Turn on the radio or TV to keep abreast of the latest events and not to miss the instructions of the special services.
  2. According to the established rules, you must leave the premises and go to safe places.
  3. Notify loved ones about imminent danger.
  4. Before leaving the house, it is imperative to collect documents, necessary things, medicines, a supply of food and water for several days.
  5. If there is such an opportunity, then valuable things should be transferred to a safe place, for example, in the attic.
  6. Before leaving your home, you must disconnect all devices from the mains, turn off the lights.
  7. Close doors and windows and evacuate to a safe place.

It happens that an emergency develops rapidly, and in a matter of hours, people find themselves in a flood zone. In this case, their actions are as follows:

  1. Do not take rash actions without receiving important instructions from rescue services.
  2. If possible, it is necessary to climb into the attic, roof, other elevations so that water does not reach.
  3. If you live in areas where there is a danger of flooding, then for such cases it is necessary to have means of evacuation, such as an inflatable boat, a mattress.
  4. To attract the attention of rescuers, give signals: voice, light signs, especially at night, wave a white towel.
  5. Try to help the victims.
    Flood actions

If you suddenly find yourself in water, then you need to remove heavy things, bags, shoes. To assist a drowning person, the actions should be as follows:

  1. Throw drowning any floating object.
  2. Call the rescuers for help.
  3. If a person in the water loses consciousness, then you need to swim up to him from behind, grab him and try to pull him to an elevation.
  4. After the arrival of rescuers, all their recommendations must be strictly followed.
  5. Do not create panic and unnecessary fuss.

After normalizing the situation, you can return to your homes, but actions must be careful and in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Before entering the house, it is necessary to check the reliability of the structure.
  2. Caution with loose or dangling wires. To eliminate the accident it is necessary to call electricians.
  3. When examining the premises, it is better not to use fire as a light source in case of gas leakage. For these purposes, you must have a flashlight.
  4. Before use, check the condition of the water supply, sewage and piping.
  5. All food that has fallen into the water must be discarded.

After the flood is liquidated, it is necessary to clean the wells of water and dirt.

Earthquake Actions

In areas with seismic hazard, you must be prepared for an earthquake at any time. The actions of the population at the risk of natural emergencies should include training. Here is what it includes:

  1. Thought-out action plan.
  2. All family members should be informed and trained in the rules of first aid.
  3. All necessary things, documents, money should be in a convenient and accessible place.
  4. A bag should be prepared in advance, in which there is a flashlight, matches, a supply of drinking water.
  5. Heavy objects should not be placed on cabinets and shelves so as not to be injured in the event of an earthquake.
  6. All hazardous and flammable substances must be stored in an isolated place.
  7. All residents should be aware of the actions of the population in a natural emergency in order to know in this case where the electrical panels, cranes are located.

If an earthquake happened, then you need to know how to behave:

  1. Having heard and felt the first earthquake, do not succumb to panic.
  2. You need to take the necessary things and quickly leave your house or apartment.
  3. If the house is multi-story, then it is recommended to go down not in the elevator, but on the stairs.
  4. On the street, it is better not to occupy the area under buildings and structures, but rather stay in the open.
  5. If you do not have time to leave the house before strong shocks appear, then you need to stand at the inner wall, in the corner or opening of the wall. You can hide under a table or bed so that falling objects do not cause injury.
    Earthquake Actions
  6. From window openings and furniture you need to move away.
  7. Children need to cover with their bodies.
  8. Do not use matches or candles, so as not to provoke a fire in the event of a gas leak.
  9. On the street, beware of dangling power lines.
  10. If you were in the car at the moment of the start of the shocks, then do not leave it.

Not only the actions of the population in case of emergency of a natural nature are important, but also after it. At the end of tremors:

  1. Be prepared to help those affected.
  2. Try to free people from small rubble on their own.
  3. Take care of the safety of children and the elderly.
  4. Turn on the radio and follow the instructions of the rescuers.
  5. Before entering the house, check the wiring.
  6. Before switching on, check the integrity of the pipelines.
  7. Do not enter buildings that have major damage.
  8. Be prepared that the tremors may still be repeated.

If you hit the blockage, then you need:

  1. Calm down and not panic.
  2. Rate the situation.
  3. Try, if possible, to provide yourself with medical care if necessary.
  4. We must try to be heard, for this you need to scream, knock and use any objects to deliver sound.
  5. Do not waste your energy, and without food a person is quite capable of living for several days.

In addition to man-made and natural disasters, one has to deal with military situations.

How to act in emergency situations of a military nature

It is recommended that you leave the danger zone with the outbreak of hostilities as soon as possible. If there is no opportunity to leave the whole family, then first of all it is necessary to evacuate children and the elderly. Take with you only the most necessary: ​​money, documents and personal items.

If you have to stay in the emergency zone, then you need to prepare for this:

  1. Seal the glass on the windows with tape, paper, which increases their strength and will not allow fragments to injure you.
  2. If there is such an opportunity, then in the basement it is necessary to build shelter.
  3. If there is a piece of land near the house, then shelter is best done at a distance from the house, so that in case of destruction it will not suffer.
  4. Make supplies of water and products that have a long shelf life.
  5. Prepare a first aid kit with the necessary medicines and dressings.
  6. Get a fire extinguishing agent.
  7. Collect things, documents, money in case of emergency evacuation.
  8. If you have a personal car, make sure that there is a fuel supply in case of an urgent departure.
  9. If winter is coming, you need to think about how to heat the room when there is no central heating.

It is necessary that there is information about what the actions of the population are in a military emergency. Everyone should:

  1. Do not respond to provocations and keep calm.
  2. Do not notify unfamiliar people about their plans.
  3. Always carry your documents with you.
  4. Know where shelters are located in the city or village.
  5. Without special need not to leave the house.
  6. Try not to be in places with large crowds.
  7. Upon receipt of any information or instructions regarding further actions from the authorities, try to convey it to your near and dear ones.
  8. If there were armed people, military equipment, then we must soon leave this area.
  9. During the shelling, one must be in shelters, hide in the cellars.
  10. We must be prepared to provide first aid to the victims.
military action

One cannot remain indifferent to the grief of others. The actions of the population during wartime emergencies should be coordinated and based on mutual assistance and support. Everyone in the conditions of military operations may find himself in such a situation.

If explosive objects are detected, then proceed as follows:

  • Do not touch them and try to drag them to another place;
  • It is strictly forbidden to heat and throw;
  • they can not be used for a fire;
  • It is forbidden to bring into buildings, to throw in wells.

If such explosive objects are found on the street, then try to enclose them and mark the location. Then you must immediately inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Regardless of the nature of the incident, the actions of the population in a natural emergency or industrial accident should be carefully thought out. Life and health depend on this.

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