Fishing for mormyshka is an original Russian way of winter fishing. Where and when this amazing bait was invented is not known for sure, but for many decades it has been successfully used by fishers not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.
What is mormyshka and how to use it
The classic mormyshka is a small rounded lead, tin or tungsten cargo with a hook fused into it. It attaches directly to the main fishing line, often even without a leash. Winter mormuscular tackle does not provide a float, and the role of the bite signaling device is assigned to a nod (gatehouse) located on the tip of the fishing rod. In fact, mormyshka is a mini-lure both in form and in the way of fishing.
The design of such a bait is designed primarily for winter ice fishing. Fishing is carried out vertically using special posting techniques (games).
Recently, summer fishing for mormyshka has become popular. Plumbing is carried out from a boat or a steep shore.
All mormyshki are classified according to the method of equipment into ordinary and non-nozzle (uncoil). The first type of bait is intended for use with bait: bloodworms, caddis flies, maggots, etc. They are hooked and attract fish visually, as well as their smell.
Mormyshka non-stick does not require any bait. They are made in the form of insects at various stages of their development (nymphs), as well as small crustaceans. The bright appearance of the bait and the skillful game of the fisherman are able to attract fish better than any bait.
Weight classification
Mormyshka is also usually classified by weight into:
The best mormyshki for fishing at great depths and with fast currents are heavy and heavy. Due to the fact that most of them are made of tungsten, which is almost 2 times heavier than lead, they have a large weight (from 1 to 10 g) with a small size.
The bait sinks quickly and has minimal resistance to flow. The lead analog of the same weight will be 2 times more, which in some cases, for example, in a strong current, makes it inapplicable.
Medium mormyshki are most often made from tin and lead. These are the most popular winter fishing lures. In addition, you can easily make them yourself by soldering a suitable hook into a piece of tin of the desired size and weight. Simple home-made mormyshki are an ideal bait for winter crucian carp and perch, both with bait and without it. They are mainly used for fishing at medium depths.
Light mormyshki used for fishing in small areas in bodies of water without currents. They are made of plates of copper, brass, silver, epoxy, plastic, nylon and are painted in the required color.
Common forms of no-beads
Non-attachment lures have a lot of varieties of shapes and sizes. But they are all similar in that they are very reminiscent of insects and crustaceans, which is why most of them have corresponding names. Below are the most catchy mormyshki-rewinder in rating order.
- "Uralka" - can have a different size, weight and is intended both for fishing with bait, and without it. The most common mormyshka used for fishing on any type of fish.
- “Devil” is a droplet-shaped mormyshka-nymph with three hooks in the lower part. It can be supplemented with colored beads, beads, pieces of cambric.
- "Curved little devil" - a kind of "little devil" with a curved body, designed for fishing in stagnant water and in weak currents.
- “Composite devil” is a mobile nymph mormyshka, consisting of two parts for catching large fish at great depths and over the course.
- “Goat” - a classic lightweight (0.3-0.8 g) bezmotilka with two hooks, resembling a goat’s head.
- "Ant" - a small mormyshka with one hook, resembling the body of an ant.
- "Bug" - a small fancy eggless egg-less with three hooks.
- "Dreissena" - a normish nymph popular with perch and roach, with one hook and bead equipment.
- "Bug" - a low-frequency mormyshka weighing 0.5 g for deep fishing on the bream.
- “Moth” - an ultralight bezmotyl (up to 0.1 g), in shape resembling a bloodworm.
The most flattering reviews has "uralka". Anglers value it for its versatility and simple construction. Many of them make such mormyshki themselves. In addition, the "Uralku" can be easily retrofitted, complementing its design with homemade suspensions.
Fans of perch fishing prefer nymphoids in the form of various insects: "little devils", "goats", "ants", etc. They speak well of the "uralka" too.
None of the self-respecting forest owners can do without a "bug". This mormyshka is rightfully in the lead in the ranking of lures for bream and roach. According to reviews of fishermen hunting for peaceful fish, the "bug" can be successfully used for winter crucian carp.
Well, and where without home-made! Each master praises his creations, comparing them with "useless" purchased.
How to choose the color of mormyshka
The color of the bait is one of the main factors affecting the outcome of fishing. But do not assume that the brighter the bait, the better the bite will be. In addition, a wrong color will scare away the fish.
Most anglers think that mormyshka should have multi-color coloring. To do this, they independently modify the bait, painting it with varnish or covering it with copper (silver, aluminum) foil.
It is believed that on a sunny day, baits of dark colors (black, gray, gray-green) work better, and in cloudy weather it is better to use light colors (white, golden, silver). However, do not focus much on this. It often happens that on one day in one pond a roach or perch pecks at anything, but on another, on the contrary, there is no biting at all, which bait should not be used. Therefore, it is better to always have different mormyshki with you: non-attachable of various shapes and colors and the usual ones for use with bait.
Fragments of small chains, multi-colored pieces of cambric, beads and sequins can be used as an additional attracting element (replanting) for bezootylki. But these trinkets should have a well-defined coloring. The following color alternations are usually used for replanting:
- green - orange (yellow) - green;
- white - black - white;
- black - yellow (orange) - black;
- red - white - red;
- gray - red - gray.
For fish species such as perch or roach, during periods of their winter activity, there is nothing more attractive than a nymph mormyshka decorated with plantings. Photos of such baits are presented below.
The best mormyshki for perch
Now let's try to figure out what kind of bait should be used to catch certain types of aquatic vertebrates. Let's start with the most popular winter fishing fish - perch. Given the lifestyle of this prickly predator and its culinary preferences, the bait should be chosen not too voluminous and furious. The choice of mormyshka for perch in winter also depends on the month, the strength of the current, depth, weather and time of day.
According to the first ice, they often use “little devil”, “goat”, “bug”, “uralku” of medium size, weight and discreet colors. For fishing at a depth of more than 4 m and in strong currents, weighted variants are used. In the dead end, shallow baits are preferable. Often, mormyshki for perch in the winter are additionally provided with seedlings of red, black, and yellow beads.
Non-muzzle jigsaw roach
This fish, unlike perch, prefers bright colors, regardless of the time of year. For roach fishing, small bezotylki such as "ant", "devil", "moth" are used. For large individuals, there are specialized catchy mormyshka “shadow” or “jellyfish”.
When catching this fish on the first ice, some fishers practice using several different reelless hooks fixed on the same fishing line. If you have sufficient experience in this way, you can get a good catch, however, for beginners, this solution can cause tangling or clipping.
Rewindless bream
Mormyshki on bream differ from other models in their large size and shape. In addition, color does not play a major role. In winter you can seduce this fish only with an ideal game of bait. The best claws are:
- "bug";
- large "uralka";
- "Composite devil";
- "Curved little devil";
- large "jellyfish".
Such mormyshki on bream successfully used in the summer. The bug is most effective. His flat body, resembling a miniature spinner, when played correctly, makes unique oscillatory movements both vertically and horizontally.
Catchy mormyshki for crucian carp
Crucian carp, although it is unpretentious fish, in winter, due to the lack of vegetation, eats animal foods: worms, insect larvae, small crustaceans living in near-bottom silt or sand. Therefore, most often in winter it is caught on ordinary mormyshki using bloodworms, caddis flies, larva moths, etc. However, some anglers also practice fishing for crucian carp .
For this type of fishing , weighted baits are used predominantly from tungsten with a diameter of 0.1-0.17 mm. Specialized mormyshki for crucian carp in most cases have a body of red or orange color, but you should not neglect other colors.
Given that in winter this fish leads a bottom lifestyle, you need to catch it at maximum depth. And the greater the distance to the bottom, the brighter the mormyshka should be. The best claws for crucian carp are “uralka”, “bug”, “ant”, “goat”.
Self-production of non-nozzle mormyshek
No matter how wide the range of lures, amateur fishermen have always made and will craft their own. Very often home-made mormyshki are made in the image of the factory ones, but taking into account the personal experience of each fisherman, as well as the characteristics of the reservoirs where he fishes.
Rewindings are usually made of lead and tin. Melting tungsten at home is almost impossible. For self-production of the simplest mormyshka you will need:
- hook (single, double or triple);
- a piece of tin, solder or lead;
- a small piece of thin copper wire (for attaching fishing line);
- soldering acid;
- soldering iron;
- set of files;
- fine sand paper;
- awl;
- nail polish (color for choice);
- beads, sequins, pieces of multi-colored cambric or plastic.
You can melt tin or solder with an ordinary soldering iron, but for lead you will need a model with a higher power.
To begin with, you need to make a loop of copper wire , for which the jig will be attached to the fishing line. Usually it is folded in half, and the ends are twisted and cut to the required size.
Having decided on the size and shape of the hook, you need to treat it with forearm acid. The same procedure is carried out with a loop. This will degrease the surface and allow the solder to melt them more reliably.
Next, the loop is applied to the forearm of the hook and fixed. Using a soldering iron, a drop of molten metal is applied to the place of their connection and allowed to cool. Continue to apply solder until the metal melts the fore-end and eyelet to the desired size and weight. After cooling, you can start processing the future mormyshka with a file, giving it the desired shape. To avoid unnecessary fishing line hooks for the body of the bait, it must be carefully sanded with fine sandpaper.
Further varnish covers the body of mormyshka. Here you can use several different colors and your own imagination, without, of course, crossing the line of reason. Complement the look of the bait with multi-colored beads and pieces of plastic, pushing them onto the hook.
Here in such a simple way the simplest mormyshka-nymph is made. See the photo of the home-made uncoil below.
Fishing technique
Using mormyshka without bait, you need to own a certain technique of its wiring (game). Without this, even the most attractive and expensive bezmotylka will be just a piece of metal.
Experienced anglers know dozens of different types of posting, but for a beginner it will be enough to understand a few simple tricks.
- The bait is lowered to the bottom, several hits are made on its surface, after which it is lifted with low-amplitude twitches to a height of 20-30 cm. After this, the process is repeated.
- Mormyshka is immersed to the bottom, held for several seconds, after which they begin to slowly raise, stopping for 1-2 seconds every 10-15 cm.
- The clawless submerged to the bottom is smoothly lifted, making a small horizontal jerk with tackle with a fishing rod.