Brad Pitt: biography, filmography, personal life

Brad Pitt's name has long been a household name. The American producer, but above all, the actor is known throughout the world and is the owner of a multi-million army of fans. Excellent external data and outstanding talent paved the way for him in the cinema, erected on the Hollywood Olympus. Brad Pitt, whose biography is familiar to many from episodic facts, including his relationship with D. Aniston and A. Jolie, is loved by the press and television, and therefore does not leave their circle of attention. He, in turn, gives reason to talk, but only on professional topics - otherwise his reputation is impeccable.

Brad Pitt: biography.

Brad Pitt: a brief biography

The future actor was born in the US state of Oklahoma (Shauni) in a very religious family. His father worked for a company specializing in freight transportation, and his mother taught at a local school. Soon after, his family moved to Missouri. B. Pitt has an older brother and sister.

At school, Brad was fond of sports, and after graduation, he entered the university at the faculty of journalism and advertising. However, he was always attracted to acting hypostasis, so after graduation, he did not work by profession, but decided to go to the "dream factory". However, Brad Pitt, a biography whose films are now known to many, did not immediately receive widespread recognition and success. He had to work as a loader, driver, and even a barker in a local cafe. Without losing courage and determination, at the same time he studied at acting courses and for the first time in 1987 took part in the films “The Neutral Strip”, “There Is No Way Out”, “Less Than Zero”, where he performed episodic roles.

Brad Pitt: biography in English.

Success came seven years later, when the film “Interview with the Vampire” based on the book of the same name by E. Rice was released. He played a major role in the company of Tom Cruise and the still very young Kirsten Dunst. Then came the melodrama Legends of Autumn. The film was based on the book of D. Harrison. For the role of Tristan, B. Pitt was first nominated for one of the most prestigious awards in cinema - Golden Globe. After a bright appearance on the big screen, the actor received recognition not only from the audience, but also from critics - as if from a cornucopia, offers from the most eminent directors rained down on him and a series of successful films, prestigious awards followed, which, however, has not waned so far.

Now Brad Pitt (a biography in English will be more complete and interesting, so loyal fans recommend reading it in the source language) can afford to act less often, but with the best directors and producers, while simultaneously working on their own projects.

Personal life

Whatever the story of the actor’s romantic hobbies and loves, the press and the audience heard three companions of B. Pitt, who themselves have very high-profile names. In 1995, on the set of the film "Seven," fate brought him to Gwyneth Paltrow, who, according to the script, got the role of his wife. The picture almost became prophetic and resulted in a long romance and engagement in 1996. Therefore, a statement about parting after just six months was a complete surprise. The couple dispersed quietly and without any complaints and charges, as well as an explanation of the reasons.

Brad Pitt: a brief biography.

Three years later, on July 29, 2000, the wedding of the actress, known for her role in the series "Friends", Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. The happy couple has been together for five years.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

The story of the love triangle that started their family saga is worthy not just of Hollywood, but of Shakespeare's pen. Two talented, successful and famous women - even fans were indignant at such news! But, contrary to all, in 2005, Brad Pitt, whose biography and personal life is always in sight, divorced D. Aniston and chose A. Jolie. Already in 2006 (May 27), the couple had a daughter, Shiloh, and two years later - twins Knox and Vivien. However, these are not all members of their large family: the actor adopted the adopted children of Angelina, and now there are six of them.

The couple’s relationship is time-tested, and in 2014 they legalized them: the wedding took place in the private castle of Miraval in France. It is known that in parallel with a pleasant celebration, a very strict marriage contract was concluded. According to his conditions, in the event of treason by B. Pitt, he will lose all rights to joint custody of children.

Brad Pitt: short biography, best quotes.

The filmography of the actor has 67 roles. Agree, a decent figure, and listing them all in one article is simply unrealistic. We suggest you start your introduction to the work of Brad Pitt with the most famous cult paintings.

Legends of Autumn

This is a dynamic romantic melodrama, which caused mixed reviews among critics, but was loved by the viewer. The touching and tragic story of a family (father and three brothers) and a dazzling woman who, by the will of fate, changes their fate, is visible on the screens. Events unfold against the backdrop of the bloody actions of the First World War. Brad Pitt, whose biography was not well known at that time, was first nominated for the Golden Globe Award for his role as Tristan's middle brother.

"Interview with a Vampire"

This film opened the era of sagas and sad stories from the point of view of an exclusively feminine view of vampirism. The film adaptation of the first novel by the American writer E. Rice glorified not only her, but also B. Pitt. The plot focuses on the story of the vampire Louis, who once appeared in the house of a reporter to tell the story of his very long and amazing life. Big names (T. Cruz, A. Banderas), a large budget, chic scenery and brilliant acting cast the picture to the rank of a classic of the genre.


Crime drama about a serial killer who on Earth commits retribution for seven biblical sins. It all starts with the fact that Detective Sommerset decides to retire and retire safely, but a series of crimes and a very young partner, the role of which Brad Pitt played the role of, so inappropriately falls upon him (biography above). An experienced detective immediately realized that he was not dealing with a simple killer, and together they set to work. The actor for this role received the MTV Channel Award in the nomination "The most coveted man."

"12 monkeys"

The action of the tape takes place in 2035. Ninety-nine percent of the world's population has been destroyed by a terrible virus. A small group of people are forced to hide from the threat underground. The only way to improve the situation is to send someone on a dangerous journey in time to stop the spread of the terrible epidemic in time. For the role of the madman, B. Pitt received his first Golden Globe. Interestingly, he agreed to work in the film for a very small fee, since he had the status of a rising Hollywood star.

Ocean Eleven

Brad Pitt: biography and personal life.

Passing this film in the biography of the actor is simply impossible. The picture describes the story of the most daring robbery of the century. Danny Ocean just got out of prison, and a plan is already ripening in his head. Literally overnight, he gathers a professional team of thieves and scammers. Make your bets, gentlemen! Especially since D. Clooney, B. Pitt, M. Damon and D. Roberts take up the matter.

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith"

A melodramatic crime thriller with elements of comedy - this is how the genre of the film can be described, because it has absolutely everything: passion, love, rivalry, betrayal, exciting chases and impressive scenes of the main characters' fights. Future spouses first met on the set of this particular film. In the main role - Brad Pitt (the biography of the actor was discussed above) and A. Jolie. Subsequently, the picture was continued in two more films.

Brad Pitt Biography Movies

It was with these films that the path of fame and recognition of Pitt began. They gave the world a new star, talented and interesting, charming and mysterious, bright and open actor, namely Brad Pitt.

A brief biography cannot accommodate the best quotes, but meanwhile he is famous not only for his work in the cinema, but also for interesting statements about the profession, life, family, children and, of course, love. In particular, the actor said that over the years comes the realization of how fleeting time is. Therefore, you need to spend it on those people whom you love, and an activity that pleases the soul. Agree, it’s hard to argue with this, and the actor himself sets us a perfect example in this .

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