Tomato Gina: characteristics and description of the variety

Tomatoes are the most popular culture among summer residents. Beds with tomatoes can be seen in Russia in almost every suburban area. And of course, many varieties of this culture, the seeds of which are simply in great demand, were bred. If you wish today, you can plant early, late, large or small-fruited tomatoes on your site.

One of the most popular varieties among summer residents is Gina tomatoes. According to gardeners, these tomatoes are distinguished not only by high productivity, but also by their unpretentiousness and resistance to various diseases.

Gina Tomatoes

Gin Tomatoes: Variety Description

These tomatoes were bred relatively recently by European breeders. Gene belongs to the group of large-fruited tomatoes of medium early ripening. Harvest of these tomatoes can be harvested already about 100-110 days after planting.

Gina bushes do not grow too tall. This variety is determinant. Having reached a height of 50 cm, these tomatoes stop growing. That is, gin tomatoes are not tied to summer residents when they are grown. High enough, these tomatoes grow only in closed ground. In a greenhouse, gin tomatoes can reach a height of 1 m. Therefore, a garter when growing them indoors is often still necessary.


The fruits of Gina grow quite large and fleshy. The weight of one such tomato can reach 250 grams. The fruits of this variety are round in shape. Sometimes a slight ribbing is noticeable on Gin's tomatoes.

On each inflorescence of tomatoes of this variety 3-6 fruits are tied. Lower tomatoes on such bushes are usually located above the eighth or ninth leaf. Above the fruits are tied through a leaf.

The color of the genie tomatoes is bright red. The peel of them, judging by the reviews of summer residents, is quite dense and thick. Due to this, the fruits of the variety are distinguished by good keeping quality and transportability. The photos of Gin's tomatoes presented on the page show the presentation of the vegetable very clearly. In reality, on the bushes in the open ground or in the greenhouse, these tomatoes also look very neat and attractive.

Gin Tomato Care


The description of Gin's tomatoes given above allows us to judge this variety as one of the best to date. However, early ripening, accurate appearance and keeping quality are, of course, not the only advantages of these tomatoes.

The taste of the fruit of Gina, according to most summer residents, are also simply excellent. The pulp of these tomatoes is very sweet, without sourness. The gardeners growing this variety use its fruits both for the preparation of salads, and in fresh form or for canning. Gin tomatoes are just perfect, according to many gardeners, for pickling in their own juice.

In the care, this variety, judging by the reviews of summer residents about it, is unpretentious. At the same time, Gina’s yield indicators are very good. With 1 m 2 plantings with good care, you can collect about a bucket of such tomatoes. At the same time, up to 2.5 kg of fruits grows and ripens on one plant.

What else has advantages

Besides unpretentiousness in leaving and high productivity, this European grade differs also in resistance to diseases. For example, fusarium or verticillin wilt in these tomatoes is extremely rare. Since tomatoes are early, they usually do not get late blight.

The positive characteristics of Jin's tomatoes include ecological plasticity. These tomatoes are just perfect for regions with almost any climate. In the southern regions of the country, Gin is often planted directly in open ground. In central Russia, these tomatoes are grown in seedlings. In the northern regions, this tomato is usually cultivated in greenhouses.

How and when to plant seedlings

In boxes in central Russia and the Moscow region, Gin tomatoes are usually sown in the second week of March. Planting material is then pre-placed for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Large-fruited Gina tomatoes

Sowing seeds is carried out in ordinary garden soil, fertilized with organic matter. Boxes for these tomatoes, as well as for any others, choose rather deep. Gina seeds are placed in done in the soil, located about 5 cm from each other, grooves with a depth of 1.5 cm in increments of 3-4 cm.

A picking of seedlings is carried out after the appearance of 1-2 real leaves. For better development of plants on the windowsill, they are once watered with a solution of ash. Nitrogen supplements for gin tomato seedlings are not required. Bushes are transferred to the open ground towards the end of May.

How to plant on the beds

The soil for the seedlings of these tomatoes in the garden, of course, should be prepared in advance. On the surface of the site selected for Gina's landing, at first a rather thick layer is scattered with cow or well-rotted horse manure. Then the ground is carefully dug up on a bayonet shovel.

Transplanting Gina's seedlings in the open ground, of course, is best on a cloudy day. Too sprawling bushes of this variety do not grow. Therefore, they can be placed compactly on the bed. These tomatoes are usually planted in rows, the distance between which is 50 cm. The bushes themselves in the garden are located at a distance of about 35 cm from each other.

Gin's Harvest Tomato

When planting seedlings, its roots and part of the stem are buried in the ground. Next, near each bush they stick a well-leafy branch. This technique allows you to protect plants from "winding" the wind in the first couple of days after planting. Of course, after planting Jin's tomatoes in a permanent place, they need to be properly watered. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get the bushes out of the box later.

How to grow

In care, Gin tomatoes are relatively unpretentious. During the season, they, like any other tomatoes, need to be periodically watered, loosened and fertilized. In the formation of bushes of this variety do not need. Gins are usually planted only when grown in a greenhouse.

Fertilize tomatoes of this variety most often 3-4 times per season. The first top dressing is carried out directly when planting seedlings on the beds. In each hole, before lowering the bush there, put a handful of manure or well-rotted humus.

The second time the tomatoes are fertilized during flowering and fruit set. For the third time, top dressing under the bushes is made during fruiting. In both of these cases, you can fertilize Gin's tomatoes, for example, with this composition:

  • liquid mullein - 0.5 liters;

  • nitrofoski - 1 tbsp. l .;

  • water - 10 liters.

Use this fertilizer in the amount of 0.5 liters per bush.

Gin should be watered only with warm water. Otherwise, they may get sick. Water should first be defended under sunlight in some large capacity.

The beds with this crop are humidified, usually by the root method. The amount of Gina irrigation depends on the climate of a particular region, as well as on the weather conditions of a particular season. Experienced summer residents are advised to water tomatoes of this variety, like any other tomatoes, not too often, but plentifully.

Gina - medium early tomato

Tomatoes of Gin: reviews of summer residents

Although this variety was bred relatively recently, it has already managed to win its fans among summer residents. Successfully grow Gina in Russia, in Belarus and in Ukraine, many gardeners. And gardeners have a very good opinion about the variety.

In addition to unpretentiousness and the lack of need for the formation of bushes, summer residents attribute the versatility of fruits to the pluses of Gina. The taste of tomatoes of this variety, according to gardeners, are really just excellent. And this applies not only to fresh fruits. Gin canned tomatoes are convenient to eat, and they also have a pleasant taste. In jars, these tomatoes look just fine. Due to the thick peel during salting and pickling, they never burst.

Gina Fruit Benefits

Excellent taste and a neat appearance are not the only virtue of Gin tomatoes. Eating these fruits, like others that have a bright red color, is very good for health. In addition to the huge amount of vitamins, gin tomatoes contain carotenoid lycopene. It is this substance that gives the skin and pulp of these tomatoes a red color.

Gin Tomato Harvest

In its beneficial effects on the human body, lycopene is even superior to beta-carotene. This substance, among other things, for example, is able to neutralize oxidizing agents that destroy nerve cells and blood vessels in the human body. Also lycopene is an excellent means of preventing cancer.

Is it possible to collect seeds

Here are such and has a productive unpretentious tomato Gin characteristics. A description of it in the article was given quite detailed. And after learning about the advantages of this variety, many summer residents will probably want to grow it. Of course, for the first time, the seeds of this tomato will most likely have to be purchased at the store. But will it be possible in the future to collect planting material for this tomato yourself?

Nowadays, just a huge number of different kinds of tomato hybrids are grown on summer cottages. Of course, collecting seeds from such tomatoes is simply pointless. All the same, it will not be possible to grow good productive bushes from them next year.

Gin's tomato is precisely the variety. Therefore, its seeds collected on the site for planting next year are just fine. But the summer resident, who decided to do just that, should keep in mind that on sale today there is, among other things, the planting material of Gene TST.

Gina variety characteristics

These are also very good harvested and unpretentious tomatoes. However, unlike Gina, Gina TST is a hybrid. Therefore, before proceeding with the collection of seeds for planting next year, it is worthwhile to carefully examine the packaging that was once purchased in the store and make sure that it was Gina tomatoes that were grown on the site, and not a hybrid that was similar in name.

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