What is a fume: the causes of occurrence and how to deal with it?

After a party or a tumultuous feast, some people have bad breath. It is a mixture of the aroma of alcohol and uncleaned teeth. Its appearance is caused by intoxication of the body by the decay products of ethanol. In teetotalers or low-drinkers, this does not happen. This article provides descriptions of the causes of its occurrence, as well as tips on how to kill the fume.

What is a fume, and why does it appear?

The reason for the appearance of a fume (bad breath due to abuse of alcoholic beverages) is the breakdown of alcohol products inside the body. An hour after the first dose of alcohol of any strength is enough to start the process. So much time is required on average by the liver to start the process of splitting alcohol into harmless acetic acid, which is gradually removed from the body.

While the residues of ethanol have not yet been processed by enzymes, the smell of wine or a cocktail (any drink that a person has consumed) is mixed with fume. As a result, morning breathing is formed with an indescribable "amber." It is impossible to get rid of it either by brushing your teeth or using mint chewing gum. Most attempts to drink and chew this smell are in vain or bring results in just five minutes.

The body seeks to get rid of the decay products of ethanol, not only through the lungs (respiration), but through the sweat glands. Therefore, the clothes of a drunk person often have an indescribably unpleasant odor.

Fume Medicine

What drinks are the most severe fumes?

Medicines and folk remedies contribute to the fastest possible removal of acetic aldehyde from the body of a hangover. Thanks to them, you can affect the weathering rate of an unpleasant odor.

It is important to consider which drink and how much was drunk. Oddly enough, the fume from vodka disappears the fastest. The fact is that vodka does not contain dyes, flavors or other food additives. It provides fast and strong intoxication. A conditionally healthy liver processes 200 grams of vodka in four to five hours. Approximately the same amount of time is required to remove ethanol decomposition products from the body. That is, with a relatively healthy body, a fume of 200 g of vodka will disappear after ten to eleven hours.

Beer and Fume

The strongest and longest fume from cheap packaged wines (which actually are colored diluted alcohol with additives) and strong canned cocktails. After the abuse of these drinks, inexperienced people will immediately know what a fume is. Two cans of a carbonated sweet cocktail with a strength of 7.9% will poison the body of the drinker for about eight hours. And the fume from them will persist for about fourteen hours.

How long does the fume last?

Here is a list of drinks from which the smell of fumes lasts the longest:

  • carbonated sweet cocktails and beer with a strength above 7%;
  • cheap packaged wines;
  • vermouth, fruit tinctures;
  • gin, whiskey, cognac;
  • vodka and moonshine.

How long does a fume last from light drinks? The smell of a good-quality semi-sweet wine will disappear in a maximum of two to three hours.

How long does a fume last from strong drinks? It will take about eleven hours to completely break down cognac alcohol products. In people with a healthy liver, this process will take less time - about eight hours. Cognac, whiskey and gin are much more slowly absorbed into the walls of the stomach due to the content of tannins in the composition.

Fume smell

Is it possible to hide the fume at the medical examination?

Often, those who like to drive in a “fake” state have a problem. When stopping by traffic police or getting into an accident, the smell of fume cannot be hidden. Law enforcement officers have the right to refer such a person for a medical examination. After this, a person who violates the law is threatened with a deprivation of a driver’s license and the payment of a fine for an administrative offense.

A person with a bad breath raises a logical question: is it possible to get rid of exhaled alcohol fumes and deceive the commission? The answer is no, this is not possible. The ppm in the blood is measured with a special device in the laboratory, and no pills or tricks will help to fake the result.

Fume in the morning

How to instantly remove the fume?

If you need to get rid of the smell in a short time, and at the same time there will be no medical research, you can try the method with oil. This is an old army method.

It consists in the fact that you need to pinch your nose with your fingers and drink in one gulp 100-150 ml (ideally one full glass) of sunflower oil. Can be replaced with olive.

This method is only suitable for people with a healthy liver, pancreas and gall bladder. It is dangerous in that it can provoke obstruction of the bile ducts.

The opinion of doctors about trying to get rid of fumes

Health professionals are skeptical of trying to get rid of this bad smell. They know what a fume is and what specific processes occur in the body in parallel with it. Until toxins are removed from the body, talking about a “cure” for fumes is simply ridiculous.

Doctors categorically do not recommend resorting to the "evaporation" of a hangover in the bath or after doing athletics (jogging) after heavy libations. Very often, such methods lead to heart failure and heart attacks.

Fume Remedies

Folk recipes and methods

How to kill a fume without resorting to medication? Here are the most popular recipes on how to do this at home:

  • If intoxication is mild, sometimes it is enough to wash with cold water or take a contrast shower.
  • You can break the smell from drinking alcohol by brushing your teeth with a paste with a strong mint aroma and rinsing your mouth thoroughly. This method is short-term in action and allows you to get rid of a light fume.
  • You can chew on succulent inflorescences or leaves of parsley, mountain ash, walnut or drink a little valerian. This trick allows you to hide the unpleasant amber for half an hour.
  • Chew a fresh crust of orange or lemon.
  • Prepare a rich broth on chicken bone, lightly salt and add greens. Drink hot as much as possible. This method will help to cope not only with a fume, but also with the rest of the symptoms of a hangover syndrome.
Alcohol and Fume

Medicines for fumes

Pharmacists know firsthand what fume is. Often clients come to them with a request to advise a cure for a hangover. The morning breath of such “patients” leaves much to be desired. Here are the top 5 most popular pharmacy remedies for this scourge:

  • "Limontar" is an amino acid preparation, which consists of succinic and citric acids. It effectively relieves the symptoms of a hangover, treats a headache and helps get rid of fumes in the shortest possible time.
  • "Zorex" is made in the form of capsules. Promotes the oxidation of the decay products of ethanol and their removal from the body. Eliminates the main symptoms of a hangover, including halitosis.
  • Alka-Seltzer contains acetylsalicylic and citric acids. The use of drugs provides anesthetic and tonic effect. For the best effect, it is recommended to take it as soon as possible after the abuse of ethanol-containing drinks.
  • "Stand up" contains extracts of ginseng, mountain ash, St. John's wort, rose hips. The drug stimulates the restoration of brain cells after exposure to toxic ethanol. It has excellent anesthetic properties, contributes to the rapid disposal of fumes.
  • Medichronal has an excellent detoxifying effect. It helps to accelerate the metabolism, due to which the symptoms of a hangover state and the smell of fumes go away. Doctors advise taking this drug in severe conditions at the time of exit from binges.
How to get rid of fumes quickly?

The best and most effective remedy for fumes

The banal and most effective thing that can be used from the smell of alcohol in the morning is not to abuse ethanol-containing drinks. If you do not drink them, then there will be no fume.

If a person cannot control himself and gets drunk before a hangover syndrome, then we can talk about the presence of the first stage of chronic alcoholism. It’s fashionable to drink now, men, women and even teenagers do it. Nobody even thinks of going to a narcologist. Limit yourself to drinking - too. In our country, even children of twelve years old know what a fume is and who it happens to. This is an occasion to think about the example that adults give to children.

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