The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in children and adults

Preserving the health of the child is the main task of the parents. However, if in the prenatal period , the fetal condition directly depends on the health of the mother’s body, then after birth the baby settles in and every day becomes more independent.

blood hemoglobin rate in children

Thus, maintaining the child’s health at the proper level is becoming more difficult, which is why modern medicine recommends constantly taking a general blood test for children from five months to five years, so as not to miss the onset of the development of the disease.

The rate of hemoglobin in an adult is significantly different from the level of hemoglobin in a child, this has a connection with certain stages of the development of the cardiovascular system. After all, every year the circulatory system of a child develops according to its own laws. In children aged zero to one year, active blood formation processes occur, which is why the hemoglobin content in the blood is quite large even for an adult and is 140 - 225 grams per liter.

The rate of hemoglobin in the blood of children from one year to 2 years is slightly lower - 110 - 140 grams per liter. Further, these boundaries can vary slightly until the child reaches 12 years of age. In adolescence, due to intensive growth processes, the hemoglobin level rises again and can reach 150 grams per liter, and from 15 to 17 years, even 166 grams per liter.

hemoglobin rate in an adult

Hypohemoglobinemia is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood relative to the age norm. It is the main symptom of anemia (anemia). With proper nutrition, the hemoglobin norm in the blood in children may deviate slightly, but in case of malnutrition, a blood test will be very disappointing. With this development of events, the child urgently needs to fill the lack of iron in the body by introducing red meat, red fish, caviar, pomegranate juice into the diet. Iron supplements and folic acid may be used as adjunctive therapy. Otherwise, in the absence of treatment for hypogemoglobinemia, the child may lag behind peers in development, both in physical and psychological.

Most importantly, remember that the norm of hemoglobin in the blood in children depends on the age and gender of the child. Having passed a general blood test (peripheral blood sampling is performed by piercing the skin of the ring finger, and in very small blood is taken from the vessels of the heel), consult a pediatrician or a hematologist. Specialists will accurately determine the age norms and check the results of the analyzes. If problems are found, they will determine the right treatment strategy. To prevent the development of pathology, daily monitoring of the general condition of the child, monitoring of peripheral blood counts and, of course, strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations will help.

hemoglobin content in the blood

Each parent just needs to know what is the norm of hemoglobin in the blood of children. This will greatly simplify the process of detecting diseases in a child. And in time, the noticed disease is much easier to cure than its neglected form. Keep track of test results and your child will grow up healthy and strong.

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