Preparation for passing the analysis of TSH: features, interpretation and recommendations

In the article, we will consider how the preparation for passing the TSH analysis is going.

The thyroid gland is an organ of internal secretion, a protruding part of the endocrine system. The thyroid gland synthesizes a number of important hormones that support the homeostasis of the body. According to statistics, at least three percent of the world's population suffers from various thyroid diseases in the world, and often they are diagnosed in women. In Russia, from fifteen to thirty percent of the population have various deviations in the work of this body.

Many are interested in how to pass TSH correctly. Indications and preparation will be described below.

how to pass TTG

External symptoms of thyroid disease are too shiny eyes, along with trembling hands and rapid weight loss with a fairly good appetite. Thus, people who have similar manifestations should immediately think about their health, and in addition, go to an appointment with a specialist. That is why it is required to regularly donate blood for thyroid-stimulating hormone, which is an important indicator of thyroid health.

Preparation for passing the TSH analysis is very important.

When is the test prescribed?

Thyroid-stimulating hormone, or thyrotropin in another way, is produced by the pituitary gland and is the main regulator of the functioning of the thyroid gland. The main functions of TSH are to influence the synthesis of triiodothyronine and thyroxine. The latter are the most important hormones that regulate the formation of energy in the human body, responsible for the exchange of proteins and fats. In addition, through TSH, the processes of iodine entry into the thyroid gland are regulated and fat splitting into acids is enhanced.

It is important to find out in advance how to take an analysis on TSH correctly.

Triiodothyronine and thyroxine affect the activity of various body systems. In addition to metabolism, they act on the work of the cardiovascular, digestive and reproductive systems, are responsible for a number of mental functions.

Interconnected hormones

TSH, triiodothyronine and thyroxine are interconnected hormones. In this regard, the doctor often prescribes a study of triiodothyronine and thyroxine together with an analysis of TSH. The content of the latter in the blood is inversely proportional to the amount of TSH. It should be noted that after reaching a certain concentration, triiodothyronine and thyroxine have a depressing effect on the production of TSH. And with a decrease in the concentration of these hormones, the level of TSH, on the contrary, increases. A blood test for TSH allows the endocrinologist to fully evaluate the hormonal background of the patient.

how to donate blood to thyroid hormones

Thyrotropin is a glycoprotein hormone that is produced directly in the anterior pituitary gland. The processes of its synthesis are regulated by releasing factors that are produced by neurosecretory hypothalamic cells. The production of thyrotropin is carried out under the control of somatostatin (that is, the hormone of the hypothalamus), biogenic amines (we are talking about derivatives of ammonia) and thyroid hormone.

Not everyone knows how to donate blood to thyroid hormones.

Factors that affect blood TSH

First of all, you should be aware that the level of TSH may vary depending on the current time of day. It reaches its greatest value mainly at night, during the period from two to four hours, as well as from six to eight in the morning, and the smallest - from five to seven in the evening. During wakefulness at night, the secretion processes of this hormone are disturbed. In addition, a decreased level of TSH can be observed during lactation and pregnancy, which is considered normal.

The effect of drugs

Some drugs may also affect your overall TSH level. The thyroid gland is associated with the work of many organ systems, a violation in which can affect the secretion of the hormone. In more detail, the reasons for deviation from the norms in one direction or another will be considered below. The amount of TSH in the assay is usually measured in units per volume (mU / L). The analysis is prescribed by an endocrinologist or therapist. Indications for his delivery, as a rule, are as follows:

  • The study is prescribed in case of suspected thyroid goiter or hypothyroidism.
  • Against the background of male or female infertility, and in addition, with problems with potency.
  • In the event that the patient undergoes a course of hormone replacement therapy.
  • With various problems of the patient with the heart.
  • In the case of myopathy (with muscle damage).
  • Against the background of the development of hypothermia (when the temperature is lowered).
  • With alopecia, amenorrhea and prolonged depression.
  • In case of delayed mental and sexual development in children.

Next, find out how to prepare for the delivery of the analysis in question.

how to pass the analysis of TTG

Preparation for passing TSH analysis

Immediately before taking a blood test, you need to perform a number of preparatory measures:

  • For three days, it is required to completely eliminate the use of alcohol along with smoking, heavy physical and emotional stress, hypothermia and overheating of the body. What else is the preparation for the test for TSH hormone?
  • It is advisable to completely exclude the use of any medication, if possible (but on the cancellation of admission, you need to consult a doctor). This is especially true for hormonal drugs, iodine medications and vitamin complexes.
  • How to donate blood to thyroid hormones? Donate blood on TSH should be on an empty stomach, immediately before that you should drink a glass of water. It is necessary to refuse food twelve hours before delivery. It should be remembered that compliance with all preparatory procedures in many respects affects the reliability of the analysis result. It is in the patient's interest to comply with absolutely all requirements.

How to donate blood for TSH?

During the test for TSH, a standard blood sampling procedure is performed, which is done from a vein. It is necessary to take biomaterial in the morning, from eight to eleven o'clock.

How is TSH (pituitary hormone) tested?

The methodology for determining the amount of TSH content is called microparticle chemiluminescent immunoassay. The main object of study in this case is blood serum. In the event that a person has previously had any abnormalities in the thyroid gland, it is recommended to check the amount of TSH twice a year. Moreover, it is advisable to do this always at the same time, and in addition, in the same laboratory, since dissimilar equipment can be used in various medical institutions along with various reagents, methods and an assessment scale.

How to pass TTG, we told.

how to pass ttg correctly testimony and preparation

Deciphering the results

It must be remembered that an independent interpretation of a blood test for this hormone in no way replaces the doctor’s advice, especially if a deviation from the norm in a certain direction was found. Any deviation can indicate the presence of a variety of diseases, in this regard, for the correct diagnosis, you need to contact an endocrinologist.

So, in the event that a person has the results of an analysis on TSH in his hands, he will be able to independently compare them with the normative value according to the following standards:

  • In newborns, from 1.1 to 17 mU / l.
  • At the age of more than two and a half months - from 0.6 to 10 mU / l.
  • At the age of fourteen months - from 0.4 to 7 mU / l.
  • Up to five years - from 0.4 to 6 mU / l.
  • At the age of fourteen, from 0.4 to 5 mU / l.
  • At the age over fourteen, from 0.4 to 4 mU / l.

As can be seen from the above indicators, the amount of TSH with age, as a rule, gradually decreases in people, and this happens throughout life. Therefore, only a doctor can correctly determine which level of TSH is considered normal for a particular patient, especially in the case of age-related patients. As part of deciphering the results of TSH tests, the endocrinologist takes into account absolutely all the individual characteristics of the patient, starting from weight and age, ending with sex, previous diseases, taking medications, the condition of all organs, and so on.

TTG hormone preparation for analysis

If the preparation for the test for the hormone TSH was correct, then the result is most likely to be reliable.

TSH increased

An increased amount of TSH in the analysis may indicate the following diseases:

  • The presence of mental and somatic disorders.
  • Various pathologies of the pituitary gland, for example thyrotropinoma (that is, the patient has pituitary adenoma) and any neoplasm of the pituitary gland.
  • Hypothyroidism of various etiologies (we are talking about a lack of thyroid hormones).
  • The development of the syndrome of unregulated secretion of the hormone TSH.
  • The presence of a syndrome of resistance to thyroid hormones.
  • The occurrence of adrenal insufficiency.
  • The development of thyroiditis, that is, inflammation of the thyroid gland.
  • In the presence of breast tumors, a phenomenon such as the occurrence of ectopic secretion is observed (that is, when the tumor secretes hormones).
  • The presence of preeclampsia, which is a serious complication in the presence of pregnancy.

After cholecystectomy

An increased level of the hormone in question can also be observed immediately after an operation aimed at removing the gallbladder (that is, after cholecystectomy), and other surgical interventions. Also, an elevated level is observed during hemodialysis, after direct contact with lead, severe physical exertion, and with the use of certain medications (especially in athletes).

blood test for ttg preparation

With proper preparation for a blood test for TSH and proper delivery, a result with a lowered level of the hormone can be obtained. What is this talking about?

TSH reduced

In the event that a low TSH is detected in the blood test, this may report the following problems:

  • The presence of stressful conditions and mental disorders.
  • The development of thyrotoxicosis, that is, poisoning with thyroid hormones of various etiologies (this happens due to illiterate intake of hormonal drugs, against the background of toxic goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis and so on).
  • If trauma or pituitary necrosis occurs (after childbirth, including).
  • A reduced TSH level is also observed due to strict diets and starvation, and in addition, as a result of the use of certain drugs (we are talking about anabolic steroids, corticosteroids, cytostatics, etc.).

How to correctly pass the analysis on TSH, now it’s clear.

How much does such an analysis cost?

The cost of a blood test for the hormone in question in private research laboratories and medical centers can range from seven hundred to eight hundred rubles, if we are talking about Moscow. In St. Petersburg and other regions, the cost will be slightly lower and will range from four hundred to six hundred rubles. Usually preparing results takes only one business day.

It should be remembered that it is simply impossible to precisely determine the causes of thyroid dysfunction using only an analysis of TSH. Most likely, this will require additional studies to determine the hormones of triiodothyronine and thyroxine.

It so happened that the fairer sex is more sensitive to changes in thyroid hormones, and therefore they are diagnosed with hypothyroidism much more often than men. One of the most common causes of this disease is pregnancy, which proceeds with various complications. As for the representatives of the stronger sex, they often have this deviation is completely asymptomatic, so it makes sense to take blood tests for the hormone TSH for prevention.

blood test for ttg preparation

Where can I get this analysis?

It is worth noting that it is not possible to conduct preparation and delivery of a blood test for TSH at all in every clinic. The fact is that the expensive reagents that are necessary for such a study do not allow all clinics to carry out such a procedure. But today, in almost every Russian city, there will certainly be a laboratory or some kind of representative office of a large center in which it will be possible to quickly and at affordable prices determine the level of one or another thyroid hormone.

We examined what the preparation for the analysis of TSH consists in.

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