Farm animals. Livestock farms and complexes

Agriculture in our country today, unfortunately, is in a rather difficult post-crisis situation. And if crop production, although slowly, but still continues to develop, in livestock breeding there is a serious decline. There are many reasons for this. However, it is still possible to rectify the situation. To do this, you need to use new technologies in keeping and breeding animals, as well as take care of the reconstruction and modernization of old agricultural complexes.

What animals are bred in the Russian Federation?

Small farms and large agricultural complexes can have a very different specialization. But most often agricultural companies and individual entrepreneurs raise such types of farm animals as:

  • pigs;

  • cattle (cattle) ;

  • small cattle (MPC);

  • rabbits of meat and sand breeds.

Moreover, in each case, a certain breeding and maintenance technology is used. All agricultural animals indicated in the list are distinguished by good productivity and relative unpretentiousness in relation to feed and care.

farm animals

Cow Features

The profitability of farms and agricultural enterprises engaged in cattle breeding depends mainly on the following factors:

  1. The correct breed choice. Most often, dairy cows are kept on farms today. Representatives of such breeds are capable of producing up to 5-6 thousand liters of milk during lactation. There are, of course, meat varieties of cows. To breed such animals with proper organization can also be quite profitable. Their main value is very tasty, juicy, usually โ€œmarbleโ€ (with thin fat layers) meat.

  2. Develop a suitable diet. The main food of cows is, of course, grass and hay in the winter. However, these animals must also be fed root crops, grains, bran and animal feed. Meat and bone meal, yeast, various kinds of vitamin and mineral additives are included in the diet.

  3. Arrangement of a suitable barn. The barn for these animals must be carefully planned. At least 6 m 2 of area should be allocated per cow. These agricultural animals themselves must be kept in individual stall machines. At the same time, feeders and shelves are installed along the working passage. For milking, feeding and watering, the use of special equipment is economically justified.

types of farm animals

Pig Features

In this case, at first it is also important to pay attention to the breed. Breeding pigs, as they are characterized by early maturity and fertility, with the right approach to business can be a really really profitable occupation. After all, these animals are distinguished not only by rapid weight gain, but also by early maturity, as well as fertility. From one sow alone, you can sometimes get up to 14 calves in one farrow. These animals are raised for about six months. During this time, the mass of piglets increases by 15-22 times.

Of course, the profitability of a pig farm is determined primarily by the proper organization of production. In this case, diseases of farm animals are excluded and their productivity is increased.

farm animal diseases

Currently, farmers grow meat, bacon and greasy pigs. The latter are unpretentious and quickly gain weight. Breeding bacon and meat breeds allows you to earn income on the sale of very high quality expensive meat. Today in Russia about 30 breeds of pigs are bred. In any case, choose the one that is best suited to the climate of this particular area.

Features of the organization of the pigsty

When designing a barn for these farm animals, the main emphasis should be on minimizing manual labor and maintaining cleanliness. Floors in modern pigsties are usually slanted (to drain urine and liquid feces). At the same time, special equipment is installed near the barn - septic tanks. A prerequisite for the successful maintenance of pigs is also the arrangement of ventilation and good lighting.

flock of sheep

The barn itself is divided into several parts: for adult animals, young animals and sows. Sometimes a slaughterhouse is also equipped. But more often than animals that have gained enough weight, they are still handed over to slaughterhouses.

Pig feeding

For quick weight gain, these agricultural animals must receive feed of the following varieties:

  • coarse - grass and grass meal;

  • juicy - root crops (potatoes, fodder beets) ;

  • concentrated - cereals.

Feeding of farm animals of this group is organized in such a way that they receive as many proteins as possible. Therefore, the main emphasis in the diet is on cereals. Pigs can be given oats, wheat, barley, etc. Include in their diet and carbohydrate feed - beet meal, molasses. Their use helps to improve the digestibility of cereals by animals.

Features of the content of IFAs

Farm animals such as goats and sheep are also very popular with domestic farmers. It is believed that their breeding can be quite cost-effective. The technology for keeping these animals can be grazing or stall-grazing. The first technique is usually practiced in warm regions.

In cold areas, a herd of sheep and goats is most often kept using a stall-pasture method. But in this case, winter pastures on pastures are sometimes practiced.

dairy cows

Goat feeding

Premises intended for keeping goats and sheep, in order to avoid the occurrence of catarrhal diseases in animals, are usually insulated with straw in cold weather. They feed goats and sheep from a day nursery, and continue grazing in the fall until the snow layer reaches 10-15 cm. When kept in a pen, hay is used as the main feed. Goats and sheep are also given pre-harvested brooms from deciduous tree branches. Of course, these animals must receive agricultural and concentrated feed. It can be cereals, compound feed, bran.

How to keep rabbits

Fur farming in our country, unfortunately, is practically not developed. Farm animals such as dairy cows, pigs and sheep have been bred for a very long time and traditionally. Maintaining rabbits is mainly done only by small farmers. Meanwhile, raising these animals can be a truly profitable occupation. Rabbit meat is considered unique because it does not contain cholesterol. Hence its high cost. Rabbits breed very quickly.

The disadvantage of keeping these animals on farms is only some difficulty in grooming. Infectious diseases pose a serious danger to rabbits. In case of technology violations, a very large attack can be observed. The basic rule of detention in this case is to maintain cleanliness in cells or aviaries.

livestock farm

Rabbits are fed the same as other farm animals. In this case, the main emphasis is on roughage (grass, hay, brooms).

Livestock Farm: Organization Features

Of course, for breeding farm animals, first of all, you should build a corral, shed, cowshed or pigsty. However, farms and large agricultural enterprises are usually entire complexes, which, among other things, may include:

  • water supply and sewage systems;

  • access roads;

  • veterinary points;

  • quarantine isolators;

  • walking yards;

  • green spaces.

Water mains are led to cowsheds, pigsties, etc., usually from autonomous wells through trenches at a depth below freezing. To distribute water, they are connected to special equipment. In most cases, a livestock farm is equipped with a primitive sewage system. When choosing septic tanks and arranging drainage systems, it is important to correctly calculate the volumes of effluents.

feeding farm animals

Veterinary points are usually organized only in large farms. Small farmers, if necessary, invite specialists from the nearest settlements. A quarantine isolator must be in every household. Animals are placed here not only if a contagious disease is suspected, but also immediately after purchase. The latter measure avoids the spread of a possible infection to an existing herd of sheep, goats or cows. Green spaces are used to protect the complex from winds and to protect it from drifts.

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