What is biomass? What is her purpose

What is biomass, what are the sources of its production? What is meant by this term? First of all, we note that it can be considered a source of renewable energy.

Source of energy

Considering the question of what biomass is, it is necessary to mention that we are talking about all materials of plant origin. The following materials are suitable for energy release:

  • grass;
  • wood;
  • wood and vegetable waste;
  • dung of pigs and cattle.

what is biomass

The benefits of biomass

So what is biomass? What are its advantages over traditional types of minerals? This energy source provides energy saving, improves living standards, improves well-being, and reduces poverty.

Modern energy systems, which are created on the basis of the use of green mass, are potential mechanisms for relieving rural residents of poverty. Sources of biomass can be found in any village, village. They allow you to create sustainable development of the region, without harming the ecological condition of the area.

The availability of fuel derived from biomass contributes to the development of energy-intensive industries located away from large industrial centers.

Arguing over what biomass is, we note that this is a resource that allows you to get the required amount of energy (biogas) at any time.

Among the disadvantages of using grass as a fuel source, seasonality should be mentioned, so the use of such technology in warm regions will be more beneficial.

With the rational use of biomass energy, one can count on inexpensive electric energy without significant costs.

The issue is particularly relevant due to the decrease in reserves of traditional sources of hydrocarbons.

High school students studying economics are asked the following question: β€œDefine the meaning of the terms:β€œ biomass ”,β€œ biofuel ”. The answer implies a story about the main component - green grass, peat, sawdust. Confirm the effectiveness of the use of biomass in the modern economy using mathematical calculations.

define the meaning of the terms biomass

Calculation Examples

You can evaluate the effectiveness of the use of manure to obtain biodiesel. Given the weight of cattle, the amount of manure released per day (month), the amount of gas that can be obtained from a kilogram of cow manure, the total fuel yield can be calculated.

Multiplying the result by the cost of one liter of diesel, you can get a cash equivalent. In order for the calculations to be complete, they deduct all the costs associated with the acquisition of equipment, as well as its installation and maintenance.

biomass sources

To calculate the payback of the project, its profitability will require more complex mathematical operations.

The search for alternative ways of generating energy is one of the priority tasks set for domestic power engineers. The use of biomass is one way of solving the problem of energy resources.

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